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Everything posted by Bill

  1. agreed! while this isn't seemingly a large issue now - i personally have a site right now with over 140 GB of images, from an online image generator (nameless at this time) that has a fairly (ahem!) significant Alexa ranking - and while this is all fine and dandy, i used a filesystem folder ( a single folder! ) to store all those (between 20k and 100k images... ) and at roughly 1,000,000+ files - the simple linux call of "ls -lsa" on that folder takes up to 15 min. to show a listing... and using single php call to bring a single - known filename, takes up to 7 minutes as well... LET alone doing any sort of 'searching for specific values' (ugh!) So, while i'm no darned twitter[tm] it DOES behoove this to get 'handled' - that's how i fell on this topic to begin with. [mind you - when i coded that file system NIGHT-mare - i was a complete N00b, idi0t and over-zealous fruitcake, but after launch it blew up in popularity for a few years and - ahem! i would'a had to change a TON to get it 'better' so i left i there. migrations to a new server have been difficult as well, for that very reason above]
  2. clarification needed pls - as i setup to really push this thing using ideas from ie., "new-stuff" is a page - http://mydomain.com/new-stuff/a/b/c/d and, in my template, i'm collecting urlSegments,... and I quite literally get 4 segments (4th segment being "d", and the others respectively "a", "b", and "c"). Yet the docs say up to 3 (1-3)... are the 'cheat docs' (@Soma) and/or the docs on PW out-of-date? and indeed i'm allowed/getting 4 segments from which to use from the url? In addition, is the 4th segment something I cannot/should not count on in the future.. and it's only in this rare circumstance that i'm allowed to use it?
  3. LMBO! I agree tho . I'm feeling pretty stupid... i set aside 2 hours this afternoon to finally poke around... 5 minutes later, i'm not sure what to do, cuz I already understand what I thought would take me - well, ... the 2 hours lol. Bill
  4. Now that's AWESOME, RTurala! If people can port from Drupal that simply - imagine (@raydale) some of the other types of sites that it can port from - awesome module! Thanks for taking the time to spell-it-out . Bill
  5. @Marty - your 'news' page - are you using the repeatable area module that i think has been discussed on this forum for a bit? as it seems as it's a 'loop' of sorts... or do you have just a few (up to N 'news' entries) textareas back in the admin area of PW? Thanks in advance. Well done site... you kept it clean. +1 Soma's comments on images tho.
  6. Just saw this and tho i know it's a big deal, my friend and i recently did this on a multiple form page, with potentially the same 'instances' of the form and we incorporated a sorta 'nonce/hash' based on the instance of the 'form' itself. works DANDY too! it's not a biggie but could be an easy add. (course, i say easy but you get me) in that way you could also do ajax submits as well. just sayin'.
  7. Also... is there also the ability to auto-js hide the form, and make it available via .js click toggle? (or ajax?) just askin' @Ryan - just boot me if there is a better spot to ask/deal with these issues, tho it seems this PW2.2 Comment thread seems sufficient for the time being. thanks again.
  8. Not sure if this is the right location for this question but when I place a comment, into the comment box, it simply shows a "Thanks for the comment..." on that page refresh, without the latest comment showing. Yet, it's in the database, cuz if I go to that page again (without doing a refresh - via GET), it's there clearly submitted and now showing. -- is this the intended effect? just curious is there a setting to effect the 'message' being 'shown' on that next page refresh? Plus, as a symptom of the above - when i didn't see it there initially, i hit the (f5) refresh and of course it resubmitted the form _POST, thus two entries. -- this is the classic refresh issue... but... Suggestion: If there's not already a fix in place for this effect, to cover both issue above - that i'm clearly missing, could PW, after saving the comment, do an automatic _GET header-redirect (with or without an href.name tag associated), so as to not only: -- show the comment, instant feedback to the user -- minimize the comment from being submitted twice (In addition - the form would be available as well, if the admin wanted it to be such, otherwise, if the person wants to enter another... etc... they have to hit the REFRESH (doh!) or if they're smart - to not duplicate, they'll go to the URL and force the _GET just to get the comment form again.) Again, i'm sure i'm not the only one to uncover this, but confirming if this is possibly another area to help enhance? (putting it mildly as possible ) editting a few moments later... I see this is somewhat touched on here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/905-comments-module-modification/page__hl__%2Bshow+%2Bcomment__fromsearch__1 Don't want to duplicate, i think my thoughts above are adding to this link thread above and i can move it there if you'd like, Ryan.
  9. Thx... it's one of the things I've come to 'follow' and love - hence investigating further for my own works - about PW, is the support is 'solid!' Unlike *ahem!* other framework "Gods" to be, where the inconsistent, unprofessional, undocumented help is not only frustrating to deal with but in many cases non-existent. All in all thanks so much, guys. It worked. I've merged my 2.2 master 'fork'd' of P21 with the dev/ branch and hoping to help contribute .
  10. Improvement? Or just an issue with me!? After a fresh install of PW 2.1 - fetching the upstream/dev, When i add this... /** added as per comment module docs (api) from pw's site **/ echo $page->comments->render(); echo $page->comments->renderForm(); to the 'basic-page' template, to make this... include("./head.inc"); echo $page->body; /** added as per comment module docs (api) from pw's site **/ echo $page->comments->render(); echo $page->comments->renderForm(); include("./foot.inc"); I get a nice little form but a massive 3 inch space in b/w the Your Name/Email and the textarea form area 'Comment'. Like this... (gulp!) I'm sure it's cuz i'm new to PW overall, but would *love* some input .
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