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Everything posted by Hari KT
Implementing The Domain Model http://t.co/sNdlKWWCqR . Not sure whether it got the popularity it deserved. Really a good read.
RT @RedditPHP: Announcing new sub: /r/AuraPHP - dedicated to the Aura Project for PHP. This is the cleanest, most fully-... http://t.co/O8H…
RT @planetphp: PHP 5.5.8 has been released - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor http://t.co/E2whbVRijy
If anyone looking for migration tool, do check http://t.co/Zs1wuGTlQc . You can also use it when dealing with @auraphp. Any othr suggestion?
RT @mwop: Posted a new @Apigility "getting started" screencast, demonstrating the full featureset we expose! http://t.co/H94tzwe0uy #api #r…
RT @dr4goonis: Writing a #ppi_framework module gets launched from a #phergie plugin, and talks to #trello to pull info to the new IRC serve…
Someone have a question on reddit how many lines of code #silex and @auraphp router have http://t.co/AYRvZBJois