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Everything posted by Manol

  1. That's it. $data = wire('modules')->getModuleConfigData('WireMailSmtp'); echo $data['sender_email']; echo $data['sender_name']; Thank you
  2. How can I get the sender Emailaddress set in the config of the module, from a template or module? Thank you?
  3. Solved after adding slash after domain name, or maybe was a question of time from google to update. Thank you.
  4. Thank you Wanze. I'm getting and my config
  5. Hello. I'm getting confuse with the installation in step 5: Enter a Redirect URI to the GA-Page in your Processwire Installation:http://yourdomain.com/processwire/google-analytics/ google-analytics is under the administration pages and uses the admin template, where do I've to do the redirect? Thanks.
  6. Hi Alan you have to do all yourself through ssh, there´s a lot of information well documented in bitnami.com, it worth a look or two.
  7. Hi Alan, yes I run it in aws EC2 but bitnami allows you to install it on GCE ( google ) amazon, azure and locally, as you know it would work on any linux server, actually I'm using ubuntu 14.04.
  8. This a script I use to install new sites (mainly pw) in an amazon EC2 with bitnami stack (ubuntu 14.04). Maybe it can be useful for somebody else. To access your bitnami terminal you have to install a .pem or .ppk key on your home folder then ssh -i ~/.ssh/bitnami-hosting.pem bitnami@yourbitnami.bitnamiapp.com now we're connected through ssh. cd /home/bitnami # Create a file called createWeb.sh sudo nano createWeb.sh // paste the long script at the bottom sudo chmod +x createWeb.sh sudo ./createWeb.sh yourwebsitename //note down the random BD password cd ./apps/yourwebsitename/htdocs # download and unzip pw wget https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip sudo cp -R ./ProcessWire-master/* . # change permissions to install chmod 777 -R ./site/assets ./site/modules chmod 777 ./site/config.php mv htaccess.txt .htaccess # change permissions after install chmod 644 ./site/config.php sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon ./* # enter your .htaccess and around line 117 make sure the line looks like RewriteBase / RewriteBase /yourwebsitename/ Open your url and ready to install a fresh pw. Note that in the script you have to substitute PASSWORD by your actual mysql pass in the following line: mysql -u root -pPASSWORD << EOF #!/bin/bash # creaweb miweb miweb.zip # 1.- Crea estructura de directorios sudo -u $USER mkdir -p /opt/bitnami/apps/$1/htdocs /opt/bitnami/apps/$1/conf # 2.- Permisos archivos y directorios para el usuario bitnami sudo -u $USER chown -R bitnami /opt/bitnami/apps/$1 # 3.- descomprimir zip de la app, sino exite crea un phpinfo como if [ -n "$2" ] then unzip ./$2 /opt/bitnami/apps/$1/htdocs/ else sudo -u $USER echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' > /opt/bitnami/apps/$1/htdocs/index.php fi # 4.- Crea configuración para acceder a la web http://mibitnami.com/miweb sudo -u $USER cat > /opt/bitnami/apps/$1/conf/$1.conf <<EOL Alias /$1/ "/opt/bitnami/apps/$1/htdocs/" Alias /$1 "/opt/bitnami/apps/$1/htdocs" <Directory "/opt/bitnami/apps/$1/htdocs"> Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride All <IfVersion < 2.3 > Order allow,deny Allow from all </IfVersion> <IfVersion >= 2.3> Require all granted </IfVersion> </Directory> EOL # 5.- Añadir en la útima linea de la configuración de apache la nueva entrada echo Include "/opt/bitnami/apps/$1/conf/$1.conf" >> /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf # 6.- Reinicializar servicio apache /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache # 7.- lista webs disponibles ls -ls /opt/bitnami/apps # 8.- Crear Base de datos echo "creando BD" pass=`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 8 | xargs` echo $pass mysql -u root -pPASSWORD << EOF CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $1; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO $1@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$pass'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $1.* TO $1@localhost; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EOF
  9. Thanks pwired, I've already some things done, anyway I'll copy my templates folder and start with a fresh installation.
  10. I've downgraded to 2.4 Upgraded to 2.5.27, dev still getting the same error, what am I missing?
  11. Hello I'm using PW 2.5.3 and trying to install LanguageSupport but getting the following error: and after that, still Does anybody has a solution? Thanks
  12. I added in line 138 of the module those lines to get lat, lng, zoom, address and descriptions of images and files protected function ___getValue($value) { if(!is_object($value)) return $value; switch($value->className) { case 'Page': return $this->toPage($value); case 'Pageimage': case 'Pagefile': return array("url"=>$value->url, "description"=>$value->description); case 'Pagefiles': case 'Pageimages': case 'PageArray': case 'WireArray': return $this->toArray($value); case 'MapMarker': return array("lat"=>$value->lat, "lng"=>$value->lng, "zoom"=>$value->zoom, "address"=>$value->address); } return null; }
  13. Hello Stikki. Is there a way to get the title of images or files? By the way, thank you for the fantastic module.
  14. I'm using ProcessWire 2.5.3 © 2015 Language support 1.0.3
  15. Hello. I'm trying to install Language support, but getting some messy things. 1.- It seems Language support is not installed. (seems not installed) 2.- But then I get this error: 3. And when I go to Admin > Setup > Languages, that's what I see (messy database) Any ideas, why is that happening?
  16. The template is that one I'm using this template in another page and is working a thought it could be pw version that makes that. Anyway I'll check the server.
  17. Hello I'm using a bootstrap template from http://wrapbootstrap.com. When I include some css in that way: <link href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>styles/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> it becomes that: http://indinet.es/lliriaturisme/site/templates/styles/A.bootstrap.min.css.pagespeed.cf.hn1j3ZAnsg.css and my page is not showing properly. Where can I turn that behaviour off? Thank you
  18. I'm getting the following error : http://patrimonio24.com/?/ Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'lliriaturisme'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (in /opt/bitnami/apps/patrimonio24/htdocs/wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 163) Any ideas to solve it?
  19. Does anybody has a form to register a user directly from the frontend? Best regards.
  20. Hello. I'm using FormBuilder 0.2.4 to register users. Users fill inputs and then they are saved as unpublished users until the admin decides. The problem I'm facing is that I set an input field of type text in formbuilder ( there is no password field in FB ) and a assign this field to the pass field in users template, but because they are of different types ( text vs pass ) the user pass field is empty. Do you have any solution? Thank you.
  21. I've given permissions to page-edit than to admin users and roles but not working yet ( I don't like giving them user-admin rights if possible )
  22. Hi Guys. How can I allow certain role to admin user roles, passwords, etc? Thank you.
  23. Getting the same problem. No error in the log file. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL /lliriajuventud/processwire was not found on this server.</p> </body></html>
  24. Manol


    Hello I've installed Processwire with Bitnami in an AWS EC2 manually, the front page looks ok, but when I trie to access the admin ( /processwire) area it says page not found. RewriteBase already done. Anybody has faced a similar problem?
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