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Everything posted by martinluff

  1. Only just noticed your post - agree with the others; great feel to the site and great work. Inspiring...
  2. Nice work Adam. Look forward to the tutorial... anything which helps users migrate from other platforms sounds good to me
  3. Great stuff! Just one small point, I kept clicking the thumbnail images to get to the project details - wonder if it would make sense to make these links too as well as the 'more' text? Likewise I love the Walker Abercrombie work and Mono Design. How many of the client projects are built in ProcessWire?
  4. Nice work, good attention to the details... they both seem reasonably responsive here in NZ and we don't have best connection to the rest of the world. You could enable Gzip compression to perhaps speed thing up... the rest looks pretty lean to me.
  5. Yes, I like the new headings You could try styling your #bodycopy div with left/right margin (and remove the thick left border) and rgba/hsla background color (will also need to use a solid color fall-back for older browsers if you want to support those that can't get the transparency). could also add a border-radius to match the nice little slider you have in place on the right. Something like: #bodycopy { padding: 15px; margin: 0 182px; border-radius: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7); } The border radius will also need the variations for different browsers but I'm guessing you know that The right column backgrounds look OK to me - but again, I'd be tempted to add a border radius to the bottom one to match the image slider and icons you have for hotels etc.
  6. Looks good Jasper, you've obviously spent some time pulling together the content. I just wonder if the central content area should have a more opaque background - more like the panels on the right since I think the text is a little difficult to read against the image (but could just be my ageing eyes ) Possibly also use the same serif typeface for headings as you have in the banner area site title and related text. I think this might tie the title a bit more into the site content... just an idea. Thanks for sharing and look forward to seeing it develop
  7. Well you have my +1 on this too. I think the Symphony approach works well since you're essentially using a page link field BUT with the capacity to add new pages from the page you're linking from AND fill in their data in a row-based table layout plus, as pointed out, it keeps to the overall methods already in place with PW and enables normalisation of and sharing data from one pages's 'matrix' to any others.
  8. Antti and Ryan, only just reading through this thread since I might use the Twitter module soon. Great work on the Twitter module Antti and some interesting comments on the Cron and general data import tool. Would definitely be useful for cron module Ryan - that would be cool On the idea of general data import - could a module like this piggyback on Yahoo Query Language? Not sure if either of you have used this but I've played with it a bit and it's very, very cool; uses JS to simplify access via SQL like syntax to over 1,200 information feeds - BBC, Amazon, Apple, Flickr, Twitter and so on - plus can format as XML or JSON or via REST... http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console - use the link for 'show community tables' on the right to see the full list. I could be way off track here but kinda seems like it could be an uber-cool module and make ProcessWire the de-facto tool for data-mashups ;D Either way, I might start another thread to try and understand how I might code something in PW to import YQL produced data into PW articles since I'd be very interested in getting that to work...
  9. Well I found ProcessWire through a discussion on the MODx forums "If you *had* to choose another CMS for a project, what would it be?" (long time supporter of MODx but not quite so sure about the recent direction although there's some very cool stuff in there). Have been using various CMS over a period of about ten years and not found too many one's to stick with. Had used ExpressionEngine as the core of my business for a while but steadily accumulating a lot of issues with the system as time went on rather than the reverse; so I had started to move towards SilverStripe but think you need to be more of a programmer to really harness and extend the system properly - but still promising). So was on one of my periodic trawls for something better when I came across ProcessWire. Agree I'd not be Googling for jQuery CMS - more like custom fields MVC object oriented and so forth... also things like CMF. I tend to keep an eye on thinks like the annual Packt awards - not that I'd automatically adopt a system based on that but it often flags projects worth watching. I think the PW site design helps draw you in and obviously comes from someone with a design background; has the same quality feel of ExpressionEngine and Symphony CMS and feels much better to me than so many other CMS sites. I loved the video with Ryan - great intro and definitely drew me in to explore the system more and great to discover someone with both great design and front-end skills plus a really good grasp of all the back-end stuff as well. Then going into the API and other features it just started to tick so many boxes The comments in the source code are really useful especially in the demo sites - although it took a little while for me to decode that big include in the Skyscraper demo and possibly an enhanced demo site shipped with the product which didn't abstract so much code would have been useful in the early days to quickly see what was going on there. But I know you're already expanding that demo now and I also respect that the starting docs on the PW site took a lot of work and already outstripped some other much more established projects. Now we have much more of a goldmine of examples provided by Ryan and the community in the forums - but would still be nice to have a bit of a 'cookbook' area of documentation which pulled a lot of these together rather than having to trawl these forums? Well I've now built a few sites in PW and so far not come across any show-stoppers, plus any boxed still not ticked on my list are steadily getting there with community contributions and Ryan's ongoing hard work so I can foresee a time in the not too distant future when it could be used for most of my projects... and I've been more than happy to shout about it through my Twitter account and in other place so hopefully others get to hear the good news PS great images Soma ;D
  10. Good point Adam, that's the great thing about throwing something 'out there'; there's always a few ways to work round any issue and great to tap someone else's good ideas
  11. Hey, thanks Pete and Ryan. And there I was assuming I'd probably made a right 'dogs-dinner' of it Yes, had thought it could get a bit messy if I was going down more levels... Now in this case I'm using rather different markup for the output from children and from grandchildren; would this be straight forward if I were using recursion or would it be a bit of a nightmare? Thanks again for the feedback...
