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Everything posted by suntrop

  1. Thanks! I haven't thought of that. 177 images and 5 languages and some extra fields … default was 1000 for that domain. Raised it and now it works! Great help!
  2. I've got a photo album with 177 images, but I can upload only 161 of them. Image field limit is set to 0 (tried 177 and 200 as well) In the first place I could upload all my images, but not all showed on the front-end. After reloading the back-end I got this message: 2015-12-21 13:00:03 admin https://www.update27.example.com/processwire/page/edit/?id=2069 Removed 'images' temp file(s) for page /photos/ski-2011/ - ski2011-151.jpg, ski2011-154.jpg, ski2011-156.jpg, ski2011-155.jpg, ski2011-157.jpg, ski2011-159.jpg, ski2011-152.jpg, ski2011-161.jpg, ski2011-158.jpg, ski2011-153.jpg, ski2011-160.jpg (Pageimages) After that I tried to upload only a small bunch of photos. Until photo #161 it worked that way … but now I get a message, that the request seems to be forged. When I delete any image I can upload a new one. But 161 images seems to be some kind of limit. Files are created (original and resized) in the page folder. There is enough disk space checked permissions for folder and files there is no memory error there is nothing in my Apache log tried a newly created page, but same error (uploaded all at once and all got delete after reloading the page, if I only upload 161 images everything is fine) Using PW 2.7.2, PHP 5.6 with FASTCGI
  3. Maybe I could ask in this topic if PW can handle URIs with special characters? I get a 404 error when I try to open example.com/downloader/file%20with-space.txt or example.com/downloader/file-with-á-special-character.txt or example.com/downloader/Champs-%C3%89lys%C3%A9es.txt
  4. Hi all! I need to pass a filesystem path (eg my/files/here) via URL and access the full path (URL segments) in a template. I am wondering if there is some way to use PW built in input/url segment functions? Currently I am using ltrim($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI], $page->path)
  5. Thank you. This changes the title – but it also changes the URL. Thus I always will get the link to my default language.
  6. Well, not everything I am not talking about UI or ProcessWire phrases. I am talking about the text editor and on how to insert links/select pages. Those titles depends on the language you are editing and do not change with your user profile settings. I am wondering if nobody else came across this I have about 70 links per language and no idea how to insert them. I am afraid the only way is to go to a language I can read, change from the front-end the language and copy paste the URL.
  7. I've got a website with multiple languages and two of them are Chinese and Russian. Since both use characters nobody of us can read we have some big problems to insert links from the editor. If we want to pick a page we can't see what page to select. Is there any way to display the page titles in another language? How do you select a page from a language you can't read? Thanks!
  8. You could upload a bunch of images and use them on any other page/field. That missing features bugs me all the time and kept me using WP.
  9. If charset is a problem, passwords must rely on ASCII only. Accidental whitespace before/after could be stripped out easily, without touching whitespace within the password. I for one like the ability to use "limitless" passwords
  10. Thanks. Problem was, I thought I could get inherited roles as well. Perhaps I forgot access was managed by the parent page/template. diogo's method works fine
  11. Hi all. I have pages (templates) that are only accessible to certain users. Now I need to get all users that have view access to specific pages (they will get email when page updates). I thought of something like this: $template = wire('templates')->get($p->template); $roles = $template->getRoles(); $users = wire('pages')->find('template=user, roles=' . $roles); But it looks like getRoles() doesn't returns the roles for that template. Roles is an empty PageArray. What is wrong or is there another way to get those users?
  12. I just created a page and its folder is created anyway. Is that feature gone? Using PW 2.5.17 I'm planing a site where users can create content (saved as PW pages). If it doesn't flop, there is a big chance I need more folders than my managed server is able to handle (they say it is good to keep files/folders under 20K per directory). Any news on $config->pagefileExtendedPaths? Is it save to use it on a live site? I am worried to rebuild my app after 12 months, because there are too many users
  13. Nothing special about your module, but I think twitter only uses https. You can avoid a redirect, if you replace the http://. And – maybe its just me – you could add a config where users can choose whether links will open in a new window or not. Ahh … one more: adding a css class will make it possible to address those links. However, thanks for that module. I'll use it in an upcoming website
  14. I had similar effects about a year ago. It wasn't clear what the problem was, but I had to put in some content in all language fields (content in my case). Perhaps, try to change/add content. Is there anything inside your error log about the homepages?
  15. I subscribed to the forum RSS feed – link at the bottom of this page. It is a nice way to follow along. But it does always show me the first post of a topic, not the latest one. Is there any feed to show just the latest ones? Like the list on the upper right here https://processwire.com/talk/
  16. I just installed a new version and encounter the same problem. If the field (in my case 'body') has the Hanna Code Text Formatter enabled it'll replace everything with that field's content. I think in your case you didn't had the Hanna Code Text Formatter active for your newly created field. But your body field had – thus you got the same error. At the weekend I have some time to check where this comes from. I don't think this is "normal" behavior.
  17. I thought it would be nice not to have two fields with the same function. It adds more work at the end.
  18. Currently there is no way for an editor to change those fields. Both are static. Even from the API. But sometimes – especially when using a news site or some kind of blog – you have to use those fields a lot. It would be nice if the fields become editable, so you can change the creation date for example.
  19. I think it is the Hanna Code text formatter I have enabled for the body field. I just enabled it for the other field and it outputs the complete body (instead of my truncated text). For the body field I cannot disabled it. Seems I can't use the body variable inside a HC if the field uses HC itself. Once there is $var->body inside the HC it replaces everything else. I think I'll stick with just the title That works.
  20. Ok, sorry … I have changed a field from TinyMCE to CKEditor and there is no problem. Text gets truncated as is should. No problem. It has got to with the body field in particular.
  21. The body field is an CKEditor and it's the only one of its kind. But I have tested it on other fields like the title, the summary (textarea), categories (checkboxes) and two other text inputfields. None of them have this problem.
  22. I've tested several posts, different settings but I can't get just my truncated version of the body text. Is there any way I can trace the variable or something like that? Any suggestions what I can test?
  23. I came across a strange problem on my site as I wanted to display a teaser of the latest news. I've got this Hanna Code: <?php $latestNews = $pages->find('tweet_page=1, check_access=0, sort=-created, limit=1')->first(); ?> <?php if($latestNews) { ?> <div class="snippet-teaser clearfix"> <h3><?php echo $latestNews->get("heading|title"); ?></h3> <p><?php echo substr(strip_tags( $latestNews->body ), 0, 40); ?>… <a href="/test/">more</a></p> </div> <?php } ?> I put my [[show-latest-news]] into my sidebar and instead of showing the title and 40 characters of the body the complete body gets outputted without any of the HTML around it. If I change it to truncate the title it works well. I also tried the same code in a template file (without Hanna Code) and the truncated body is displayed. Even the preview within the Hanna Code module displays the truncated body. I can't think of where this error comes from. Why is it working from my template and with any other field but not with the body field?
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