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  1. ProcessWire Dashboard Download You can find the latest release on Github. Documentation Check out the documentation to get started. This is where you'll find information about included panel types and configuration options. Custom Panels The goal was to make it simple to create custom panels. The easiest way to do that is to use the panel type template and have it render a file in your templates folder. This might be enough for 80% of all use cases. For anything more complex (FormBuilder submissions? Comments? Live chat?), you can add new panel types by creating modules that extend the DashboardPanel base class. Check out the documentation on custom panels or take a look at the HelloWorld panel to get started. I'm happy to merge any user-created modules into the main repo if they might be useful to more than a few people. Roadmap Panel types Google Analytics Draft At a glance / Page counter 404s Layout options Render multiple tabs per panel Chart panel load chart data from JS file (currently passed as PHP array)
  2. Hello Community! I found quite a few ways or tools to style the admin or build a dashboard: - the new way with the .less compilation (reno style, rock style) - dashboard modules or tutorials how to build your own - admin on stereoids Vocabulary: With "admin like user" I do not mean a full admin but an user with quite a lot of priviledges ... My problem is that I do want to change the admin template for every (admin like) user in a different way. Or if I would build a bigger dashboard certain functionlity should only be available for a few (admin like) users but not for everyone. I would need different versions of the admin theme or the built dashboards for different admin users To start with a very simple example: Let's say I wanna give one (admin like) user a different background color (with css). Let's say I wanna have an extra button or tab for some (admin like) user which another (admin like) user should not have How can I take advantage of processwire roles in all these examples I mentioned in the beginning?
  3. So I was going to build a todo tracking app for myself to test/broaden my knowledge of processwire, and so far it has been taxing ?. My Site structure is: - Project One - Phase One - Task - Task - Task - Phase Two - Task - Task - Task So far it was pretty easy, I can easily foreach through the Project and get the phases with their tasks. However, it gets a bit muddled when I have more than one project as I was trying to have a dashboard where the content switches out to the selected project as opposed to accessing each project via their own url. How would yall handle this? My next hurdle is each task has a select field (for project status) that I want to update via ajax (for the smooth transitioning). Scenario: You finish a task, change the option from "new" to "completed", and an onclick changes the status drop down background to green (which I have working), but then posts/saves a field on the backend to the new option. I have a page called "Actions" set up with url segments using if ($config->ajax && $input->urlSegment1 == 'change-status') { //save update field on admin } However, I am a little fuzzy on how to actually pass the current page along with the new selected status to actually update the page (task). I guess I am not very far into my endeavor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Sometimes you have clients who will login to the admin, and they perhaps only need to access a few areas of the site, such as: a product or blog list (ListerPro) site settings formbuilder entries specific front end pages documentation helpdesk backup interface Server health or server status (for example site5 has a page for every server to see it's status) Link to a bookmark (page tree bookmark for example) - this is awesome by the way Run a special action like clear a wirecache or other custom caching Add a billing or late payment notice Add an alert about upcoming server maintenance The Problem: How can you collate all of these diverse links and messages into 1 page, as fast and easy as possible, make it hassle-free to add stuff to it, maybe some messages, change the order of the links etc. In some systems this is called the Dashboard. You can make one in a few minutes using: 1.) Admin Custom Pages 2.) ready.php in your site folder Steps: Install ACP create a file inside templates for your dashboard (e.g. _ac_dashboard.php). Create your dashboard page below the admin branch of the page tree, assign it to ACP, and set the template to use to the one you created. This example will display a table of quicklinks. Contents of the dasboard file: <?php wire('modules')->get('MarkupAdminDataTable'); ?> <h3>Title of site here</h3> <div id='ProcessFieldList'> <table id='AdminDataTable1' class='AdminDataTable AdminDataList AdminDataTableResponsive AdminDataTableSortable'> <thead> <tr> <th>Item</th> <th>Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href='<?php echo $config->urls->admin?>blog/'>Blog</a></td> <td>Filterable/Searchable listing of blog posts.