  12. Hi guys I have a page ('how-it-works') in a website where I'm looping through its child pages and in turn any grandchildren to output their titles and body content into a single page so it looks like one long article (it's a long information doc with lots of clauses and sub-clauses and different people updating different parts of it so client asked to have each part as separate article). I took a look at Ryan's example code in the demo sites plus the two postings on the forum here http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,128.0.html and http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,26.0.html but they didn't seem to do quite what I wanted to I cobbled together the following which works... <?php $morePoints = $pages->get("/details/how-it-works/")->children; foreach ($morePoints as $aPoint){ $content .= "<div class='shide'><h2 class='morePoints'><a href='#'>{$aPoint->title}</a></h2></div>\n<div>{$aPoint->body}"; if($aPoint->numChildren) { $content .= "<ol>"; foreach($aPoint->children as $subPoint) {$content .= "<li><div class='shide'><h3><a href='#'>{$subPoint->title}</a></h3></div><div>{$subPoint->body}</div></li>";}; $content .= "</ol>"; } $content .= "</div>"; } ...but (due to my very limited PHP/programming skills) I'm concerned it's a pretty messy way of doing it. Would appreciate if anyone had a look at this and came up with any suggestions on how to improve it... Thanks in advance Edit: updated this entry with leading <?php tag to pick up PHP source highlighting...
  13. Nice work Philip, fills a useful gap IMO. Ryan, wonder if this one should make its way into the core at some point?
  14. lol I'd agree it's early days - plus of course it confounds the commenting model most folk have become used to and so there's a bit of re-education for your users then... and that's always something to think carefully about.
  15. You could be right there, I might test out at some stage - I just thought this was one of the better implementations I'd seen and thought it worth kicking around a few ideas at this stage...
  16. Perhaps a little bit of topic here - but I thought it might be useful at this point while you're still shaping the comment system... I recently came across this plugin for WordPress which seems to take an innovative and interesting approach to commenting http://highlighter.com/
  17. Thanks Ryan, yes I think we're on same wavelength here. I agree that you're much less likely to need tags/taxonomies in ProcessWire given the tree-based approach (which I definitely favour for a number of reasons); but still good to see your various suggestions where you might need to compliment the page tree hierarchy by creating additional relationships that cut across the primary content organisation...
  18. Thanks for the replies Ryan - lots of options to look at... sounds like one way or another possible to create all the things you'd use WP/Drupal custom-taxonomies/categories/tags
  19. Just noticed the recent GitHub commit: and looks intriguing... Any chance of some sample code to illustrate how/where this might be used? Thanks in advance
  20. How about if I wanted to set up categories in a page structure like this (for example): England London Manchester Birmingham Scotland Glasgow Edinburgh And then loop through them to produce some info from pages linked to these categories/tags in a nested list under each category title... England page-1-title + page-1-img page-2-title + page-2-img Manchester page-3-title + page-3-img etc. etc. So end result something like the list on the left of http://massagenewzealand.org.nz/find-a-therapist/
  21. Apesia - a lot of good points there - and very important for the project as a whole to see a clear roadmap I think (and as Adamkiss mentioned elsewhere it helps focus dev resources). My 'top' list would be pretty similar: docs workflow draft/versioning more complete user and roles/permissions built-in user form processing I'd support all the other items although proprietary tag system would definitely be at the bottom of my list (even though my PHP is very basic). Possibly because I've run into so many issues in systems like ExpressionEngine when you start to push the tag system. Finally, I wonder if the project would benefit from a simple thumbs-up/thumbs down system for feedback on the roadmap (like, say, http://uservoice.com/) just an idea...
  22. Adam, true (and practically the way we actually do 'clone' him) - great to see how Antti and yourself have pitched in. I think Ryan has made a good start on laying out a roadmap. Possibly might be some benefit in polling community interest in proposed items to help set priority? Just an idea... I'm also definitely a PHP noob - not sure you'd want to let me near your source code ;D But I'll try and help out where I can with other aspects of the project... plus I've been talking about the project with my dev/programmer friends so some might emerge to pitch in with programming.
  23. Sorry, last comment intended for another thread - still getting my head round the forum here I'd agree Ryan... (re SQLite)
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