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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. Does the #php built in server loads twice? Testing with a if counter shows like that.

  2. Understanding of virtphp was wrong. I thought multiple versions of php is supported.

  3. RT @lsmith: anyone have experience using #dynatrace by @CompuwareAPM for PHP/ElasticSearch/MySQL/Redis application?

  4. Hi guys, I am experiencing a bit of trouble with the MarkupCache not cached properly. This is the code, $cache = wire()->modules->get("MarkupCache"); if(! $someoperation = $cache->get("someoperation", 60 * 15)) { $someoperation = " I am some operation "; if(! $expensive_operation = $cache->get("expensive_operation", 60 * 60 * 24)) { $expensive_operation = " Some expensive operation "; $cache->save($expensive_operation); } $someoperation .= $expensive_operation; // I am forced to use the get operation again for I have seen if you are not calling the get the value saved is something else $cache->get("someoperation", 0); $cache->save($someoperation); } Do you guys know what may be the reason the cache could not load ? I have tried setting the permission from 766 , 777 etc to the folder site/assets/cache/MarkupCache/ . Not saying this doesn't works always but some times espeically before the time expires or when I do a deploy via Jenkins it could not load the data. I can see the file being created, but it is not loading the data. What is the use of lastgood file ?
  5. RT @GeeH: It’s cheating I know, but I blogged none the less: http://t.co/TGDaRHXjmU

  6. I have submitted the package mvc-refinement to packagist https://t.co/Ineapf4T9l / cc @pmjones

  7. RT @pmjones: Wow -- Aura.View v2 scores a "10" from @scrutinizerci https://t.co/Xu0QINueP0 /me does happy dance

  8. Extending Plates With Aura Html Helpers http://t.co/D11oCqwMkn / cc @reinink @auraphp #plates #php

  9. RT @lornajane: In case you missed it earlier: I want stories! What brought you to open source? http://t.co/iiaL2WfmjS Please RT/share #comm

  10. Action-Domain-Responder https://t.co/SJHKRdkdZ2 now trending in weekly and daily on #github #php #mvc #adr . Awesome :) .

  11. A fresh designed ( from Nashville ) live now http://t.co/5d7JuNBBvN / cc Thank you @n33co

  12. Is there a way in PW to make use of mysql views?
  13. I am here with another issue noticed when running seige to benchmark stuffs. There is a bottle neck for SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS . I was going through this blog post http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2007/08/28/to-sql_calc_found_rows-or-not-to-sql_calc_found_rows/ and some of my own tests. I am running and testing on ~ 606267 pages. SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `pages` LIMIT 5 you will get the result in between ~ 0.42 s to ~ 0.572 s When you are running it in two queries, say SELECT * FROM `pages` LIMIT 5 and SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pages` you will get the result in ~ 0.014 s and 0.189 s respectively. So a total of ~ 0.203 s. So I feel it will be nice not to have the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS always been used when running any queries. Some of the additional problems to be taken are the queries will be using joins and those will take more seconds. In my case it has been taking ~22 seconds and more when running. Thank you.
  14. An attempt to refine MVC for a web-specific environment trending today . https://t.co/SEZL0WZkMT / cc @pmjones #php #mvc #adr

  15. @WillyC I just want to try out whether that will bring any performance improvement when dealing with 1000's of pages. I am not sure whether the PW is using an active record or some what similar methodology for saving / updating. We will see
  16. RT @Sylius: Decoupling of Sylius UI, BowerPHP usage and various tweaks to backend interface. https://t.co/SUWFahiOzz #Sylius #Symfony2 #eco

  17. RT @koriym: @auraphp Aura.Framework_Project object graph visualization http://t.co/7mWEZRrJHW by print_o cc / @pmjones @harikt

  18. Thank you @teppo for pointing about the QueryLog. Sometimes I forget things, my bad.
  19. Hey, So this have already been asked by some, and I have noticed your replies that Processwire is very fast, and if not you can cache the results. And I agree the same, still I have a question. We have around 6,00,000 ( 6 Lakh ) pages, and PW can deliver in ~1.9 to ~4 seconds. ie really awesome thing. One concern is at times it goes slow to ~5 seconds to 8 seconds ( I am talking about onload speed in browser , not the rendering speed ). So in my findings the problem is like we have a few cron jobs running via gearman to insert and update certain images and more than that . We are using PW Page api to do the insert / update stuffs. ( May be around a few 1000's of pages are fetched and process at a time ) . The question is whether there is a way to get the raw sql queries that we need to run on a single insert / update of a Page . Eg : $page = $this->pages->get("id={$data->article_id}"); if ($page->template == 'something') { $date = new DateTime(); $page->update_field = "Some data" $page->save(); } So the idea if I know the row sql query to run, we can get and insert via pdo with out the api and see how fast is it processing. Let me know if there is a way for the same. Also if you have any other suggestions / optimization tips I am Happy to hear and take. Thank you.
  20. RT @kenguest: My print copy of 'Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP' by @pmjones from lulu,com has been dispatched! \o/ #mlaphp

  21. RT @shameerc: Regsitered for #AngelHack #Dubai Spring 2014. Anyone joining in? http://t.co/JUzwqgaxg3

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