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Everything posted by GuruMeditation

  1. Thanks, you've given me some things to think about.
  2. It's not often I'm impressed, so I only feel that it's right to express my appreciation to those behind the development of PW. I've only been using PW since March this year, but it's been a joy to work with. I knew nothing about PHP beforehand, and now I'm able to achieve my goals without too much stress thanks to the excellent PW API. For my current project, I'm jumping in at the deep end by creating an online community where my members will have a basic forum, comments system, gallery, private messages etc. At first I thought this would be an impossible task, but my custom comments system seems to be coming along nicely, all without any stressful programming. I'm fairly sure I'm doing a few things wrong, and I'm sure there are more efficient ways to deal with my problems, but that's what I love about PW, we can do it our way. For my comments system (which I've started from scratch as a learning exercise) I simply wrote some template code to check for a sub-page called "comments" under the current page, article etc. If it's not there, it will be created when a comment is posted. This comment would then appear as a new page under the comments page, as would all the other comments. I'm not sure if this is a good way to go about it, but it works, and I can keep developing it to allow comment editing, quoting etc. Anyway, thanks again. I look forward to see what the future holds for PW, but as it currently stands, it's exceptional.
  3. Thanks, I did actually see that, but I looked at the date of the post and figured it might have changed since then. That'll teach me to assume things.
  4. Hi all, I've just noticed on the site that I'm developing, that the time is wrong for the $page->created field. In the config.php file I have the timezone set to $config->timezone = 'Europe/London'; The date is correct, but the time is out. It is currently 21.35 where I am, but the time that's displayed in the info box for the page (in the admin) is 14:35. So it's a few hours out, and I can't understand why? Any suggestions welcome.
  5. Hi, I've not actually tried your mod yet, so some of these features are probably already implemented, but I'm looking for something that can handle the following: I'm using Foundation 5 for my site layout, so I'd like to be able to output the forum elements accordingly. Private conversations (groups) / Private messages. Profiles, with the ability to add extra fields etc. An option that allows comments on articles/pages etc to create a new forum topic, so that users can reply in the forum, or on the actual article/page etc. Moderation tools, copy, move, close, pin, ban etc. If this isn't possible or will never be then I can look elsewhere. Either way, thanks for your time.
  6. Just out of interest, do you plan on developing this further? If I had the talent to create something like this, I would with some more additions. Current forum solutions just don't integrate right with the site I'm trying to develop. I'd much prefer this, or something like it, to gain a few more features and be a paid-for module rather than free.
  7. What about integration with other existing forum systems? Was any progress made in that area? If I can find a system that integrates well so that my users can't tell the difference between PW and the forum side of things then I'm happy. This would mean I'd need the same global menu, header/footer etc. I'm only really interested in open source options.
  8. I'm still looking for a decent forum solution for PW. Currently I use IPB (the same as this forum). But I want to stick with open source software now and do things my way. I'd happily pay for a module forum solution that utilities all the PW goodness. A bloat-free commenting/forum solution would be amazing.
  9. The UK Government line seems to be their latest trick. I had a phone call two days ago regarding my boiler. They told me it was part of a government scheme to replace it (which I knew was a load of balls). I'm not sure what they planned to achieve? maybe they were going to ask for a deposit? Either way, I didn't give them much time as I simply blew my air horn down the phone
  10. Thanks Joss. I have never really looked into JQ, but wow, I like what I see. I popped the following code in my footer, and it works perfectly. Nice thumbnails and a slick popup image. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('a[href*="/assets/files/"]:has(img)').addClass('th single_1'); $(".single_1").fancybox({ openEffect : 'elastic', closeEffect : 'elastic', helpers : { title : { type : null }, overlay : { locked : false } } }); }); </script> BTW, thanks Martijn for creating this, it's great.
  11. Thank you both. I copied the ID method straight from the Fancybox examples, so I assumed it was correct. I'll have a play with your suggestions, although JQuery is foreign to me.
  12. Hi, Is there any easy way to add in an ID tag? I'm trying to use Fancybox with this module, and I can't find a way to automatically add in an ID tag. I'm looking for an output along the lines of the following. <a class='th' id='single_1' href=''><img src='' alt='' /></a> And for reference, here's the Fancybox code. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#single_1").fancybox({ openEffect : 'elastic', closeEffect : 'elastic', helpers : { title : { type : null }, overlay : { locked : false } } }); }); </script> Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the tip regarding the echo command. I've now changed my code accordingly. Your code also worked, although I'm sure I tried it earlier today, so I'm confused as to why it didn't work back then Thanks anyway. It was indeed. The black screen with the red flashing text. Thanks, I will have a look at your links and start learning.
  14. Hi all, Firstly, thanks for PW. It truly is a joy to work with, and I'm learning new things on a daily basis. I've been looking through the forums and the documentation and I've noticed that people seem to code things in many different ways. I'm new to PHP and PW, so I would appreciate it if the more knowledgeable members could look at my code and tell me if I'm doing it the right or the wrong way. The way I've coded it feels right to me, and I'm sure there are more efficient ways, but it seems to be working ok. Apologies for the formatting, it messed up a bit when I pasted it. If there are any major flaws I can change my coding style. This is the code for my homepage. <?php include('_header.inc'); ?> <!-- Body --> <br> <div class="content"> <!-- Find out if there are any enabled blocks for the sidebar. --> <!-- If there are change the column to be full width --> <?php $blocks = $page->homeblocks; $blockcount = count($blocks); // If there are blocks we will create a smaller column. // Otherwise we will make it the full width. if($blockcount) { echo "<div class='medium-9 large-9 column primary'>"; } else { echo "<div class='medium-12 large-12 column primary'>"; } // Display the homepage body echo "{$page->body}"; // Display the article image and summary $articles = $pages->find("parent=/content/articles/, limit=15, sort=-created"); foreach($articles as $article) { echo "<hr>" . "<h3>{$article->title}</h3>" . "<h6>Published: {$article->date}</h6>"; // Only show the thumbnail if there is an actual image. if($article->cropimage) { $thumb = $article->cropimage->getThumb('thumbnail'); echo "<a class='th' href='{$article->cropimage->url}'><img src='{$thumb}' alt='{$article->cropimage->description}' /></a>" . "<br><br>"; } echo "{$article->summarytext}"; // If there is a body section, add a link to it. if($article->body) { echo "<h6><a href='{$article->url}'>Read More</a></h6>"; } } // End of the column divs above echo "</div>"; ?> <?php // If we have any blocks, display them. if($blockcount) { echo "<div class='medium-3 large-3 column'>"; foreach($blocks as $block) { echo "<div class='panel'>" . "<h5>{$block->title}</h5>" . "{$block->body}" . "</div>"; } echo "</div>"; } ?> </div> <!-- End Body --> <?php include('_footer.inc'); ?> Finally, I'm stuck trying to retrieve some tags. I've set up a page field in my articles template so that I can add new pages (tags) via the Allow new pages to be created from field? option. The problem is, I can't seem to work out how to retrieve the selected options from within my homepage template. I'm know I'm overlooking something simple, but can't work out what. My page field is simply named tags and I can get ID numbers when using the following $tags = $article->get('tags'); but I need the names (titles) of those tags that are currently selected rather than the ID numbers. Thanks in advance.
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