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Everything posted by Juergen

  1. Wow, thanks for this detailed explanation!! Things are getting clearer now for me!!!
  2. I found a solution to keep multiple checkboxes checked after form submission. Here is the complete code of this multiple checkbox list field: // checkbox field to make specific fields required $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldCheckboxes'); $f->label = _x('Required fields', 'simpleaddress'); $f->attr('name', 'input_required'); $options = [ 'street' => _x('Street', 'simpleaddress'), 'number' => _x('Number', 'simpleaddress'), 'postalcode' => _x('Postalcode', 'simpleaddress'), 'city' => _x('City', 'simpleaddress'), 'state' => _x('State', 'simpleaddress'), 'country' => _x('Country', 'simpleaddress'), ]; $values = (isset($this->hasField->data['input_required'])) ? $this->hasField->data['input_required'] : []; foreach($options as $value => $label) { $checked = (in_array($value,$values)) ? 'checked' : ''; $f->addOption($value, $label, ['checked' => $checked]); } $f->description = _x('If checked the input is required.', 'simpleaddress'); $inputfields->append($f); Lets take a closer look: $values = (isset($this->hasField->data['input_required'])) ? $this->hasField->data['input_required'] : []; This is how we get all checked checkboxes after form submission. "input_required" is the name attribute of my multiple checkbox field. If one or more checkboxes were checked, we get the values in an array, otherwise we will get an empty array. So $values could be an empty array or an array with values like ['street, postalcode']. To make the checkboxes checked after form submission we include a simple check inside the foreach loop. $checked = (in_array($value,$values)) ? 'checked' : ''; We check if the value from the foreach loop is in the array too. If yes, then add the checked attribute as third parameter to this checkbox input. $f->addOption($value, $label, ['checked' => $checked]); Thats all! Maybe someone has a nicer solution, please post it here. Best regards
  3. Thanks for your help @Robin S Your code: Unfortunately $this->foo is always empty after form submission (independent if a checkbox was marked or not). Array ( [0] => ) By taking a look at the $this object you can see that you cannot reach the foo property via $this->foo, because foo is part of the field object. ProcessWire\InputfieldSimpleAddress Object ( [data] => Array ( [input_street] => [input_number] => [input_postalcode] => [input_city] => [input_state] => [input_country] => test [label] => Address [description] => [icon] => [notes] => [detail] => [head] => [required] => 0 [requiredIf] => [collapsed] => 0 [showIf] => [columnWidth] => [skipLabel] => [wrapClass] => [headerClass] => [contentClass] => [textFormat] => 4 [renderValueFlags] => 0 [prependMarkup] => [appendMarkup] => [hasFieldtype] => ProcessWire\FieldtypeSimpleAddress Object ( ) [hasField] => ProcessWire\Field Object ( [id] => 116 [name] => address [label] => Address [flags] => [type] => ProcessWire\FieldtypeSimpleAddress Object ( ) [data] => Array ( [label1021] => Adresse [collapsed] => 0 [foo] => Array ( [0] => red [1] => green [2] => blue ) ) ) [hasPage] => ProcessWire\Page Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => home [parent] => [status] => systemID [template] => home [numChildren] => 3 [title] => Home [data] => Array ( [title] => Home ) ) ) ) I have checked all 3 checkboxes and you get the values (red, green and blue) in the object as part of the data property (see code below): [data] => Array ( [label1021] => Adresse [collapsed] => 0 [foo] => Array ( [0] => red [1] => green [2] => blue ) ) Therefore you can get the values (array) only by using $this->hasField->data['foo'] instead of $this->foo My goal: I want to make multiple checkboxes stay checked after form submission if they were marked by an user. I havent found a way to achive this at the moment and this was the reason for this post.
  4. Hello @ all, On a custom inputfield I want to use a multiple checkbox field (InputfieldCheckboxes) in the inputfield configuration. The user can select which fields of this inputfield are required. I have created these checkboxes as followed: As you can see, I am not using "InputfieldCheckbox" but "InputfieldCheckboxes" (the multi-checkbox version) $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldCheckboxes'); $f->label = _x('Required fields', 'simpleaddress'); $options = [ 'street' => _x('Street', 'simpleaddress'), 'number' => _x('Number', 'simpleaddress'), 'postalcode' => _x('Postalcode', 'simpleaddress'), 'city' => _x('City', 'simpleaddress'), 'state' => _x('State', 'simpleaddress'), 'country' => _x('Country', 'simpleaddress'), ]; foreach($options as $value => $label) { $f->attr('name', 'input_required[]'); $checked = ($this->input_required == '1') ? 'checked' : '';//How to check if a checkbox was checked??????? $f->addOption($value, $label, ['checked' => $checked]); } $inputfields->append($f); Problem: I am struggeling to find out how to determine if a checkbox was checked or not . On a single checkbox field I can use something like this to set the checked attribute. $f->attr('checked', $this->myInputfield == '1' ? 'checked' : ''); How can I achive the same for a multiple checkbox field? I haven´t found a working example. Thanks in advance!
