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Everything posted by Hari KT
RT @lsmith: new york times talking about their homegrown #decoupledcms http://t.co/O4UkwoI5wj ..enabling this sort of thing is the goal of …
RT @thekiranbedi: Support @dharshvardan on banning tobacco in Army Canteens. Why shud tax payer pay for medical consequences of smoking htt…
RT @OklahomaPHP: Just 3 more days until the Crafting Code Tour! Join us this Friday in Tulsa with @pmjones and @brandonsavage http://t.co/G…
RT @_odino_: I released #Nikki 0.19.1: awesomeness won't stop http://t.co/xLwfV4mua7 #nodejs #javascript #ide
RT @DragonBe: @matthiasnoback very nice article that exactly expresses my ideas on testing, thanks for sharing.
RT @jackerhack: Ordered a bonsai off Amazon.in. I'm amazed this is even possible. http://t.co/yelr7QJYNb
RT @mgdm: @tobiasgies sounds good. I'll try and be along. Been using plenty of @pmjones code of late as it is
I send a patch to the @official_php pdo construct param named different. I am not seeing it now in review. May be rejected?
RT @reinink: Does @laravelphp (Blade) not offer escaping beyond HTML via htmlspecialchars()? What about CSS, JavaScript or even HTML attrib…
RT @planetphp: PHP 5.6.0RC2 is available - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor http://t.co/8vgFmBM0Wd
RT @iansltx: @CaseySoftware https://t.co/aLS5lA7ARZ may help you out. I think I have some VMs locally that they used to have but removed, i…
RT @seldaek: I had a first full day of #composerphp work sponsored by @toranproxy customers yesterday https://t.co/QoD3SpNttq - here's to m…
RT @pmjones: .@shrtwhitebldguy am thinking of adding oauth2 to Aura.Auth https://t.co/CvJFJm6HR0 you have time to talk about that?
RT @michaelmoussa: @harikt You can also override PHP functions under the namespace of the class being tested, see https://t.co/ygzmLTjaHV. …