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Everything posted by Russell

  1. Russell

    Night Attack

    Nice. Good to see a higher profile site using PW and for more than just text content.
  2. I checked everything from the site root down and couldn't find it. I did delete the install directory, but as the instructions listed install.php first, I did assume it wasn't in that directory. This is using MAMP in OSX, but I didn't think that should make any difference.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I had a browse through the theme/ files and yeah, reusing whats there does seem like it'll save some work. I guess the biggest issue afterwards is just tidying up by removing all of the unnecessary parts for your final site, to have it nice & clean. Hopefully by the time I get that far, I'll understand enough to know what I need to know.
  4. Simple question. At the end of installation, the instructions recommend deleting install.php. I'm assuming the instructions are incorrect and somewhere along the line the file is being automatically, as I can't find it in my install directory once installation is completed. Just want to be sure nothing is going wrong. Thanks. Russell.
  5. I'd like to start a new PW site using Zurb 4. I'm just looking at the PW Zurb profile and wondering how much integration into PW is done, vs just starting with a basic PW profile and adding Zurb 4 myself? I want a completely different layout & setup to the profile, so which is easier to do, strip the current profile or start from scratch? I might be biting off a bit much here, as I'm trying to learn Sublime Text, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Compass, Zurb and Processwire all at the same time Thanks. Russell.
  6. I'm currently playing with local copies of PW, just getting used to everything. I downloaded from the from page button, which says stable 2.3 However, I just noticed that the version number in index.php is set at 2.2, although the admin panel reports 2.3.0. I assume the index.php just hasn't been updated correctly? I also like the look of the updates in dev branch as well. My site will be in internal development for a month or two probably, so would it be better to just start with the dev version? Particularly if I want to do some custom database work, using PDO's would probably be better in the long run, wouldn't it?
  7. I haven't done anything with web services before, so I'll check it out. It just comes down again to finding the time to learn new technologies vs just throwing data in boxes. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the reply. I've thought some more about the RSS option and yes, you're probably right about it being usable for some of my needs. I also missed the option 1 multisite instructions. I'll look in detail and see if that helps. Probably the only thing missing is sharing the user data. I'm trying to decide how much of an issue that will be for me.
  9. I guess it's probably just a matter of ying and see on the design side. My bigger problem is sharing data between the sites, if they are not linked internally. I'll try and find the RSS comments againand see if that leads me to what I need. Thanks for the comments.
  10. OK, so it's just a case of grabbing a html/css template from somewhere, and then adding in the PW data as needed? Coming from other CMS's where I've usually just used some of their themes, I'm not sure whether vanilla html/css will fit in? I understand I still have to put all the PW API calls in to put the data I want, where I want, but I guess it's just getting a layout I can start with, without having to write all the css from scratch, that I need pointers for.
  11. Hi All, I've been investigating Processwire for a week or so as my new CMS for some new websites I'm setting up. I've used ultiple CMS's in the past and never been 100% happy with any of them. Wordpress is too "bloggy", Drupal is too complicated, E107 I can't remember why I wasn't enthused by it. I have a couple of Zencart sites, but they're e-commerce specific, so am sticking with those, but for my new sites, I want something that I can make how I want, without going through days of confusing configuration, or following a rabbit warren of code calls to track down how to change something, then have issues every time I want to update the core system. I am also a programmer, but not a web designer. I can figure just about everything out, but I don't have the time to dedicate my life to just figuring those things out. So, I want something simple, but easily customisable, and I want something I can can skin relatively easily without have to be a CSS guru. Processwire seems to cover the first two, but lacks in the last criteria. Some ready made, plugable skins would be nice, but I understand the Processwire philosophy and why that isn't here as yet. I'm willing to overlook that for now, and just resign myself to having to learn web design, if it means I can do everything else without having to have a hundred page manual and decipher everyone else's convoluted PHP code. ------- OK, given that premise, here is what I want to do. I am setting up several gaming sites that are all related to the one game, but each site will cover a different area of interest within the game. There will be one overall wrapper site, which has some of it's own content, but is also a portal into the other 3 sites, pulling recent content and displaying, and then linking into the sub-site sections. The other three sites are basically independent, although may reference one another's info occasionally. The skins on all sites could be different, possibly with the same header navigation though. It would be nice to share user databases between them, but given that there may only be one or two with user generated content, or possibly even none, I might be able to forgo the common user base, as I think this is the biggest issue I could come across. So, data sharing between sites, nice to have single user base, but not 100% essential, and least repetition of core CMS so upgrades etc are as easy as possible. Does this sound doable in PW, without heaps of manual coding and work-arounds? I saw the Multisite module, but I don't think it would be suitable due to the independent nature of the sub-sites being accessible from both their own domain, plus sub-domains of the main site. I did see a post from Ryan somewhere about sharing data between the sites via RSS, but I'm not sure how easy this is, and whether it is a crutch solution, or viable for long-term large data sharing. I also don't know what I don't know at this stage, as I have done some local installs of PW and played around with the basic profile, but that's it, and my sites still have to be designed. With all that, what comments would people have on issues and options for implementing this through Processwire. Does PW sound like a good option to get me to where I want to be? Thanks. Russell.
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