  5. Put this code inside your ready.php which you will find inside your site/templates/ folder. If there is no such a file then create one (site/templates/ready.php)
  6. @tires This is the hook to remove the unwanted generator meta tag. Best regards
  7. Only to mention: Using $page->children() will also show all pages independent of release status.
  8. Hello @LostKobrakai I have written a class for creating tables. The first class is the table class itself. The second class is a class for creating table-cells (the content of the table of course). Both class extends from the same parent class (a wrapper class). So both use the same methods from the wrapper class (in this case methods for setting attributes like class, id,...) My aim was to chain methods from the table-cell class inside the table class. My OOP-code of creating a table looks like this in this case: $table = ( new \UikitClass\Table(3))->setCaption('Beschreibung'); //thead $table->addHeaderCell()->setModifier('expand')->setText('Spalte 1')->setClass('thclass'); $table->addHeaderCell()->setText('Spalte 2')->setClass('custom'); $table->addHeaderCell()->setText('Spalte 3')->setClass('custom'); //tbody $table->addCell()->setText('Text 1'); $table->addCell()->setText('Text 1')->setClass('custom'); $table->addCell()->setText('Text 1')->setClass('custom'); $table->addCell()->setText('Text 1')->setClass('custom'); $table->addCell()->setText('')->setClass('custom'); //tfoot $table->addFooterCell()->setText('Footer')->setClass('uk-text-center')->setAttribute(['colspan' => '3']); echo $table->render(); So every chaining starts from $table for easier writing. Therefore I wanted to include the class of the table-cells inside the table class. In this case addHeaderCell(), addCell() and addFooterCell holding an object of the table-cell class and all methods after this affect the table-cell object. So I start with $table (table-class object), switch to the table-cell object (fe addHeaderCell() method), use methods to the table-cell object and add this to the table class. Maybe a little bit difficult to explain, but the idea behind was to make writing easier for the developer.
  9. Thanks @Edison so I was very close to the solution ?. This works !! Have a nice weekend too!
  10. Hello @all, I know how to use chaining with pipe within one class, but I want to know if it is possible to use chaining of methods of 2 different classes. Here is a simple code example: class A() { protected $text = ''; public function setText(string $value = null) { $this->text = trim($value); return $this; } } class B() { public function addText() { //instantiate class A return new class A(); return $this; ?????????? } } Use it: $test = new B(); $test->addText->setText(); addText is method of class A setText is method of class B As you can see there are 2 different classes (A and B). A has the method setText() and B has the method addText(). My goal is to create a new instance of class B, then I want to use the method addText(), which is a method of class B and this method should instantiate an object of class A. After that I want to go on with methods of class A in the chaining. So it will be a mix of class A and B. Is this possible? I have tried to find useful information via Google but without success. Can someone give me a hint, how this can be implemented. Thanks for your help!
  11. Here is another snippet that I use to get rid of unwanted table properties: // Remove unwanted attributes from tables CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(ev) { var dialogName = ev.data.name; var dialogDefinition = ev.data.definition; if (dialogName == 'table') { var info = dialogDefinition.getContents('info'); info.remove('txtWidth'); info.remove('txtHeight'); info.remove('txtBorder'); info.remove('txtCellPad'); info.remove('txtSummary'); info.remove('txtCellSpace'); info.remove('cmbAlign'); var advanced = dialogDefinition.getContents('advanced'); advanced.remove('advStyles'); advanced.remove('advId'); //Id attribute advanced.remove('advLangDir'); // writing direction advanced.get('advCSSClasses')['default'] = 'uk-table'; //set default class for table } Put this code inside your custom config.js Best regards
  12. I have opened a new issue on Github: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/929
  13. Thanks for this!! I think this is one thing that is much more important today because you have to add image credits to the site. So this should be part of the core.
  14. Now this works: $module = wire('modules')->getModule('ProcessPageAdd'); $test = ($module->executeNavJSON()); return $test; This gives me the following json-output: {"url":"\/processwire\/processwire\/page\/add\/","label":"Modules","icon":"plus-circle","add":null,"list":[{"url":"?parent_id=1016&template_id=57","label":"Eine neue Leistung erstellen","icon":"plus-circle","parent_id":1016,"template_id":57},{"url":"?parent_id=1048&template_id=51","label":"Neuigkeit erstellen","icon":"plus-circle","parent_id":1048,"template_id":51},{"url":"bookmarks\/?role=0","label":"Lesezeichen","icon":"bookmark-o","className":"separator separator"}]} And these are the pages I was looking for: list":[ {"url":"?parent_id=1016&template_id=57","label":"Eine neue Leistung erstellen","icon":"plus-circle","parent_id":1016,"template_id":57},/n{"url":"?parent_id=1048&template_id=51","label":"Neuigkeit erstellen","icon":"plus-circle","parent_id":1048,"template_id":51}........ So I get: parent_id: 1016, template_id:57 and parent_id:1048, template_id:51 These are the 2 pages that I have in the shortcut menu and the IDs that I need? So for the moment my new dashboard has the same functionality as the add-new navigation of PW, but a little more userfriendly than the small navigation in the left corner. New shortcut items can be added via the bookmark button, so every user can add his own favorites shortcuts to make his dashboard individually (if he has the rights of course ;-).
