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Everything posted by Manol

  1. Sorry, to much wine or to little sleep: $value->description
  2. Hello. I'm trying to get the title of a pdf file from a FieldtypeFile within a module, with print_r I can see basename, description.. but don't know how to get the value, any hint? $file = array(); $file = $pagina->get($field->name)->getArray(); foreach ($pagina->get($field->name) as $key => $value) { echo $key. " -> ". $value . "\n"; } Thank you.
  3. Hi Soma. I've tried your way like you posted yesterday and today but I'm getting back the whole page maybe because my call is $http.post('http://ip/web-service/', {action: 'getPage', pageId: 1046 }) .success(function(data) { console.debug("page",data); }) As Jan pointed $this->addHook('ProcessPageView::pageNotFound', $this, 'webService'); is working for me, maybe is not the best way but it works as expected. Thank you
  4. Fantastic Jan you're my star, it was a really good idea, now: PwAngular.module class PwAngular extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule { ... public function init() { $this->addHook('ProcessPageView::pageNotFound', $this, 'webService'); ... public function webService($event) { // Check if asking for a web service $url = $event->arguments('url'); if ($url != '/web-service/') return; //Let pageNotFound() handle it header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 200 OK', true, 200); // Get post Data $request = file_get_contents('php://input'); $getPost = json_decode($request,true); $action = $getPost['action']; switch ($action) { case "getPage": $pageId = $getPost['pageId']; $event->return =$this->get_Page($pageId); break; } } protected function get_Page($pageId) { $pagina = wire('pages')->get($pageId); $array = array(); // fields to be avoided $avoid = array("FieldtypeFieldsetOpen", "FieldtypeFieldsetClose","FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen","FieldtypeFieldsetTabClose"); $array['id'] = $pagina->id; foreach($pagina->fields as $field) { if (!in_array($field->type, $avoid)) { // si el campo no esta vacio if( htmlspecialchars($pagina->get($field->name)) ) if($field->type == "FieldtypePage"){ $buscar = htmlspecialchars($pagina->get($field->name)); $paginas = $pages->get($buscar); $array[$field->name] = $paginas->title; } else { // if textarea do not strip html tags if($field->type == "FieldtypeTextarea" || $field->type == "FieldtypeTextareaLanguage" ){$array[$field->name] = $pagina->get($field->name);} else {$array[$field->name] = htmlspecialchars($pagina->get($field->name));} } } } return json_encode($array); } my.js $http.post('http://ip/web-service/', {action: 'getPage', pageId: 1046 }) .success(function(data) { console.debug("success",data); }) and BUMP! working.
  5. Just want to call a pw webservice from a mobile device and the service logic within a pw module.
  6. Still not getting there. 1.- Javascript (angularjs) $http.post('http://mywebpage/user/', {name:'manol'}). success(function(data) { console.log(data); }). error(function(data) { console.log(data); }); 2.- and I wish to get json data back # PW MODULE $array = array(); $array['name'] = wire("user")->name; $array['language'] = wire("user")->language->title; $event->return = json_encode($array); 3.- Which hook or whatever should I use?, http://mywebpage/user/ doesn't correspond to any template.
  7. Probably what I'm asking for is simpler than what I've exposed in the lines above. Just need to catch an ajax call from a pw module and return some data back. .The ajax call can come from a mobile device or other website located in a different server. Thank you
  8. Hello. I would like to make an ajax call and get some data back. The way I use to do it is, make a call from javascript to a url that would be a pw page that uses the template that would return the data, like this: Define a page under /web-service/get-page that uses getpage.php template Javascript (angularjs) $http({url: '/web-service/get-page/', method: "POST", data: { pageId: pageId }} ) .success(function(response){ deferred.resolve(response); }); PHP template ( getpage.php ) <?php /** * datos enviados mediante JSON * @return [type] [description] */ function getPost(){ $request = file_get_contents('php://input'); return json_decode($request,true); } $getPost = getPost(); $pageId = $getPost['pageId']; $pagina = wire('pages')->get($pageId); $array = array(); // fields to be avoided $avoid = array("FieldtypeFieldsetOpen", "FieldtypeFieldsetClose","FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen","FieldtypeFieldsetTabClose"); foreach($pagina->fields as $field) { if (!in_array($field->type, $avoid)) { // si el campo no esta vacio if( htmlentities($pagina->get($field->name)) ) $array[$field->name] = htmlentities($pagina->get($field->name)); } } echo json_encode($array); ?> My question is: How can I avoid creating a template and defining a page that uses it? I wish to intercept the ajax call from a module and return the data from that module without creating templates and pages. Is that possible? Thank you.