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='<?php echo $config->urls->admin?>news/'>News</a></td> <td>Filterable/Searchable listing of news items.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='<?php echo $config->urls->admin?>projects/'>Projects</a></td> <td>Filterable/Searchable listing of projects.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='<?php echo $config->urls->admin?>page/'>Page Tree</a></td> <td>A hierarchical listing of the pages in your site.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='<?php echo $config->urls->admin?>settings/'>Site Settings</a></td> <td>Global site settings</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <script>AdminDataTable.initTable($('#AdminDataTable1'));</script> </div><!--/#ProcessFieldList--> You only need this if you want to redirect logins to the dashboard: add to ready.php (where 1234 is the ID of your dashboard page): if($page->template=="admin" && $page->id == 2) $session->redirect($pages->get(1234)->url);
  5. After this tutorial you'll have learned how to: Build a Process module Make an AJAX request to backend Serve JSON as response Let's say you want to display the latest orders in a dashboard that you can access from admin panel. And you want it to refresh its content with a button click. Most straightforward and proper way (that I know of) is to create a Process module, as they're built for this purpose. First, create a directory under /site/modules/, call it ProcessDashboard, and create a file named ProcessDashboard.module under that directory. Following is about the least amount of code you need to create a Process module. <?php namespace ProcessWire; class ProcessDashboard extends Process { public static function getModuleInfo() { return [ 'title' => 'Orders Dashboard', 'summary' => 'Shows latest orders', 'version' => '0.0.1', 'author' => 'abdus', 'autoload' => true, // to automatically create process page 'page' => [ 'name' => 'order-dashboard', 'title' => 'Orders', 'template' => 'admin' ] ]; } public function ___execute() { return 'hello'; } } Once you refresh module cache from Modules > Refresh, you'll see your module. Install it. It will create an admin page under admin (/processwire/) and will show up as a new item in top menu, and when you click on it, it will show the markup we've built in execute() function. All right, now let's make it do something useful. Let's add create a data list to display latest orders. We'll change execute() function to render a data table. public function ___execute() { /* @var $table MarkupAdminDataTable */ $table = $this->modules->MarkupAdminDataTable; $table->setID($this->className . 'Table'); // "#ProcessDashboardTable" $table->headerRow([ 'Product', 'Date', 'Total' ]); // fill the table foreach ($this->getLatest(10) as $order) { $table->row([ $order['title'], $order['date'], $order['total'] ]); } // to refresh items $refreshButton = $this->modules->InputfieldSubmit; $refreshButton->name = 'refresh'; $refreshButton->id = $this->className . 'Refresh'; // "#ProcessDashboardRefresh" $refreshButton->value = 'Refresh'; // label of the button return $table->render() . $refreshButton->render(); } where getLatest() function finds and returns the latest orders (with only title, date and total fields) protected function getLatest($limit = 5, $start = 0) { // find last $limit orders, starting from $start $orders = $this->pages->find("template=order, sort=-created, limit=$limit, start=$start"); // Only return what's necessary return $orders->explode(function ($order) { return [ 'title' => $order->title, 'date' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $order->created), 'total' => $order->total ]; }); } When you refresh the page, you should see a table like this Now we'll make that Refresh button work. When the button is clicked, it will make an AJAX request to ./latest endpoint, which will return a JSON of latest orders. We need some JS to make AJAX request and render new values. Create a JS file ./assets/dashboard.js inside the module directory. window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { let refresh = document.querySelector('#ProcessDashboardRefresh'); let table = document.querySelector('#ProcessDashboardTable'); refresh.addEventListener('click', function (e) { // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/Event/preventDefault e.preventDefault(); // Send a GET request to ./latest // http://api.jquery.com/jquery.getjson/ $.getJSON('./latest', { limit: 10 }, function (data) { // check if data is how we want it // if (data.length) {} etc // it's good to go, update the table updateTable(data); }); }); function renderRow(row) { return `<tr> <td>${row.title}</td> <td>${row.date}</td> <td>${row.total}</td> </tr>`; } function updateTable(rows) { table.tBodies[0].innerHTML = rows.map(renderRow).join(''); } }); And we'll add this to list of JS that runs on backend inside init() function public function init() { $scriptUrl = $this->urls->$this . 