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About ryanscherler

  • Birthday 06/25/1983

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    Twisp, WA

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  1. Excellent! I will look into this module and give it a try. Thanks!
  2. Hey all, I wanted to see if there was any progress on this feature. I have recently had to use Wordpress on a project or two and while I can't really stand WP, there is an awesome plugin for syncing local and remote DB's (really any DB to another): "Migrate DB Pro" - https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro Something like this would be AWESOME to have for ProcessWire and really help with continuous integration workflows (Git does a great job of file sync, but DB is still a pain). Any thoughts on next steps for a module like this? Thanks!
  3. Seems to still be an issue on (mt) with PW 2.4. I just had to change this setting for a client who was complaining of this exact issue. Changing to CGI stable is the way to go on fixing this.
  4. Ah yes! That is what I forgot. Thanks!
  5. How to enable text alignment in CKEditor? I added the plugin ('justify') and added the buttons to the toolbar. They show up in the toolbar but are in a disabled state.
  6. Wait! For some reason I cleared my cache and set the session fingerprint to false. It seems to have fixed it. I stay logged in now when inspecting an element. Any ideas why it would do this?
  7. Hah - sorry, I somehow misread the "no" in your previous post. I am really not sure what to do on this. I'm about to update to Maverics and safari 7.0 - hopefully that will solve this odd issue ;-)
  8. Setting the session fingerprint to false didn't have an effect. Are you also getting logged out after viewing source / inspecting an element in Safari 6.1?
  9. I haven't updated to Maverics yet - so its possible this issue may work itself out in 7.0? Although Martijn seems to not have issues with 6.1.
  10. I just tried renaming the templates-admin to something different and then tried, still getting logged out with the default admin theme. I just checked another client site running the stable version (2.3.0), inspected an element while logged in and it didn't log me out. Something related to 2.3.5 for me it seems.
  11. Maybe its related to the beta admin theme that Ryan has just released ( http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4650-new-processwire-admin-theme-on-dev-branch/ )? I have no idea why that would be though...
  12. We use https://editorially.com - they just recently launched and have some great tools for collaborative editing. Also, you can export in a number of formats and even direct publish to a number of platforms.
  13. I just upgraded to the latest version of Safari (6.1 with the developer tools enabled) and it seems that whenever I inspect an element or just view source, I get logged out of the PW admin. Any ideas why this might be happening? * BTW: I am running PW 2.3.5
  14. I am building a restaurant website with ProcessWire and need to have nested repeaters for menu 'sections' and menu 'items' within them. This is a case where I dont want to use pages (as this is the only place I want to output this). Example nesting: Menu Section Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item Menu Section Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item Menu Section Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item Any chance I can enable a config option to allow selection of repeater field types within another repeater field input settings?
  15. Ryan these admin themes look great! I am trying them out right now ;-) Excited to see what opportunities this opens up for even more admin theme development. I have always wanted to try my hand at one, but found the jQuery UI classes / inputfields etc. very complex and a bit daunting to create a clean and simple admin theme. Excited to see how the new structure will simply things - especially now that you're using SASS!
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