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Everything posted by MatthewSchenker

  1. Greetings Everyone, Not a complete list, but some of my favorites while working (or other times): - Andrew Bird - Nick Drake - Keren Ann - Leonard Cohen - Nick Cave - Tom Waits - Beth Orton - Bach's solo cello / sonatas & partitas for violin - Beethoven's late string quartets By the way, I have a Sonos system, which I will endorse strongly for anyone who loves music! Check it out here -> http://www.sonos.com/ Thanks, Matthew
  2. Greetings, I have long believed that all our talk about "responsive" is short-term. Responsive Web Design is certainly important, but I just don't believe the techniques we use now can continue to meet the expanding demands that will be put on developers/designers in the very near future. I've been thinking about this for a while. And then I read this... http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/21/technology/google-looks-to-make-its-computer-glasses-stylish.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0&hp Hold onto your seats! Thanks, Matthew
  3. Hey Ryan, Thanks for the tip! I definitely see the advantage of making sure something is unique. If inserting pages via the API, would it also be possible to add a conditional using "$pages" to see if something already exists? Or perhaps a simple function... Or maybe a site-wide config element? Thanks, Matthew
  4. Hey Joss, When I taught, I never used PowerPoint. Just face your audience man! Thanks, Matthew
  5. Greetings, See this post -> http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1358-repeater-inside-itself/?p=12139 Thanks, Matthew
  6. Greetings Ryan, That's the guy... I studied his work in grad school, and have always thought about it. But the more design/development work I do, the more relevance I see in Tufte's materials on presenting visual information, conveying lots of information in the most concise manner, making graphical presentations smart, and the accuracy/ethics of such presentations. And as I go deeper into ProcessWire, I am seeing a whole new level of connection here. Even though his ideas came before the graphical Web, his material was made for these times! Thanks, Matthew
  7. Greetings, I have the new MacBook 15" with Retina display. Compared with a 3-year-old MacBook, which it replaced, I would say I don't yet notice much a difference regarding the "retina" resolution. Probably, as development with sites continues, we will see more of a difference in the coming months and years. Thanks, Matthew
  8. Greetings, To Soma: yes, two different but related goals. I'm thinking that the ProcessWire logic presents a continuum that applies across both goals. Thanks, Matthew
  9. Oliver, Thanks for posting this. I have also been tinkering with different strategies for responsive design. I was about to start a similar discussion about it, then I saw this. With ProcessWire, we have an opportunity to dream up new/different kinds of logic to handle responsive elements -- not just images but everything in an application. I am playing with ideas of rendering pages in certain ways, in certain combinations, rendering some parts/pages but not others -- using the elegant traversal methods available to us in ProcessWire. It's pretty exciting. ProcessWire is already deeply impressive. If we can showcase ways to use ProcessWire to handle responsive design, that would really get some attention! I'll take a closer look at your plugin. Generally, I would be very interested in discussing ways we can do this. Thanks again, Matthew
  10. Greetings Everyone, I have been a fan for a long time. The more I develop Web concepts, the more I appreciate The relevance to Web design is fascinating on many levels. Anyone else? Thanks, Matthew
  11. Greetings, Funny, I was just thinking today about doing some stress tests on ProcessWire just to learn what would happen in various scenarios. A repeater in its own repeater is definitely a good stress test! How about using the API to run a loop that creates a new page from random strings as long as the number of pages returns a count > 0? Wow, I'm getting a flashback to nights in my college dorm room hanging out with friends -- looking into a video camera hooked up to a television aimed at the television screen. Thanks, Matthew
  12. Greetings alchime.net, As others have said, getting a gallery running in ProcessWire is easy with some JQuery. Joss mentions FlexSlider, which is one of my favorites as well. Galleria is another great gallery option. Check this post, where I wrote up some documentation on getting Galleria running in ProcessWire: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2533-first-site-first-problem/?p=24929 Come on back if you have other questions. Thanks, Matthew
  13. Greetings, I've been playing a lot of board games with my 4-year-old daughter lately. In my dreams last night, I got an idea for a "wireframe board game." The board is just an open area, and there are lots of "pieces" that represent various UI elements. You can place these pieces on the board to create a mockup. When you got the pieces where you want them, you could then bring it to a meeting and people could play with the pieces until it was all set right. In the dream, it seemed all but ready to be marketed. Somehow, in my dream, the pieces were re-sizable so you could manage various layouts. I can't remember how that was achieved! Maybe tonight I'll get the answer. Also, I still didn't get a name for the game. Thanks, Matthew