  9. Hi Macrura. In the example below you´ll get a list of all children of the actual page. <script> app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.children = []; $scope.children = <?=$page->getChildren()?>; }); </script> <div ng-controller="myCtrl"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="child in children">{{child.title}}</li> </ul> </div> The code is really clean and is not only that but you can make use of thousands of modules already available and a huge community. As mr-fan said you get lots of videos, docs, books.
  10. A starting point module to use angularjs in our templates in an easy manner.
  11. New methods: $page->getPage() $page->getPage(1015) $page->getChildren() $page->getChildren(2024) $page->getChildren('template=products')
  12. Module updated 1.- Added methods $page->getChildren() $page->getPage() 2.- Now you can inject scripts trough module configuration
  13. If you install this module you´ll be able to use angular and use it in your templates directly. Example of a list of all children of the actual page. <script> app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.children = []; $scope.children = <?=$page->getChildren()?>; }); </script> <div ng-controller="myCtrl"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="child in children">{{child.title}}</li> </ul> </div>
  14. This is the way I use to integrate both worlds together. 1.- _header.php ( or whatever is called the file that contains your <body> tag ) <head> ... <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.2/angular.min.js"></script> <script>var app = angular.module('myApp', [])</script> </head> <body ng-app="myApp"> ... 2.- yourTemplate.php <script> app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.myvar = []; $scope.myvar = <?=getChildren("template=yourtemplatename")?>; console.debug("my Object form php",$scope.myvar); }); </script> <!-- now $scope.myvar is accesible --> <div ng-controller="myCtrl"> </div> 3.- getChildren is a function that I include in _func.php function getChildren($pageId) { $pagina = wire('pages')->get($pageId); // fields to be avoided $avoid = array("FieldtypeFieldsetOpen", "FieldtypeFieldsetClose","FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen","FieldtypeFieldsetTabClose"); // fields that must be returned $wanted = $fields; // selector $paginas = $pagina->find($selector); $arr = array(); foreach ($paginas as $child) { $array = array(); foreach($child->fields as $field) { $array['id'] = $child->id; // if we dont' want all fields back if ( !in_array($field->type, $avoid) && in_array($field->name, $wanted) && (count($wanted)>0) ) { $array[$field->name] = htmlspecialchars($child->get($field->name)); } // we want all fields back if ( !in_array($field->type, $avoid) && (count($wanted)==0) ) { $array[$field->name] = htmlspecialchars($child->get($field->name)); } } array_push($arr, $array); } echo json_encode($arr); }
  15. Is it possible to serve files from S3 and delete them from the asses folder? Great module zyON.
  16. Actually I'm using angularjs and trying to do an api to use Processwire as a backend service. https://github.com/manviny/ProcesswireToJson
  17. Hi there. Any hint on how to login to pw with administrator credentials from javascript being it installed in a different server ( or locally ) than processwire? Thanks.
  18. Can I use a regex in here? $products = $pages->get("/product/")->find("areas=$area");
  19. Yes its a textfile, the problem is that using *= in the following case $area = 3 product = 31 -> areas = 2|13 product = 34 -> areas = 3 It would match 3 and 13
  20. Hello guys. I'm trying to find a list of products that can belong to several areas, the areas consist in a number or numbers separated by "|" like the following example: 1.- Some products: product = 31 -> areas = 3|16 belongs to area 3 and 16 product = 32 -> areas = 2|14 product = 33 -> areas = 5 product = 34 -> areas = 3 2.- Area I'm looking for: $area = 3 3.- My selector $products = $pages->get("/product/")->find("areas=$area"); 4.- results I'm getting product 34 whereas I would like to get product 31 as well. Any ideas? Thank you.
  21. Manol


    Has anybody got publishing images and text from a pw page to facebook?
