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Everything posted by lundy

  1. I am thinking about it. I like processwire, I just wish there was a module for register/login/reset. At the rate I'm headed, it will be a while before I can program that in PHP myself.
  2. @Ryan (or anyone else who can answer) Does your example code allow a member to become a back end admin? Or is this code suitable to create a front end members only site. Also, can anyone point me to some code for new user registration, strictly for front end membership site, seperated completely from the back end admins?
  3. Is this a front end user registration and profiles for a membership site?
  4. is there a website using this, or a demo that I can see? thanks
  5. will this work for frontend user registration where the frontend users have no access to the admin area?
  6. also, I tried to delete a template, can't a page is attached, so I go and delete the page 5 clicks, go back to templates to delete, 4 clicks, only to find out that the page is in the trash and still linked even after I moved it to the trash? so in reality to delete a page takes 7-8 clicks, to truly get it unlinked with from a template.. really tedious for someone learning the system, where I am trying to figure out pages templates and fields , and how I want to structure my data.
  7. I need the equivalent of a auto_increment mysql field for user_id's. In mysql, it's a setting of the field. How do I accomplish this with processwire. Thanks, Aloha
  8. I want my site to have front end users able to register. Question: How should I handle registration information that is unvalidated? My idea was to make a sub group of pages called unvalidated users, and once they validate move them to validated users. Or I could name them unvalidated_username, and then rename it Or I could have a field checkbox for validatation. I guess in each of these scenarios, there would need to be some cleanup work... if a user stays unvalidated for x many weeks, delete the page? How would you do this. I expect to have thousands of front end users so I don't want to do anything manually. And yes, this is my first time building a custom dynamic website of any sort, so I have no prior experience with handling unvalidated users. Many thanks, aloha.
  9. It takes 5 clicks to delete a page it takes 4 clicks to delete a template it takes 4 clicks to delete fields then there are the associations that don't let you delete a template if a page is using it... So, 4 clicks to delete it, then I see that it is in use, so I go to the page, 5 clicks x number of pages, then another 4 clicks to delete the template, and I hope I didn't miss anything or it's even more. tedious. just put the trashcan on the main admin>pages like in the setup>templates>templatename where you remove fields, you just click the trashcan... then one dialog max asking if you are sure you want to delete... things go to the trashcan so it's not like they can't be reinstated if i made a mistake. muchas gracias
  10. I am building a question answer website which may include voting, comments, and more... I am expecting it to scale to millions of "rows" or "records". The data does not need to be edited from the admin panel, but will be added by users of the site and displayed on the front end. Typically, one question/answer to one website page. My questions about this module: 1. Is this solution here mainly meant for displaying this editable info in the admin? 2. Does it allow adding fields later on, even after the table is populated? 3. For my scenario described above, Is using this module better than using pages for the questions, comments, votes, other stats? 4. Is this more scaleable, less resource intensive than using pages, for front end website display. Your educated guess on this would be helpful.
  11. @teppo, thats a very good explanation of how processwire works. I can understand the front end much better now. Thanks
  12. would it be accurate to say a page is like a row or a record in a table , the table being the template, and the individual columns being the fields in the template.
  13. ok, but what if I have 1000's of questions, maybe even 10's of thousands, is it better to create a page for each question, or is there a better way?
  14. in this tutorial, we view the "jupiter" page via the admin interface.... how would that page be viewed via the front end? <?php echo $page->title; ?> replace "title" with "jupiter"?
  15. I'm a beginner. I have a question about how data is stored in PW. 1. If I have the field "questions", and I want to store 10 seperate questions, are they stored as 10 individual pages, that are linked to the template, which is linked to the field "questions"? If not, how are they stored. 2. If they are stored as pages, is there some kind of limitations on the number of pages... example: pages > 1,000,000 Is there a limitation on concurrent outside-users adding pages? example 500 pages per minute? Thanks, just trying to understand... i've learned some from the basic tutorial, but still questions persist.
  16. Hi, Im new. My question is what is the difference between php+mysql vs php+processwire. I'm a new coder... and I don't know php, and I want to create a data driven website... before I dive into processwire, I'm trying to figure out what the advantage is over plain php+mysql. It seems to me that processwire is sort of an abstract way of accessing the database. As well as a collection of php scripts (modules). I wanted to create a simple but very custom data driven website with minimal coding, is processwire the solution? I dove into the basic website tutorial, and it appears that I still have to code in php. I'm not against learning it, i'm just trying to figure out what exactly processwire is... I hear it's a framework. But for someone who is new to php and (my)sql, does learning an additional framework actually improve the speed with which i can develop my website. Will it simplify what I need to do? For example... if I wanted to output a single simple html page that outputs 1 field from 1 record, (example: "this is the content of field 1 record 1") is it faster to set that up in mysql + php, or processwire + php. It seems that in processwire I have to setup a page, a field, a template, etc, to be able to output that 1 field, and i still have to use php to get it. Whereas with mysql (using a visual interface), i could create a new table, new record, edit field 1, connect to the db in php page and echo field 1. I'm not seeing that much of a difference, can someone please tell me. Is processwire taking care of some of the coding logic, manipulating data? or do i still have to do that in php?
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