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Everything posted by abmcr

  1. I have a strange behavior with the last PW 3.0.76 (debug mode on) ; i have created only 3 templates as you see in the first attachment, but in the settings tab of page i see, as possible template, my various repeater fields... This is a bug or i have broken some thing? Thank you in advance and apologize for english language, very poor
  2. In this post https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.62-and-more-on-markup-regions/ only one main file is extended but i need extend more base layout. How this is possibile? In Blade this is easy... but with PW i have not ability thank you in advance
  3. I get an error "failed to load modal.js: TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined" When the page is loaded . I have read the doc, but only the In the php code i have set option B; <?php echo $page->edit("txt");?> ProcessWire 3.0.32 devns The front end editor module is installed Thank you
  4. This is true... but some times a final user (a tipical client) require a simple system for create complex layout... I think repeater matrix may be a good solutions Thank you
  5. PW is very flexible, but in some case a layout builder may be offer more flexibility... Not a very complex tool as the bad Visual Composer Word Press plugin.. but a similar feature I know the Hanna code but a more friendly tool may be useful. What our opinion? Thank you
  6. Thank you: with the git version all work fine
  7. Hello: i get an error with PW Error: Using $this when not in object context (line 39 of /web/htdocs/www.xxxxxx/home/site/modules/MediaLibrary-master/ProcessMediaLibraries.module) pw version 3.0.27 Thank you
  8. Hello to all. I need create with PW a download system for files, the same features of DOCMAN in Joomla. My first idea is to use a repeater field, but in this case i have difficult to create a filter: it is possible to filter data into a repeater filter? Second problem: with a repeater filter it is difficult to manage the role: i need to choose for each file wich user groups may download the fil itself... Any suggestion? Thank you
  9. I have update the core at the last dev version (2.6.12) but after refreshing module i don't see the new Add page menu... May be a stupid problem Thank you
  10. I need to post on FB some page; for PW there is a module as https://wordpress.org/plugins/facebook-auto-publish/ ? Thank you in advance
  11. Thank you: i have allowed the template for the children and all work fine!!!
  12. I have attached the setting of the template and the select into the setting page... The "prova" template don't appears Thank you in advance
  13. I have created a template, but when i go in setting tab for change the template, the new template don't appears. What i have broken? Thank you This is my first attempt with ProcessWire
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