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Everything posted by tcnet

  1. But you can select the whole line. You just have to start selection very left side.
  2. Local IPv6 address ::1 was false identified as an IPv4 address. Fixed in version 1.2.4 now available.
  3. If REMOTE_ADDR is ::1 then the error would occur in line 437 and 438.
  4. The elements countryName and countryCode not exists if the database was requested to lookup for an empty IP-address. But function get_ip() returns ALWAYS an IP-address, even if REMOTE_ADDR is not available. So I guess you modified function get_ip().
  5. Wait a moment! What says phpinfo for REMOTE_ADDR? Apache Environment as well as PHP Variables.
  6. 1. Usually is hasn't to be checked because "countryName" and "countryCode" is always "-" if not found in the database. You can check that: https://www.ip2location.com/demo/ If the elements not exists there might be something wrong with your IP2LOCATION-database. Please provide the complete error message. 2. DragScroll is a very useful feature on a computer without touch screen. I don't know what you want select/copy there. You can right-click on a link and then do "Copy link". There is nothing else to copy except the time. But it's up to you to comment it out in line 744.
  7. 1. With which IP-address you call this page? Is this IP-address in the current IP2LOCATION https://www.ip2location.com/ database? Is the database in the module updated in the last few weeks? The IP-address has a "countryName" and "countryCode"? Do you have DEBUG-Mode deactivated as recommended in production mode? 2. The javascript contains nothing which prevents text selection. Please have a look in the developer console of your browser. Also deactivate "Record admin template".
  8. This module provides Captcha functionality to ProcessWire. This specific captcha uses a puzzle that has to be solved by pulling the slider into the correct position. In contrast to other graphical captchas, this captcha also verifies the result on the server side. No jQuery is required. Only PHP and JavaScript. After module installation the source code in the page has to be modified as described in the following 3 examples. Example 1 This example shows, how to use the captcha with a form-submit and the captcha on the submit-button. Insert a onclick-listener in the button-tag: <button onclick="javascript:captcha('testform');return false;">Submit</button> Add the JavaScript: <script> function captcha(form) { slideCaptcha.onsuccess(function () { document.getElementById(form).submit(); slideCaptcha.hide(); slideCaptcha.refresh(); }); slideCaptcha.init(); slideCaptcha.show(); } </script> The form is not submitted by clicking on the button. Instead, the captcha is displayed. If the captcha has been solved correctly, the form is submitted. Check again on the server side, whether the captcha has really been solved: <?php session_start(); if ((isset($_POST['send'])) && ($_POST['send'] == '1')) { if ((isset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'])) && ($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'] == 'ok')) { unset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk']); echo '<p style="color:lime">Form submit received: Captcha solved</p>'; } else { echo '<p style="color:red">Form submit received: Captcha NOT solved.</p>'; } } ?> Example 2 This example shows, how to use the captcha with a form-submit and the captcha on a checkbox. Insert a onclick-listener in the checkbox-tag: <input id="id_checkbox" type="checkbox" required="required" onclick="javascript:captcha('id_checkbox');return false;" /> Add the JavaScript: <script> function captcha(checkbox) { slideCaptcha.init(); slideCaptcha.show(); slideCaptcha.onsuccess(function () { document.getElementById(checkbox).checked = true; slideCaptcha.hide(); slideCaptcha.refresh(); }); } </script> By using the required option inside the checkbox-tag, the form can only be submitted when the checkbox is checked. By clicking on the checkbox, the captcha is displayed. If the captcha has been solved correctly, the checkbox will be checked and the form can be submitted. Check again on the server side, as described in example 1, whether the captcha has really been solved. Example 3 This example shows, how to use the captcha with a hyperlink. Insert a onclick-listener in the hyperlink-tag. Also move the href link into the JavaScript-function: <a href="" onclick="javascript:captcha('Example3.php');return false;">DOWNLOAD</a> Add the JavaScript: <script> function captcha(file) { slideCaptcha.onsuccess(function () { window.location.href = file; slideCaptcha.hide(); slideCaptcha.refresh(); }); slideCaptcha.init(); slideCaptcha.show(); } </script> The captcha is displayed by clicking on the hyperlink. If the captcha has been solved correctly, the JavaScript will redirect to the specified location. Check again on the server side, whether the captcha has really been solved and deliver the content: <?php session_start(); if ((isset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'])) && ($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'] == 'ok')) { unset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk']); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Example3.php"'); readfile('Example3.php'); die(); } ?> Module settings The settings for this module are located in the menu Modules=>Configure=>CaptchaSlide. Filename Filename which must not exist in the root directory and also not represents a page. The filename must be also changed in the captcha.js. The resolving URL receives the information from the client side JavaScript. Tolerance Specifies a tolerance in order to offer better user experience. A tolerance of 3 means +- 3 pixel tolerance (3 recommended). Logging Logs unsolved and solved Captcha attempts in the ProcessWire system logs. Pages The JavaScript and CSS for the Captcha will be included into the following pages. Photos All photos provided by unsplash.com. As described on their website, all photos, offered on their website, can be used for free for commercial and non-commercial purposes: Link to module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/captcha-slide/ Link to github.com: https://github.com/techcnet/CaptchaSlide
  9. Try the "Refresh" button on the module page. Maybe it will fix your problems.
  10. This is not related to the module it's self. Therefore no support here.
  11. I just released version 1.2.3. Upgrade and the problem should be gone.
  12. Ok. I found the problem. You using MySQL 8?
  13. It means that you deleted columns from table process_pageviewstat_cache. Reinstalling the module might help.
  14. Or you could use another module... Or you can spend some money and let developed a module which fit your requirements.
  15. But, I've not so much time at the moment.
  16. Please be realistic! With this module, the user can create his own PHP file and get access to everything. As I wrote in the description: This module is probably the most powerful module.
  17. The module records requests which being processed by ProcessWire. Make sure if ".../zoomin.cur" exists. I guess not. This might be a 404. Check if you have "Record 404 pages" activated in the module settings. I guess you have.
  18. I replaced str_starts_with() with substr() to support PHP7. Please upgrade to version 1.2.2.
  19. This module has several bugs. Line 113 must be: if($archive == '1') { Line 159 must be: if($this->archive == '1') { Line 295 must be: $field->attr('name', 'bytes'); Forked here: https://github.com/techcnet/LogMaintenance
  20. It seems that the upgrade function don't get called after an upgrade. This might be a bug in ProcessWire. This can lead to an error message ("Unknown column...") if you try to open the statistic page immediately after an upgrade. There are two ways to avoid this error message. Click the "Continue to module settings" button directly after the upgrade or open the Modules page and click the "Refresh" button.
  21. I updated the module to 1.0.4 and added an option to specify the Return-Path in the email header. This option is blank by default.
  22. Thanks for this info. But I by my self encountered the opposite on some systems. Not adding this line won't send the email.
  23. That error message means that WireMail can not send the email. Maybe your mailer implementation doesn't work.
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