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Everything posted by rooofl

  1. I need to find the sinitizer used to generate page names from page titles. I found $sanitizer->pageName() but it seems to ignore special characters: With $sanitizer-> pageName(), raphaël becomes raphal, however in the PW back-end the page title raphaël becomes raphael. Any idea what I should use instead?
  2. Thank you both, I didn’t understand the use of of(false).
  3. Saving the page doesn’t solve my problem…
  4. Hello, I am trying to add a page to Page Reference field. Here is what I do: $testpage = $pages->get(1252); // Page to edit $designersField = $testpage->designers; // Page field to fill $designerArray = []; $toadd = $pages->get(1200); // Page to add array_push($designerArray, $toadd); $designersField = PageArray($designerArray); // $testpage->save(); should I save? var_dump($designersField); When I var_dump() the page, I can see that my `designer` page has been aded. However in the admin page view, nothing is listed in the AsmSelect field. What do I miss?
  5. I can’t figure what is happening: I can echo the page I select using find("template=…") but when I pass it to render() nothing is listed. Everything works fine with the basic-page template however. $items = $pages->find("template=basic-page"); // working $items = $pages->find("template=ressource"); // not working with my custom template $rss->render($items);
  6. I can’t list my selected page, just like @adickman. I suspect it is related to the page or field permissions because 1. I can see other templates (basic-page for instance), 2. if I comment the viewable condition in the MarkupRSS module, I can see my feed correctly. I also tried to check the “Make field value accessible from API even if not viewable (see below)*” box on my template page but it does not work. What else can cause a page’s template to be inaccessible from the API?
  7. I solved that with a hook in `site/ready.php` <?php $forms->addHookBefore('FormBuilderProcessor::processInputDone', function($e) { $form = $e->arguments(0); if($form->name == 'new_submission') { $pageTitle = "test"; $toFind = wire(pages)->find("title=$pageTitle"); if (count($toFind) == 0) { $page = new Page(); $page->parent = "/config/designer/"; $page->template = "designer"; $page->title = wire(sanitizer)->text($pageTitle); $page->save(); } } }); ?>
  8. Hello, I need users to add new entries to a page reference field, just like a “Create New” action. Is that possible in a form?
  9. I sloved my issue by removing the affected page field and building it again with the module Connect Page Fields
  10. Hello, when I try to edit some of the older pages of my website, the admin page returns the following error: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wire() in /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.module(305) : eval()'d code:4 Stack trace: #0 /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.module(305): eval() #1 /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\InputfieldPage->___findPagesCode(Object(ProcessWire\Page)) #2 /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/core/WireHooks.php(733): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___findPagesCod...', Array) #3 /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\InputfieldPage), 'findPagesCode', Array) #4 /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.module(359): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('findPagesCode', Array) #5 /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\InputfieldPage->___getSelectablePages(Object(ProcessWire\Page)) #6 /home/rbastide/externe/usemod (line 4 of /home/rbastide/externe/usemodify/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.module(305) : eval()'d code) This error message was shown because: you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. I have no idea how to solve it, as apparently, this is not related to my template directory. [Edit]: I think I remember having changing something a while ago, a hook maybe, to make the page fields relations both way. Now it doesn’t work and the problem above appears when I create relations between some pages. I am stuck because I can’t change those relations in the admin edition page.
  11. That was the problem! Thank you Soma.
  12. Hi! Everything work as expected with my configuration of the Multisite module : $config->MultisiteDomains = array( "foo.com" => array( // domain name can be used to map to root page "root" => "/ml", // page name for the root page "http404" => 27 ), "law.foo.com" => array( // domain name can be used to map to root page "root" => "/law", // page name for the root page "http404" => 27 ) ); …except when I try to loop over pages: $siteRoot = $page->rootParent; $parent = "/".$siteRoot->name."/projects"; $projects = $pages->find("template=project, parent=$parent, sort=sort"); foreach($projects as $project){ $firstimg = $project->images->first->width(1000); echo "<a href='{$project->url}'><img src='{$firstimg->url}'></a>"; } The code below outputs a list of links that targets foo.com/ml/projects/post-title foo.com/law/projects/post-title instead of foo.com/projects/post-title law.foo.com/projects/post-title What am I doing wrong?
