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    Dobbs Ferry, NY

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  1. Ah, ok. Interesting ideas. The hanna code seems to have worked for now, but I'm going to look more into ACF (didn't know about that!). Thanks!
  2. Nevermind - it looks I can use hannacode. Unless there is an even better way...
  3. Hi - I'm new to pw. Searched forum for answer to this specific issue I'm having, but couldn't find an answer so far. Here is some markup I'd like to output. <div class="col-md-8"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <strong>consectetur adipiscing elit</strong>. Curabitur hendrerit, leo vitae interdum pretium, tortor risus dapibus tortor, eu suscipit orci leo sed nisl. Integer et ipsum eu nulla auctor mattis sit amet in diam. Vestibulum non ornare arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad.</p> <img class="img-fluid float-sm-right ml-sm-4 mb-3" width="280" src="img/demos/photography/about/about-me-concept.jpg" alt=""> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur hendrerit, leo vitae interdum pretium, tortor risus dapibus tortor, eu suscipit orci leo sed nisl. Integer et ipsum eu nulla auctor mattis sit amet in diam. Vestibulum non ornare arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer vitae nunc, viverra nisl eget, dictum eros. Maecenas sit amet iaculis massa. Sed dui tellus, pellentesque non enim eget, cursus sollicitudin tellus. Cras eget varius enim. Aenean ac libero finibus, varius nisi a, cursus magna. <strong>Vestibulum</strong> vitae massa purus. Etiam vulputate ullamcorper diam, a iaculis nulla placerat a. Aenean ac libero finibus, varius nisi a, cursus magna. Vestibulum vitae massa purus. Etiam vulputate ullamcorper diam, a iaculis nulla placerat a.</p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur hendrerit, leo vitae interdum pretium, tortor risus dapibus tortor, eu suscipit orci leo sed nisl. Integer et ipsum eu nulla auctor mattis sit amet in diam. Vestibulum non ornare arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per incept.</p> </div> I would like to do this with one field, biography. I tried using the CKEditor and putting the markup in their, then inserting the image from the page, but when I insert a new image, the classes on the old one go away. Can someone help regarding best practices for something like this? Thank you!
  4. Thanks Rick! Good call on the descriptions. I will add them. And a very special thanks to Macrura...
  5. Hi All, I just launched my very first website (and Processwire site), Westchester Vocal. It's a site I made for my mom, whose a voice teacher. Some of the images still have to be updated (need to cycle out a stock photo for a portrait shot as soon as I can track the guy down). I'm also going to be adding some more pages, but the basic structure is there. I used formbuilder for the contact form. Any feedback/comments appreciated! www.westchestervocal.com
  6. Hey great call! Works like a charm... Thanks!
  7. Hi All, I know questions about ck editor styles have been asked in the forum before and I don't want to be repetitive But I am having an issue with the module. When I change the mystyles.js file that you load into the custom JS field, the styles dropdown menu becomes inactive. But then after a few hours it will become active again, but sometimes not. Is there always a lag when you change that file before it shows up in CK editor? I followed very clear and simple instructions here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/README.md#custom-editor-js-styles-set
  8. Welp, seems like the only way to resize the image was by resizing the container in CSS!
  9. Is there something wrong with my code in general?
  10. Actually, now none of the calls to $cta properties are working, except: $cta->call_to_action_url
  11. Thank you! I still can't seem to access the size property of the image though. Fieldname is correct and image is in single mode. And when I add your debug code, I get like 5000 lines of output in the browser that I can't understand (I'm not very experienced with PHP). The code does not just stop the file and show the img value, it shows tons of lines of code...
  12. Yes, I'm sorry. That was not clear! I created a repeater field called "call_to_action" with a few subfields, including "overlay_title" , "overlay_description" , "image" , and "call_to_action_url". I wanted to iterate over the "call_to_action" fields and output them, which is working; I also wanted to resize the image in the image field, but that isn't working... even though I did: $img = $cta->image->size(300,300);
  13. Hi - Can someone tell me what options I would need to modify to get MSN to output below menu? <select id="mobile-nav"> <option>Select page:</option> <option value="index.html">Home</option> <option value="index.html"> Default Layout</option> <option value="about.html">About</option> <option value="blog_right.html">Blog</option> <option value="blog_right.html"> Right sidebar - 1</option> <option value="blog_right2.html"> Right sidebar - 2</option> <option value="blog_post.html"> Blog Post</option> <option value="simplecodes_columns.html">Simple Codes</option> <option value="simplecodes_columns.html"> Columns</option> <option value="portfolio_three1.html">Portfolio</option> <option value="portfolio_one1.html"> One Column 1</option> <option value="portfolio_three1.html"> Three Columns 1</option> <option value="contact.html">Contact</option> </select>
  14. Hi - can someone explain to me why I can't modify image size with the following code? <? foreach($page->call_to_action as $cta) { $count++; $class = ($count == 2) ? "one_half last" : "one_half"; $img = $cta->image->size(300,300); echo "<div class='{$class}'> <a href='{$cta->call_to_action_url}' class='over'> <span>{$cta->overlay_title}</span> <p>{$cta->overlay_description}</p> </a> <a href='{$cta->call_to_action_url}'><img src='{$img->url}'</a> </div>"; } ?>
  15. Yes, it does. It wasn't there when I first looked. Refreshed and it appeared, and Modules Manager started working...
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