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Everything posted by Jon
@adrian - Iam using version 2.0.1 and PW 3.0.15 the code in the template is just the login form for testing. echo $page->loginForm; My prepend/append setup within the config is $config->prependTemplateFile = 'head.inc'; $config->appendTemplateFile = 'foot.inc'; I also check the disable prepend/append within the template setup. Jon
Hello, I have setup a login template but cant seem to stop the head and foot loading, I've disabled auto prepend/append in the template but the they still load any ideas? Cheers Jon
Hello All, One of my clients is having problems with the alignment of images with captions within the body. The problem is once the image has been inserted into the body and we try and move it by drag and drop this only moves the image and leaves the caption behind. Anyone know of a fix for this so the whole figure is moved rather than just the image? Cheers Jon
Thanks Kongondo, I disabled CSS maps in dev console. Cheers Jon
Hello All, I have enabled System notifications in admin and every time i load a page iam getting the following 404 notifications (everything seems to be working fine) any ideas? 404 occurred: wire/templates-admin/styles/AdminTheme.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:57 404 occurred: wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/main.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:56 404 occurred: wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:44 404 occurred: wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/main.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:44 404 occurred: wire/templates-admin/styles/AdminTheme.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:43 404 occurred: wire/templates-admin/styles/AdminTheme.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:41 404 occurred: wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/main.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:40
Thanks Soma, I shall give this a try tomorrow its only the first level I require so thanks for that
Is it possible to list the top level link in the first dropdown? My client seem to be worried about the parent page being missed because of the target audience. For example :- - Home --- Home --- Page --- Page
Thanks that solved the issue.
Hello Guys, I changed all my templates to Protocol HTTPS only which works fine on all the connections I've tried. but a lot of people of being redirected to http://localhost Any ideas? Cheers Jon
I was using the forum's search. But google defiantly looks like a better option
I can't recall asking that! my memory is rubbish, Yes that is exactly what I was looking for. Didn't show up in my search to save me looking like a spoon!
Hello Chaps, Iam just looking for a bit advice on which sessions to use for my shop cart. I will be using some of the data to generate a page once the payment has been processed by WorldPay and wondering what the advances / disadvantages would be either way. Cheers Jon
Hello Jonathan, Thanks for your reply, Ive put together the site in a similar structure to what you mentioned above. One of my front end pages will list all the cruises for a year (potentially) which shows the availability in terms of spaces (this is one I done in the past to give you a idea http://www.themajesticline.co.uk/calendar/?title=&cruise_month=&cruise_year=2017&submit=Search). To produce the number of spaces available for this new site. I thinking I will need to query the booking for all rooms booked for each cruise. Then calculate the spaces from that. Would that be the way you would approach this? Cheers Jon
No I did not doh! Thanks
Hello All, I have setup a blog and added pagination to it with Pager (Pagination) Navigation I have followed the Docs. However when I click on the next page the page just reloads but the blog posts do not change. news/?page=2 etc is added to the URL but the results stay the same any ideas? The code Iam using is below. Cheers Jon <?php $results = $pages->find("template=news-item|news-item-right-gallery, limit=2, sort=-news_date"); $pagination = $results->renderPager(); foreach($results as $result) {?> <div class="news-article"> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-3 columns"> <?php if($result->single_image) $large = $result->single_image->width(150); $small = $result->single_image->width(590); echo "<img data-interchange='[{$small->url}, small], {$small->url}, medium], {$large->url}, large]'>";?> </div> <div class="medium-9 columns"> <?php echo "<h2><a class='title' href='{$result->url}'>{$result->title}</a></h2>"; echo "<p class='published'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> On - {$result->news_date}</p>"; if ($result->excerpt) { echo $result->excerpt; }else{ echo $result->body; } ?> <a href="<?php echo $result->url ?>" class="button small">Read More</a> </div> </div> </div> <?php } echo $pagination; ?>
I planned to just include the customer information within the booking page. I see how you have split the boats/rooms away from the dates. But then how would you go about managing the rooms books and keeping track of that? Query the bookings every time or store availability within dates?
Hello All, Iam just looking for some advice on how you would setup the following. Its for a cruise company that have two different boats and offer a number of different cruises on different dates. For the first part Ive gone for The cruise with the children for each date, Which works well. This is where it starts getting a bit complicated each boat has a number of different rooms (both boats are not the same setup either) and some prices vary. What I want to do is make it as easy as possible for the client when they have to input new dates for cruises. What I have done initially was setup all the fields for both boats within the child dates and used a select field to pick the boat for that particular date. Based on that field selection I've set the room(s) and availability from hooking into the Save. But this way doesn't seem to offer the best flexibility. I now thinking maybe Pro Tables might be the way forward? What I want to avoid is the client needing to setup the room(s) for the date. (But they will still also need access to adjust the availability). Just really what way different people might approach this? Cheers Jon
Hello Guys, Thanks for the help I disable mod_security on the account & development site and that has resolved the issue! Confusing as I haven't had it before! Thanks for the Options -indexes tip Cheers Guys
The hosting company got back to me and said they disabled some rules but iam still getting the same issue. Ive managed to find the Mod_Security log and seem to be getting the following Request: GET /pw/site-manager/page/ Action Description: Access denied with redirection to http://www.rossofmullbunkhouse.co.uk/ using status 302 (phase 2). Justification: Pattern match "(?i:(?:[\"'`]\\s*?\\*.+(?:x?or|div|like|between|and|id)\\W*?[\"'`]\\d)|(?:\\^[\"'`])|(?:^[\\w\\s\"'`-]+(?<=and\\s)(?<=or|xor|div|like|between|and\\s)(?<=xor\\s)(?<=nand\\s)(?<=not\\s)(?<=\\|\\|)(?<=\\&\\&)\\w+\\()|(?:[\"'`][\\s\\d]*?[^\\w\\s]+\\W*?\\d\ ..." at REQUEST_COOKIES:pagelist_open.