  22. Manol


    Hi Nico I deleted some bits of the code, but even that bit doesn't get the user id, it just gets a 0 <?php /** * ProcessWire 'Hello world' demonstration module * * Demonstrates the Module interface and how to add hooks. * * ProcessWire 2.x * Copyright (C) 2010 by Ryan Cramer * Licensed under GNU/GPL v2, see LICENSE.TXT * * http://www.processwire.com * http://www.ryancramer.com * */ class FaceMail extends WireData implements Module { /** * getModuleInfo is a module required by all modules to tell ProcessWire about them * * @return array * */ public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( // The module'ss title, typically a little more descriptive than the class name 'title' => 'Facebook Email Publish', // version: major, minor, revision, i.e. 100 = 1.0.0 'version' => 101, // summary is brief description of what this module is 'summary' => 'Publica noticias en Facebook y envia emails masivos', // Optional URL to more information about the module 'href' => 'http://www.processwire.com', // singular=true: indicates that only one instance of the module is allowed. // This is usually what you want for modules that attach hooks. 'singular' => true, // autoload=true: indicates the module should be started with ProcessWire. // This is necessary for any modules that attach runtime hooks, otherwise those // hooks won't get attached unless some other code calls the module on it's own. // Note that autoload modules are almost always also 'singular' (seen above). 'autoload' => true, ); } /** * Initialize the module * * ProcessWire calls this when the module is loaded. For 'autoload' modules, this will be called * when ProcessWire's API is ready. As a result, this is a good place to attach hooks. * */ public function init() { // add a hook after the $pages->save, to issue a notice every time a page is saved $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'publicaEnvia'); } /** * Example1 hooks into the pages->save method and displays a notice every time a page is saved * */ public function publicaEnvia($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; /** * 1.- sino es la pagina de noticia -> salir */ if($page->template != 'noticia') return; /** * 2.- si esta check facebook -> publicalo * @var [type] */ if($page->facebook==1) { include_once 'fb/facebook.php'; $appId = '70373825635****'; $secret = 'd30530a5dcd4e5829e6c8bc8ba72****'; // $returnurl = 'http://indinet.es/facebook/post.php'; $returnurl = 'http://casergi.com'; $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream'; $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret)); $fbuser = $fb->getUser(); $this->message("user " . $fbuser); } // facebook /** * 3.- se esta check enviar email a clientes -> envia correos * @var [type] */ if($page->enviar_a_Clientes==1) { $usuarios = wire(pages)->get("/acceso/access/users/"); $emails = $usuarios->children(); foreach ($emails as $email) { if($email->email) $this->message("enviado a: ". $email->email. ", "); mail($email->email, $page->title, $page->publicidad, "From: cassergi.com\nContent-Type: text/html"); } $this->message("enviado por correo a los clientes"); } } }
  23. Manol


    Hello. I wish to publish some processwire pages to facebook, including images. I got it working thanks to adrian and Martijn using ifttt, but I would like to use my own code and publish images or other stuff through the facebook php sdk. At the moment I've created a simple php page in my localhost that works, here is the code <?php include_once 'inc/facebook.php'; $appId = '703738********'; $secret = 'd30530a5dcd*************'; $returnurl = 'http://myweb.es/facebook/post.php'; $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream'; $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret)); $fbuser = $fb->getUser(); if($fbuser){ try{ $message = array( 'message' => 'foo' ); $result = $fb->api('/me/feed/','POST',$message); if($result){ echo 'Published'; } }catch(FacebookApiException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } }else{ $fbloginurl = $fb->getLoginUrl(array('redirect-uri'=>$returnurl, 'scope'=>$permissions)); echo '<a href="'.$fbloginurl.'">Login with Facebook</a>'; } ?> but when I try it on a pw template or module it doesn't work $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'fb'); ..... if($page->facebook==1) { include_once 'fb/facebook.php'; $appId = '70373825******'; $secret = 'd30530a5dcd4e5829e6c8b********'; // $returnurl = 'http://indinet.es/facebook/post.php'; $returnurl = 'http://pwpage.com'; $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream'; $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret)); $fbuser = $fb->getUser(); $this->message("user " . $fbuser); } // facebook .... any ideas?
  24. works changing time lo live.
  25. Yes I changed to 1 minute but no results. My original idea was to publish some stuff to facebook wall after saving a page in the admin area, title, description and images. I got and external php that does exactly that and works: <?php include_once 'inc/facebook.php'; $appId = '703738********'; $secret = 'd30530a5dcd*************'; $returnurl = 'http://myweb.es/facebook/post.php'; $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream'; $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret)); $fbuser = $fb->getUser(); if($fbuser){ try{ $message = array( 'message' => 'foo' ); $result = $fb->api('/me/feed/','POST',$message); if($result){ echo 'Published'; } }catch(FacebookApiException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } }else{ $fbloginurl = $fb->getLoginUrl(array('redirect-uri'=>$returnurl, 'scope'=>$permissions)); echo '<a href="'.$fbloginurl.'">Login with Facebook</a>'; } ?> I'm trying to implement that in a hook, there is a checkbox, if is on then publish to facebook $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'fb'); ..... if($page->facebook==1) { include_once 'fb/facebook.php'; $appId = '70373825******'; $secret = 'd30530a5dcd4e5829e6c8b********'; // $returnurl = 'http://indinet.es/facebook/post.php'; $returnurl = 'http://pwpage.com'; $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream'; $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret)); $fbuser = $fb->getUser(); $this->message("user " . $fbuser); } // facebook .... I'm trying first to check the user id, but the result is just 0, whereas in the original file outside pw I get the user id without problems. Any ideas, Why?
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