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Everything posted by Russell

  1. This is pretty much the answer I was looking for. I guess the thing I was concerned with was that splitting the page appends into multiple separate files creates more complexity in the site. Many moons ago when i was making a site based on Zurb Foundation it became very difficult tracing through the many sub-layers of code to find bugs or just even understand what was going on. I like the idea of having less files to look at. I was just worried that the structure may not be flexible enough for more complex sites. I think I see now that its safe to start this way but easily expandable if needed. Thanks for the explanations.
  2. OK thanks for the feedback guys. I'll have to mull it over during the night, and hopefully my sub-conscience will have a EUREKA! moment I just don't want to start down one track and find I have to re-write it all. The problem is, my "clients" (i.e. the people who asked me to re-launch our community website) have only basic requirement at the moment, but I can see them wanting to add more & more as they start to use it.
  3. I'm afraid that doesn't clarify anything for me. Here's a section of code from the main.php <div id='main'> <!-- main content --> <div id='content'> <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1> <?php echo $content; ?> </div> <!-- sidebar content --> <?php if($sidebar): ?> <div id='sidebar'> <?php echo $sidebar; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> Looking at that, if I wanted to have multiple different formatted pages, I'd have to do things like "if ($sidebar2)", "if ($table-of-content)", "if ($alternate-header)" etc, wouldn't I? *edit* I posted this before seeing mr-fan's reply, but still, do you agree with me?
  4. So I've been mulling over the tutorial on the intermediate default site profile today (http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/default-site-profile/page3). I just want to clarify some things when comparing to the basic profile. Because there is only one _main.php for the whole site, it would need to contain the code for ever different section on any page in the site, wouldn't it? I can see how this is all fine is every page has the same structure, but if you wanted many different and varied page structures that didn't overlap much, wouldn't this mean there is a lot of redundent code being loaded each time? It would seem the basic structure would have an advantage in smaller and easier to read code for each template page, although admittedly each template would have to be bigger and have possible duplicate code from other pages, in this case. I can see the advantages of the intermediate format, but I'm just concerned that in a site that has many different structures across it's pages, that the _main.php could become rather large and hard to read? Or have I misunderstood something? Thanks. Russell.
  5. I guess its just a matter of getting my hands dirty and trying a few things, Thanks for the suggestions.
  6. Thanks for the llinks. I haven't looked in dtail, but the dhtmllx one might be a bit overkill for what I need. My userbase will be fairly low tech people, so I need to keep it simple. Possibly I have a clash of requirements. The fullcander stuff looks good, i'm just not sure about the time to set it up, but that might need to be the way I go, as I'd have full control of the end result with that. I might have to scrap the idea of a front page mini cal and just do a list of upcoming events. Thanks again.
  7. Hi all, I'm restarting in ProcessWire again! Seems I never get enough time to learn it properly, and have to start fresh every 6 months Anyway, this time my local community wants to get our web site running again. i originally setup the current site back in 2008 using a basic e107 template. It never came to much as there was no community interest. Now there is interest again, I'd like to scrap the current site and re-do it in Processwire. The original site is here http://maryvalecommunity.com (horrible site, I know) There's no rocket science there, but the thing I'm wondering about is the events calendar. I'm looking for a basic plug n play calendar similar to what's there. My criteria is as follows:- 1. Small month view of the front page, bolded event days 2. Option list of upcoming events below 3. Separate page with detailed events view 4. New events able to be added by non-administrator editors 5. No major coding required to get the basic calendar up & running Searching the forums here I found some info for setting up events lists on a separate page, but that misses the extras. I also am considering maybe Google calendar integration might be the simplest, although a less elegant solution than one integrated into the site. Time is my biggest enemy here. They've asked if I can have it done by October. Given I'm starting the whole thing from scratch, I'm just trying to get the basics up as quickly as possible, while once again re-learning PW. I have no problem improving the backend once it's going, I jist want a basic working version as quickly as possible. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks. *edit* Alternatively, I'm open to suggestions of a better way to do it. Browsing through the PW sites list, I see some other ideas which may work.
