I want to start getting process wire into our workflow.
(Someone recommended this to me and I absolutely fell in love with this. It's just what I needed. We build completely custom "static" sites from scratch.)
I'm just wondering what's the best workflow. I'm thinking of 2 methods:
1. (Build site first and then integrate processwire) We build a site using all our compilers -> then setup processwire, and start copying each page to the template directory, then mapping templates/pages and fields. I'm worried in this case, will I either misconfigure mapping pages/templates to the copied over pages or there will be some conflict between a page copied to the directory and then mapped in the admin. (also curious about this since we already have a bunch of sites I'd love to map processwire's cms to)
2. (Setup processwire first and then custom code each page) We just setup processwire from the start, create the template, page, fields for a page and then open it up and custom code into the page created by processwire... Just concerned of anything getting in the way of our initial buildout with our gulp and sass precompilers.
Any thoughts?