'assets/dashboard.js'; $this->config->scripts->add($scriptUrl); } Requests to ./latest will be handled by ___executeLatest() function inside the module, just creating the function is enough, PW will do the routing. Here you should notice how we're getting query parameters that are sent with the request. // handles ./latest endpoint public function ___executeLatest() { // get limit from request, if not provided, default to 10 $limit = $this->sanitizer->int($this->input->get->limit) ?? 10; return json_encode($this->getRandom($limit)); } Here getRandom() returns random orders to make it look like there's new orders coming in. protected function getRandom($limit = 5) { $orders = $this->pages->find("template=order, sort=random, limit=$limit"); return $orders->explode(function ($order) { return [ 'title' => $order->title, 'date' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $order->created), 'total' => $order->total ]; }); } And we're done. When refresh button is clicked, the table is refreshed with new data. Here it is in action: 2017-04-29_19-01-40.mp4 (227KB MP4, 0m4sec) Here's the source code: https://gist.github.com/abdusco/2bb649cd2fc181734a132b0e660f64a2 [Enhancement] Converting page titles to edit links If we checkout the source of MarkupAdminDataTable module, we can see we actually have several options on how columns are built. /** * Add a row to the table * * @param array $a Array of columns that will each be a `<td>`, where each element may be one of the following: * - `string`: converts to `<td>string</td>` * - `array('label' => 'url')`: converts to `<td><a href='url'>label</a></td>` * - `array('label', 'class')`: converts to `<td class='class'>label</td>` * @param array $options Optionally specify any one of the following: * - separator (bool): specify true to show a stronger visual separator above the column * - class (string): specify one or more class names to apply to the `<tr>` * - attrs (array): array of attr => value for attributes to add to the `<tr>` * @return $this * */ public function row(array $a, array $options = array()) {} This means, we can convert a column to link or add CSS classes to it. // (ProcessDashboard.module, inside ___execute() method) // fill the table foreach ($this->getLatest(10) as $order) { $table->row([ $order['title'] => $order['editUrl'], // associative -> becomes link $order['date'], // simple -> becomes text [$order['total'], 'some-class'] // array -> class is added ]); } Now, we need to get page edit urls. By changing getLatest() and getRandom() methods to return edit links in addition to previous fields protected function getLatest($limit = 5, $start = 0) { // find last $limit orders, starting from $offset $orders = $this->pages->find("template=order, sort=-created, limit=$limit, start=$start"); return $orders->explode(function ($order) { return [ 'title' => $order->title, 'date' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $order->created), 'total' => $order->total, 'editUrl' => $order->editUrl ]; }); } protected function getRandom($limit = 5) { $orders = $this->pages->find("template=order, sort=random, limit=$limit"); return $orders->explode(function ($order) { return [ 'title' => $order->title, 'date' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $order->created), 'total' => $order->total, 'editUrl' => $order->editUrl ]; }); } and tweaking JS file to render first column as links function renderRow(row) { return `<tr> <td><a href="${row.editUrl}">${row.title}</a></td> <td>${row.date}</td> <td>${row.total}</td> </tr>`; } we get a much more practical dashboard.
  6. I have been wanting to set up a quick "dashboard" for a recent project, and was considering using ajax to get a "real time" update/refresh on the page (some of my output depends on the datetime field). I know how to get the desired output using php with some if statements comparing todays date to the date stored in the field, however, I am a bit at a lose of how to interact with the ProcessWire API using ajax to get the desired effect. I found the following and know that I need to start off with: <?php if($config->ajax) { // page was requested from ajax } Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, how would one actual find pages using a template and get the field contents from them using AJAX? I apologize if this seems bit broad, but I am stil getting a grasp of using AJAX to deliver content to get a real time update on a page without refresh.
  7. I'm building a dashboard, based on the dashboard from Kongondo's Blog. In there i have Articles and Widgets. Articles are sorted by some date, but for the widgets i want to be able to use manual drag-n-drop sorting. Widgets are all child pages from a certain parent page. Is this possible and how would i be able to approach this? Would it be possible to build manual sorting into MarkupAdminDataTable or should i use PageTable instead? update: Im looking in to ProcessPageSort to see if i can use that. Seems it needs an AJAX call. update: Changed title of post
  8. Hi to all! I want to create custom dashboard page in administration , with buttons to add new pages where current user role can create. Like the new button "add new" in Pages. I use the module "Process Dashboard" but that customisation is hard to me. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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