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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @nomadphp: Come see what @mwop and team have been up to, hear all about Apigility. http://t.co/LpLu4P9ssh #PHP

  2. Oh finally that happened. @pmjones merged @mindplaydk 's PR https://t.co/pyOaMF2gsB , and now @auraphp Sql_Query is 5.3 compatible :)

  3. Aura for PHP — FOSSMeet Funnel http://t.co/O7Kbo3N4G9 via @fossmeet / cc @auraphp . Thank you @noufalibrahim for I got it from @TheLycaeum

  4. PhP Undefined index & Variable [on hold] http://t.co/XbQ0cyqV8s @pmjones . Some legacy code for you.

  5. RT @pmjones: @reinink Correct. Built Aura.Dispatcher with that in mind, esp. factories: https://t.co/wdz85YdLoR

  6. In that case, you should return this book for a refund, and then tell me if you are hiring, because I want to work for you. #mlaphp

  7. So now #mlaphp in my book shelf :-) .

  8. Extract Till You Drop http://t.co/Qq5ZRwT4qn ( If you have not watched, it is worth to watch. ) . Thank you @mathiasverraes . Great job.

  9. Models and Service Layers, Hemoglobin and Hobgoblins http://t.co/B8kzH1MrNC

  10. Sometimes I wish like @engineyard sponsoring @UnionOfRAD , @auraphp development for @pmjones been sponsored by someone.

  11. Watch for my blog post on the free give away of "Getting started with @laravelphp " http://t.co/bPthExtWm0

  12. I am looking for a good model example code which covers relationship etc. Any suggestions or examples you noticed in github ?

  13. I leave my hope to join @nomadphp online. @fuzebox didn't worked on Linux nor Windows.

  14. RT @geevcookie: Loving the AuraPHP packages. Apparently "fully decoupled". Now just looking for an excuse to use them: http://t.co/qOkmGwZY…

  15. I have been trying to build something with @doctrineorm . Will you be having some time to advice the good / bad ? / @jwage @Ocramius

  16. RT @spf13: Checkout the new hugo showcase http://t.co/0FqlgmgXoe . Add your site at https://t.co/0L6Hx8nIFm

  17. RT @beausimensen: Wow, @SunShinePHP is coming up fast! Are you planning on attending my “Managing Dependencies with Composer”? Let me know …

  18. RT @pmjones: @garoevans As many as we can, yeah. If there's a trait involved, it can't be 5.3, has to be 5.4.

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