  15. Really complicated, but I will give this a try. I thought that it must be really simple to get the IDs of the pages in the shortcut navigation, but it isnt. Thanks for the tipp!!!
  16. Yes the folder is under site and if I look into the source code I can see that the correct config.js is there. "stylesSet": "customstyles:/processwire/site/templates/scripts/customstyles.js?nc=1563189734", "customConfig": "/processwire/site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/config-body.js?nc=1563175984" Inside the config-body.js I have the following code: CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.contentsCss = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/uikit/3.1.6/css/uikit.min.css'; }; But the CSS from the CDN will not be loaded. Instead the one from the wire-folder will be loaded. "baseHref": "/processwire/", "contentsCss": "/processwire/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/contents.css", "extraPlugins": "pwimage,pwlink,sourcedialog", ?
  17. Same result, but I have checked the database (table 'modules') and the data column is empty. So I am wondering where the shortcuts pages are stored? Inside the module file of this module you can find following lines: $configData = $this->wire('modules')->getModuleConfigData($this); // because admin theme calls with noInit option $shortcutSort = isset($configData['shortcutSort']) ? $configData['shortcutSort'] : array(); So there must be an index 'shortcutSort' inside the configuration array. Very strange?!?
  18. Hello, I have tried to get the config data of the ProcessPageAdd module because I need the pages which are inside the ASM-Select for the 'Add new' shortcuts. This is what I have tried according to the docs: $data = wire('modules')->getConfig('ProcessPageAdd'); print_r($data); But the only output I get is 1(true). Is there something I am missing or is this the wrong way? Maybe someone can help me out. Thanks
  19. Thanks @dragan I use a custom style set for special UIKit markup classes. Including the code inside this file does not work too. BTW this file should be used to add custom styles to the dropdown not for configuration of the stylesheets. The docs of PW says that the configuration changes should be written inside /site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/config.js I have tried it but without success. ?
  20. Hello @ all, I am struggeling to add multiple stylesheets to the CKEditor content area. Docs from CKEditor says that it is possible to add a string or an array as source for the stylesheets. Inside the CKEditor settings tab there is an input field where you can add a path to a custom stylesheet. This works only if I enter only one stylesheet (string) - if i try to enter an array it fails and falls back to the default stylesheet. Therefore I have tried to add the stylesheets to the config-body.js directly (because the field is called body) CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.contentsCss = ['https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/uikit/3.1.6/css/uikit.min.css', '/site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/admin.css']; }; But this does not work either. Has someone an idea to get it working? Best regards
  21. That will be great ?! Thanks for you contribution @MoritzLost
  22. Thanks @teppo this is a very clear explanation. Chaining is only possible with a reference to the object itself not with a string. You are right: my method for text is a combination of a setter an a getter and the getter will always return a string or null, so no reference to the object itself. So I ended up separating getter and setter into 2 different methods and now it works with or without chaining: public function setText(string $value = null) { $this->text = trim($value); return $this; } public function getText() { return $this->text; } In other forums they also do not recommend to combine getter and setter in one method. I thought that combining both would be an useful and elegant way - so I have learnt something new ?! Thanks! It helps me a lot!!
  23. Hello @ all, I am learning OOP and I have a problem for which i didnt find a solution in the web. Maybe someone can help me out. I have written a class to render alerts. Fe. to output an alert box I can write: default notation: $alert = new Alert(); $alert->text('This is the alert text'); echo $alert->render(); or with method chaining: echo (new Alert())->text('This is the alert text')->render(); Both methods work until text has content inside. So sometimes there is no text content present (text value is empty). default notation (this works): $alert = new Alert(); $alert->text(); echo $alert->render(); or with method chaining (this leads to an error): echo (new Alert())->text()->render(); So if text has no value I get this error if I use method chaining: Call to member function render on null This is the getter/setter method for the text public function text(string $value = null) { if($value){ $this->text = trim($value); return $this; } else { return $this->text; } } Is there a way to get method chaining to work if there is no value in the text property present? Thanks for your help
  24. Thank you @Wanze, I have tried this before, but without luck. Now I see what went wrong - I haven´t used camelcase (noindex instead of noIndex) - silly mistake ?
  25. Hi, I am struggeling with a problem to set the robots metatags (noIndex, noFollow) within a before page save hook. Here is my code (inside ready.php): $pages->addHookBefore('save', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if($page->template == 'privacy-policy' || $page->template == 'search' || $page->template == 'error') { //SEO Maestro $page->seo->sitemap->include = 0; $page->seo->sitemap->priority = ''; //How to set robots to no index and no follow //??????????? } }); I could not figure out a way to accomplish this. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
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