  8. OK fair enough. I just think something should be up somewhere obvious to find out what the current state of play is, instead of having to hunt & peck for it.
  9. Hey all, I've been gone for a while, and I've just come back to start a new site. I was at 2.4 last time, and I see 2.5 is out maybe? Either way, I wanted to find out what the new changes are, but I've looked on the home page, in the blog, on the documentation, in the news forum and still I can't find anything that looks like a release notice for 2.5, with all the "what's new" stuff. Maybe it's in the actually download, but I'd rather see first before downloading. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but shouldn't there be some kind of pinned/link announcement & feature set somewhere? Russell.
  10. Ok just gave it a run. So far it seems like it loaded OK. The first thing that worried me was, I saw it overwrote admin.php, which kind of freaked me out. A couple other top level files it says were loaded too, but are they the ones that have gone into the markup sub-dir? I also put it under my "articles" pages, but then it put a "blog" sub-page under that. I guess I should have done it at my home page, and then renames blog to articles? Not sure if I need to delete what was imported, and try again at the proper level, or whether it's easier to try and move the blog stuff up a level. That's the PW newbie in me talking, I'm sure a bit of reading will sort that out
  11. Thanks. Been out today. Will try tomorrow. Can I follow up on the "templates only" option? Would it be better to copy with data, and delete the data, or templates only, and then create the pages myself, using a dummy site to look at a populated version to get an idea of how it all works?
  12. OK, I seem to be having a little trouble importing. I've followed the step by step you posted with the blog profile, but it keeps coming back saying "Missing required parent page. This must be selected if you want to import the pages in addition to field and template creation." I've tried twice, and I have selected my "Home" page, which is my top level page, 3 times. Even when I just select "fields and templates" it's still giving me the same message. Just on the question of data or templates, I do want a clean slate, but will just templates give me everything I need to start fresh? Here's a screenshot of my last attempt
  13. As someone new to Processwire, I just wanted to say what a godsend this module will be. I've just started a new site using PW and Foundation, and was wondering how I could get the blog profile integrated as part of it, without setting up all the data structures and copying code manually, and here you've done it already! I'll still have to do all the css and a lot of php changes, but this should take care of all the field/template/page setup that I need. I can see lots of other uses for this, as a way to copy/paste bits and pieces from other sites as well. Should I just use the blog file you've included in this thread, or would it be better to setup a dummy site with the standard blog profile, and use this module to migrate? Great job!
  14. Joss, I just noticed you don't have all /js/vendor files in? jquery.js and fastclick.js are missing, and placeholder.js has been updated. I noticed because I want to use equalizer, and it needs jquery.js. I'm going to replace my with the ones from the foundation download. *EDIT* Oh, I found you have jquery and fastclick coming from remote sites in the footscripts.inc. Is that better than using the foundation supplied ones?
  15. Thanks gebeer, looking at your setup has helped clarify for me how to override foundation defaults. I couldn't see in Joss's how to do that, so had been modifying the foundation.scss file, even though I knew this would be an issue down the track. Comparing both your templates, they sure are setup different. I didn't think there'd be so much variation. I like bits from both, so I think I'll be frankensteining them Now I understand how Compass uses defaults I can see how I should be doing it. It's not very intuitive, having to set your overrides before the foundation defaults are loaded, which is what was tricking me up.
  16. So I've done a bit more playing, and am starting to get the hang of things. Just a note on the config.rb. If you create as above, it sets the root directory to "/". In MAMP at least, that points to the server root directory (in this case htdocs/). I had to set it to point to "/site-name/site/templates/" so it would expand rules properly when using compass codes.
