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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. Caution : The Auth is not a finished one, it is just getting ported from @solarphp

  2. RT @phpfig: PSR-7 HTTP Message goes to Review: https://t.co/TY1u8KOuYL This means in two weeks, it _could_ go to an Acceptance Vote. ^PS

  3. RT @planetphp: HTTP/1.1 just got a major update. - Evert Pot http://t.co/SQJkGz4atN

  4. RT @iansltx: I'll be presenting at @austinphp in < 60 hours. On @auraphp and @phalconphp. Plan is to include HHVM and maybe PHP-NG benchmar…

  5. Team size of @auraphp has increased & now we have @cordoval joining us. https://t.co/aYOrTT6FI5 . Hopefully Aura.Filter v2 get some love :)

  6. RT @nigelbabu: I've been guilty about not speaking up when I see something that I think isn't right.

  7. RT @nomadphp: Come hear @crell talk about "Functional PHP" http://t.co/bNwn7gA7gP

  8. RT @brandonsavage: @grmpyprogrammer @ramsey to quote @pmjones, “I need a job. I don’t need THIS job.”

  9. RT @auraphp: Aura.SqlQuery 2.0.0 stable has been released! http://t.co/lVD5w0J8SG

  10. Say no to #professionalcourier . Please give some RT

  11. Playing with #doctrine, any friends over here would like to check and give me some feedback when done?

  12. RT @noufalibrahim: Maybe I should consider a no internet policy atleast for some hours at @TheLycaeum http://t.co/ERw9AaIk6d

  13. IT Guy - 4.0 (the Final Remix) http://t.co/QFZWAGkpET

  14. HTTP/1.1 just got a major update. http://t.co/BefbeULuNK

  15. So finally satis to install doctrine ... Yey thank you #satis.

  16. Sorry I was a bit late to give you the details on benchmarking. Got busy with different stuffs. Here is the code that ran on around 701407 `some-page` and `different-page` of `1158` pages. There is more types of pages, so probably the total of pages will be more. <?php require dirname(__DIR__) . '/index.php'; $pages = wire('pages'); $t = Debug::timer(); $items = $pages->find("template=some-page, limit=1, get_total=count"); $total = $items->getTotal(); echo "<p>Found $total some-pages in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds using count</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); // calculate total using calc method (default) $t = Debug::timer(); $items = $pages->find("template=some-page, limit=1, get_total=calc"); $total = $items->getTotal(); echo "<p>Found $total some-pages in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds using calc</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); $t = Debug::timer(); $total = $pages->count("template=some-page"); echo "<p>Found $total some-pages using count() in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds using count</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); $t = Debug::timer(); $items = $pages->find("template=different-page, limit=1, get_total=count"); $total = $items->getTotal(); echo "<p>Found $total different-pages in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds using count</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); // calculate total using calc method (default) $t = Debug::timer(); $items = $pages->find("template=different-page, limit=1, get_total=calc"); $total = $items->getTotal(); echo "<p>Found $total different-pages in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds using calc</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); $t = Debug::timer(); $total = $pages->count("template=different-page"); echo "<p>Found $total different-page count() in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds using count</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); $t = Debug::timer(); $first = $pages->get("template=some-page, sort=-some-page_created"); echo "<p>Found {$first->title} in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); $t = Debug::timer(); $first = $pages->get("template=some-page, sort=-some-page_created, get_total=0"); echo "<p>Found {$first->title} with get_total=0 in " . Debug::timer($t) . " seconds</p>" . PHP_EOL; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); Result <p>Found 701407 some-page in 2.4525 seconds using count</p> <p>Found 701407 some-page in 2.7801 seconds using calc</p> <p>Found 701407 some-page using count() in 2.6784 seconds using count</p> <p>Found 1158 different-page in 0.0328 seconds using count</p> <p>Found 1158 different-page in 0.0166 seconds using calc</p> <p>Found 1158 source count() in 0.0028 seconds using count</p> <p>Found some title in 3.5964 seconds</p> <p>Found some title with get_total=0 in 0.0188 seconds</p> Indeed the last one has shown a tremendous improvement when kept `get_total=0` . Thank you
  17. Scaling Web Applications with HMVC http://t.co/tevm3LMnGc

  18. Hey guys, Recently I saw the module https://github.com/owzim/TextformatterParsedown It keeps the parsedown in the directory. If we could make use of the composer installer via the module I have created it will help people to get up to dated the dependencies than the project maintainer doing the update. I wish if processwire could make use of the composer functionality in the core.
  19. RT @noufalibrahim: I'm not marketing @TheLycaeum sufficiently. Some students called today interested in the 3 month course but were not sur…

  20. RT @jwage: German villagers build own broadband network http://t.co/PCBWrMZjJq

  21. RT @dilbert4life: @harikt We're looking into using HttpFoundation + HttpKernelInterface. Some of us desire compatibility with @StackPHP for…

  22. Heard first episode of @thatpodcast 1 Hour and 30 minutes. Family, work, time oh nice. I am running on the same situation working remote :)

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