  14. Greetings, I made a profile from a version 2.2.9 site I'm developing, re-installed it as a test site, then upgraded it to 2.3. So far, have not noticed any problems. I will test a fresh installation soon. But I think if the upgrade works we must be in good shape (I assume upgrades are the more challenging scenario). I really appreciate the way this upgrade is being handled: - Paying careful attention to detail - Communicating with the community - Involving everyone in the process Looking good!!! Thanks, Matthew
  15. Greetings Everyone, Literally... I have been having code dreams lately. In the dreams, I get some new idea and I work out the logic. Then I actually see -- and hear -- the code. Of course, it always seems so brilliant in the dream! Anyone else have this kind of experience? Off to bed, Matthew
  16. Hey Ryan, Very exciting to think of 2.3 becoming the official version soon! Over the next day or so, I will run the installation and upgrade steps you describe. I have some test sites running ProcessWire, which are good for this. Looking forward to what happens next. Thanks for all your amazing work, Matthew
  17. Greetings niutech, Thanks for putting this together. There has been much debate here regarding template engines. Personally, I like getting as close as possible to "pure" PHP. No matter which side of the template engine side you're on, being able to use Smarty (for example) will help make ProcessWire more appealing for people who are accustomed to those systems. I suppose the goal could be like the attitude at Symfony, where Twig works naturally but developers can also just use PHP as needed. Thanks, Matthew
  18. Good Morning, Excellent work! Beautiful site! The style really matches the subject matter nicely. I am seeing it on my iPad now and everything looks and works great. I will check it out on desktop later. Thanks for sharing, Matthew
  19. Hey Ryan, Thanks for jumping in. I know, cookies and sessions fall along a continuum, and I agree that sessions have important advantages. Plus, it seems that ProcessWire has more going on for sessions, which is another advantage. Thanks again, Matthew
  20. Greetings Everyone, Thanks for the responses. Usually, I don't give cookies much thought -- just do them. I usually like to just use good old PHP, and it ties nicely into ProcessWire's $input function. But I now have a project that calls for someone to click a button that sets a page as a kind of "favorite," at which time the button takes a different state, so I'm looking at JS/JQuery solutions. It's a good opportunity to revisit an old thing. I actually think I have been doing cookies the same way for like 8 years... Thanks, Matthew PS: Please feel free to also share your favorite chocolate chip, peanut butter, or oatmeal recipes.
  21. Greetings Everyone, This is about cookies... The kind we set in our application! Usually, I just use the native PHP function. Simnple enough, and works reliably. But with ProcessWire, I am always thinking about even more elegant ways for everything, and wanting to do what fits absolutely best with the $input in my favorite CMF. Just wondering what others here like for cookies... Do you use PHP, Javascript, JQuery? Thanks, Matthew
  22. Greetings, Thanks diogo... That looks really good. I will test it out soon. I am very interested in systems that allow us to tie into our ProcessWire installation just at the shopping cart/checkout phase. Thanks, Matthew
  23. Greetings, I agree with Joss... One of the central reasons that ProcessWire is so great is specifically becuse it does not have a "templating system." This might be uncomfortable for people who expect plug-and-play templating frameworks like you get in Joomla or WordPress, but in fact with ProcessWire you have the whole design world as your "template system." Yes, it assumes that the HTML/CSS/JS is not done for you. Of course, it is possible that the ProcessWire community could develop a library of layouts and styles that could be used in projects, but -- and I think this proves the main point about ProcessWire templating -- those layouts and styles would be applicable beyond ProcessWire! Joss -- interesting idea for project-based modules... Perhaps we could one day group modules into "sets": blog sets, news sets, community sets, etc? These sets could help people build certain kinds of ProcessWire sites faster, and you could pick and choose among them for your project. But back to templating: I came here from the Joomla world, where templates are a constant hindrance to open designs. I hope ProcessWire never goes down that road! Thanks, Matthew
  24. Greetings, My head hurts with all the editor possibilities and all the different ones I have tried, dropped, tried again... I still like Espresso but based on this discussion I have a feeling I'll be dipping into possibilities soon. Thanks a lot, Matthew
  25. Greetings raydale, It's always good to consider another e-commerce application. Cashie looks interesting. I like Shopify, but I agree that the pricing structure can be a little confusing for some clients. And another factor would be how easily it integrates with ProcessWire. My favorite system at the moment is FoxyCart, but I will definitely give Cashie a closer look. Thanks for sharing! Matthew
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