  13. Hello, I get often logged out from a web service built with PW. This web service has a large database and I use ListerPro to let my client browse and interact with it. After a couple of manipulations, or around 2-3 minute after logged in, the login page appears again. In this process, the last data submitted in the admin get often lost. About my configuration: The website is hosted on one of the first plans of OVH server (cheap ones), can it may be related to the problem? I uninstalled all the extra modules I used (Redirect, AdminCustomFiles). Nothing changed. The problem appeared recently only (since around 4 days) The website is still using basic http There is nothing interesting neither in `site/assets/logs/errors.txt` nor `site/assets/logs/modules.txt` I sometimes get the red error `This request was aborted because it appears to be forged.` together with `The process returned no content.` after a login attempt. I saw on this forum that it can be related to access rights and checked a couple of files permissions, and I *think* everything is fine. Thanks in advance for your help.
  14. Thank you both for your answers. The problem solved itself after a day, I guess it is related to a cache issue.
  15. Hello, I moved my project from /dev to / on my server and changed the /dev to / in the database. Now the url of the main admin nav bar (page, setup, modules…) still point to /dev. The front end of the website is not affected, neither the admin page tree. I first thought it was related to the cache as it appears I don’t have tracks of /dev in my database anymore. Can you help me to locate where to update those old URLs?
  16. I am trying to make this module work, but I am stuck with this message: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Pages2JSON::___getFields(), 0 passed in …/site/modules/Pages2JSON/Pages2JSON.module on line 182 What did I make wrong? $term = "update"; $results = array(); $limit = 3; $selector = "title*=$term, limit=$limit, template=entry"; $results = $pages->find($selector); header("Content-type: application/json"); echo $results->toJSON(); exit();
  17. @adrianThanks for this useful module! Can you confirm it doesn’t work in repeaters fields? Can you suggest a workaround?
  18. I also have troubles to make it work with 1400+ page deletion. I have no error, and the pages are still there after execution of the script. It works if I have less result (e.g. if I filter id>1000,template=mytemplate) The issue seems to be related to the high amount of results.
  19. Thanks a lot for your clarification, that works perfectly.
  20. Hi, thank you so much Ryan for this amazing module. It helps me a lot. I have in my .csv a column for countries: (France, Germany…). I would like those countries name to be imported as sub-pages of a “Countries” pages, with a template “country”. The page field “country” allows pages to be created from it. I learn in Nik’post that such pages could be associated automatically (if I understand it well), but is it possible to create it from the .csv? If I try to associate my csv field to the right PW field I get: ImportPagesCSV: Unable to import page because it has no required 'title' field or it is blank. Any idea to help me solve my problem?
  21. Thank you LostKobrakai, it works perfectly by testing count(), my final code is: $news_list = $pages->find("template=news, sort=name, show_in_slide!=1"); if ($news_list->count()) { echo "There is at least one news not shown in slide"; }else{ echo "All news items are shown in the slide"; }
  22. I still have trouble to find how to solve this issue, can anyone help me?
  23. Thank you for your quick replied, but none of the solutions seams to work. Let me correct my first post: In the case the condition should display “no news”, it displays “There is at least one news not shown in slide”, and not nothing as I wrote before. Sorry for this confusion.
  24. I try to display all the pages `news` with a checkbox `show_in_slide` unchecked. Here is my code: $news_list = $pages->find("template=news, sort=name, show_in_slide=0"); if ($news_list) { echo "There is at least one news not shown in slide"; }else{ echo "No news"; } This works if I have such a news, but “There is at least one news not shown in slide” appears also if it is not the case. What I am doing wrong?
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