Hi there.
First of all many thanks for the great module!
We are using it only for logged users and it works like a charm.
Any suggestions on how to send an email after the user vote ? (Maybe the simplyest way, if there's one...)
Could it be an implementation for this module?
Tons of thanks in advance.
Hi everybody.
I refresh this old thread because I had also the same issue.
For the solution I have found (don't remember where*):
echo $option->getTitle();
For me it works fine, hope to be helpful.
*found here, thanks @schwarzdesign :
Finally a co-worker (thanks to @Mike-it ) and I found the solution:
into the Datetime field settings, only "numeric" format for dates. Not "literal" ones (maybe somewhere the name of the Months won't match the translation file).
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Many thanks also @Zeka for his time.