  17. I've put it in two spots, and it seems to correct it. &:not(.has-form) { a:not(.button) { line-height: $topbar-height; padding: 0 $topbar-link-padding; background: $topbar-link-bg; &:hover { background: $topbar-link-bg-hover; } } } &.active:not(.has-form) { a:not(.button) { line-height: $topbar-height; padding: 0 $topbar-link-padding; color: $topbar-link-color-active; background: $topbar-link-bg-active; &:hover { background: $topbar-link-bg-active-hover; } }
  18. OK, for anyone else looking for this, after looking at the compass create options, and the existing files with Joss's foundation template, I think this is the command line I need, after changing into the /templates directory compass create --bare --sass-dir "scss" --css-dir "css" --images-dir "img" --javascripts-dir "js" I used bare just not to overwrite the existing files. If you are starting from scratch, just compass create in the templates directory should do it. Then it's just a matter of "compass watch" in the /templates directory. Even with --bare, it created a ie.scss, print.scss, screen.scss, which probably aren't needed. I'll leave it to the individual to decide what they want to keep. Oh, and I didn't set a fonts directory, as Fontawesome is included int eh Foundation template I'm using, so you might want that ones as well if you need anything specific.
  19. Actually I just had a quick look through the Prepros FAQ, and it seems for anything more than the basics, it has some extra manual requirements, including a Compass config.rb to use Compass extensions. I might go through the manual setup for now, just so I understand the guts, and then look at Prepros to streamline things when I understand how it all works. Thanks for the info.
  20. Thanks, more like re-welcome I started 6 months ago but didn't get far, now it's like starting all over again, but this time I'm aware of the concepts, just need to get to the nuts & bolts. I'm reading through Compass starter stuff, and it's all about creating a new project from scratch, with an empty site, so I guess my question was just about setting up Compass requirements in the right place within the PW site structure. Joss, your template doesn't have the Compass config.rb, which I figured was needed. I guess that's because prepros it all rolled in, internally. I might give it a bit more of a look, but was starting with just cli Compass, hence the difference to your setup. Thanks.
  21. Hi all, I'm trying to start using Compass &SASS to create my PW templates. I'm starting from the Zurb Foundation 5 templates, but this question applies to any PW work I think. Question is basically, do you/how do you setup a compass project within the PW structure? Do you just create a new compass project at the site/ level, and point to the PW .css directory, and use the sass/scss default compass directory to do your edits in, or is it more involved than that? I assume you do need a configuration.rb setup, which the compass update command reads to find the input and output directories? I'm using OSX and MAMP to design locally, then will upload my final site. Thanks.
  22. Cool, thanks If I come across anything about the menu, I'll let you know.
  23. A couple questions if I may Joss. I'm just trying to compare Foundation 5.2.2 files with your template files, and am wondering about a couple of things 1. Did you change the "vendor" directory files? Yours has a custom.modernizr.js that isn't in foundation 5.2.2. The modernizr.js in 5.2.2 is a 0.0.1 revision on your modernizr.js. Also, it seems the ustom one has been copied up one directory level to right below js/ and renamed to modernizr.js 2. There is a jquery.autocomplete.js in yours, not in 5.2.2. Is that needed? 3. Also at the .js level is jquery-1.10.12.min.js and site.js. I'm guessing they are use by Processwire, and have nothing to do with foundation? If you are able to confirm what ones should be replaced and/or removed, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. ****EDIT**** So I made the changes I thought appropriate as above, and the site has all loaded up fine so far. Just looking at head.inc and I see it includes the modernizr.js from the /js root level, so those in /js/vendor are not used?
  24. Cool, thanks. Here goes nothing!
  25. Just wanted to say thanks guys, on getting these templates up. I started my new sites about 4 months ago in pw2.3, but didn't get far. How I'm trying to get back into it, and need to upgrade to 2.4 & want to use foundation as the base. Not sure which of these two templates to start with, so it'll probably be random choice, or maybe I'll end up trying both *edit* I see foundation is currently 5.2.2, so I should just be able to replace with the new foundation files in Joss's version, right? I'm still a newbie with all things web design. Too much hand holding with things like Wordpress,time to get down & dirty...
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