Hello, I disabled Mod_Security and it resolved the issue so I have passed this onto the hosting company as Its a bit over my head! This is what Mod_security seems to be picking up [Mon Jan 02 14:38:14.099831 2017] [:error] [pid 17088] [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with redirection to http://rossofmullbunkhouse.co.uk/ using status 302 (phase 2). Pattern match "(?i:(?:,.*?[)\\\\da-f\\"'`][\\"'`](?:[\\"'`].*?[\\"'`]|\\\\Z|[^\\"'`]+))|(?:\\\\Wselect.+\\\\W*?from)|((?:select|create|rename|truncate|load|alter|delete|update|insert|desc)\\\\s*?\\\\(\\\\s*?space\\\\s*?\\\\())" at REQUEST_COOKIES:InputfieldImage. [file "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsec_vendor_configs/OWASP/rules/REQUEST-42-APPLICATION-ATTACK-SQLI.conf"] [line "82"] [id "981257"] [rev "2"] [msg "Detects MySQL comment-/space-obfuscated injections and backtick termination"] [data "Matched Data: ,\\x22listSize\\x22:23, found within REQUEST_COOKIES:InputfieldImage: JSON{\\x22header_image\\x22:{\\x22size\\x22:130,\\x22listSize\\x22:23,\\x22mode\\x22:\\x22left\\x22},\\x22images\\x22:{\\x22size\\x22:130,\\x22listSize\\x22:23,\\x22mode\\x22:\\x22grid\\x22}}"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [ver "OWASP_CRS/3.0.0"] [maturity "9"] [accuracy "8"] [tag "Host: rossofmullbunkhouse.co.uk"] [tag "application-multi"] [tag "language-mutli"] [tag "platform-multi"] [tag "attack [hostname "rossofmullbunkhouse.co.uk"] [uri "/pw/site-manager/page/edit/"] [unique_id "WGpl1oBzb5WYMc2t5l7ddQAAAA0"] Cheers Jon
Hello, I have tired a clean install which works fine. I then transferred all my site files over to the clean install worked fine. Then I imported my database and ended up with the same issue on save/edit redirect to the home page. Server information Iam not 100% as its a managed VPS. I have another of other PW site running on it without any issue (Not PW 3.0.42) mod_security is enabled. Cheers Jon
Ive move this site to the actual domain and get the same problem when I login to "Admin" and click edit Iam redirected to the home page. Iam using PW3 .htaccess seems to be working aswell.
Hello, I have a test site setup on my domain in a folder Iam having a slight issue I can login to the admin fine but when I try and edit any page or add a new page and save iam redirected to the root of the domain any ideas? Cheers Jon
Hello Robin, Thanks for that using $page->rootParent solved the issue. I've taken a look into MarukpSimpleNavigation Ill definitely used that next and save myself some work Many Thanks
Hello All, Iam trying to figure out how to list all pages in a sidebar steaming from parent page after the home. For example my sitemap is Home --Gallery ---Boats ---Wildlife ----Birds So for my sidebar I would like to list from Gallery all the way down to birds. Including Gallery at the top I've managed to get the sidebar working on Gallery but as soon as I head into a child I lose the Parent. The code Iam using is hashed up of a couple of other Topic on the forums. $p = $page; $out =""; if ($p->numChildren) { $out .="<div class='sub-pages'>"; $out .="<ul class='menu vertical'>"; if ($p->id == $page->id) { $out .= "<li><a class='active' href='{$p->url}'>{$p->title}</a></li>"; }else{ $out .= "<li><a href='{$p->url}'>{$p->title}</a></li>";}} foreach($p->children as $child) { // check if this child is in parents or direct parent of current page if($page->parents->has($child) || $child === $page || $child === $page->parent) $class = "active"; else $class = ''; if (strlen(trim($child->link_text)) > 0){ $link = $child->link_text;} else {$link = $child->title;} $out .= "<li><a class='$class' href='{$child->url}'>{$link}</a>"; //if ($class=="active") { if($child->numChildren > 0){ // check if this child is in parents or direct parent of current page $out .= "<ul class='menu vertical'>"; foreach($child->children as $childchild) { if($childchild === $page || $childchild === $page->parent) $class = "active"; else $class = ''; if (strlen(trim($childchild->link_text)) > 0){ $link = $childchild->link_text;} else {$link = $childchild->title;} $out .= "<li><a class='$class' href='{$childchild->url}'>{$link}</a></li>"; } $out .= "</ul>"; } //} $out .= "</li>"; } $out .= "</ul>"; $out .= "</div>"; echo $out;