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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hi, I'm currently working out PW a line at a time by pulling apart each Site Profile found in the Modules section, referring to the cheat sheet and the great help docs. Thanks Ryan, Joss, Martijn-geerts and Soma I would love to see more Site Profiles uploaded! I'm being cheeky here, but are there any more users that would like to share their creations? Thanks in advance. Sorry, I have just noticed I posted this request in the wrong section. It should of gone in the Modules/Plugins!
  2. Hi there, I'm still going through the docs myself, so I wouldn't take any advice from me for quite some time! I can only say that Ryan has done a great job documenting the pagination plugin (http://processwire.com/api/modules/markup-pager-nav/) Another quick check - Go to Admin > Setup > Templates > [Your Template] > URLs, and check the box for: Allow Page Numbers. Sorry I cannot be anymore help.
  3. Hi, bit of a long shot, but do you have enough entries/articles to be paginated? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/942-pagination-on-blog-page/
  4. Great Photos Marty. I like the way you organized them using the trusty PW. The LEURA CASCADES image reminds me of work by Ansel Adams. Will you be updating the site with new work over time?
  5. Hi Grays, I have attached a printable Cheatsheet, its laid out on 2 A4 pages. It covers $page, $pages and PageArray. I hope it helps. Ryan pointed out: I'm very new to processwire and I understand where you are coming from. I'm praying for that "AHA!" moment too! When I see encouraging and friendly threads (like this one) I feel like Processwire is worth the time. Good luck processwirecheatsheet.pdf
  6. Hi, When creating the gallery field, editing the details tab I miss read the instructions and read it as "it probably should be 1"! Silly mistake but it got me looking at the functions code in more detail! Instructions: Under the details tab, the number of images can either be limited (16 or 20 or something) or left as 0 for any number. However, for a gallery, it probably should be more than 1!
  7. I have the thumbnail size field created. I will try the gallery tut again from scratch. It could be I missed a vital step along the way. I appreciate your help Joss. Also, thanks for adding the news tut. Great work.
  8. Thanks Joss, That repaired the error message on the gallery page (no images showing though). I am getting an error with album child pages: Calling up line 80: Error: Call to a member function size() on a non-object (line 80 of C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\site\templates\TUT_gallery_functions.inc) Line 80 below: $out .= "<img src='{$albumimage->size($thumbsize, $thumbsize)->url}'>";
  9. Hey Joss, Thanks for your fast reply. I hope you don't mind, I have pasted the errors below. The error from /gallery page Error: Exception: Method Pageimage::first does not exist or is not callable in this context (in C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\wire\core\Wire.php line 232) #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\site\templates\TUT_gallery_functions.inc(16): Wire->__call('first', Array) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\site\templates\TUT_gallery_functions.inc(16): Pageimage->first() #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\site\templates\TUT_gallery_index.php(12): albumList() #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\wire\core\TemplateFile.php(125): require('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #4 [internal function]: TemplateFile->___render() #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\wire\core\Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\wire\core\Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('render', Array) #7 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\wire\modules\PageRender.module(250): Wire->__call('render', Array) #8 C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\wire\modules\PageRender.module(250): TemplateFile->render() #9 [internal function]: PageRender->___renderPage(O Error from album child pages: Error: Call to undefined function albumGrid() (line 12 of C:\xampp\htdocs\processgallery\site\templates\TUT_gallery.php)
  10. Another great tutorial. Thanks very much Joss. I am having a bit of an issue, any chance you could github the gallery files? I would like to cross reference them with mine and see what I have done wrong! I noticed you have uploaded the News files. Github - News: https://github.com/jsanglier/Pw-News Cheers
  11. Mark

    Crowd Fund new tutorials

    I think my own downfall is that I need the information to be broken down into smaller chunks. A stepping stone of small/medium tutorials to gain confidence and feel that could achieve my goal in processwire. Having all the API on display was a little intimidating at first! If it wasn't for the friendly community and Joss's beginners tutorial I think I may of headed off to another CMS (my loss i know) I am starting to see the power of processwire. I plan to go through the new PHP Code Academy Course over the next week. I will hopefully return to Processwire with a little confidence in basic coding. http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/php I would love to see the learning by doing type of tutorials found on sites like these: http://www.w3schools.com/css/ http://www.codecademy.com http://www.codepupil.com/
  12. Hi onjegolders, Thanks for the encouragement. At least I can see instant mistakes with PW. Drupal made me clear the cache before I was allowed to see them!
  13. I'm amazed by the PW community. Thank you so much everyone, I really appreciate your help. Diogo, yes, it's the PHP that was confusing me. I will have to get back to basics and understand the rules of PHP. Thanks for your clear explanation. Totoff, thanks for help with the code plus adding the style.
  14. echo $page->body; Everything is starting to become a little clearer. It looks like when I try and make a reference to a .inc file it's throwing everything off.
  15. Hi Matthew and Dave, Thanks very much for your fast reply....Matthew was quicker by 3 minutes I have attached the full php code to hopefully show what I'm doing wrong. <?php include("./TUT_header.inc"); echo "<h2>" . $page->title . "</h2>"; // Working! <?php echo $page->body; ?> // Not working! include("./TUT_footer.inc"); without using tinymce what would be the best way to style the static 'Direction' red and the dynamic 'direction' blue using your method? Thanks, Mark echo "<p>Direction: " . $page->direction . "</p>"; // Working!
  16. Hi, I am going through the tutorials found on: http://processwire.com/api/templates/ I would like to output my body field but the code found on the templates info page is not working for me! <div id='body'> <?=$page->body?> </div> This however is! The code below was found in the templates folder (frontpage.php) echo "<p>" . $page->body . "</p>"; Are the two snippets of code supposed to output the body to the page in the same way (ignore the styling). I'm sorry for the silly question......I'm new!
  17. Mark

    Crowd Fund new tutorials

    Thanks so much for your help guys. I really like the admin in PW, the way the data is displayed within tree like structure is very well thought out and easy to understand, I just need to learn how I use the api within the html markup....the hard part. Great idea Diogo, I will print out the api and maybe highlight the the ones I think I would use frequently. My favorite place is indoors in front of the fire at the moment - its cold and wet in England The duck post card would cheer me up! Thanks Marty, I will try and gain some understanding of the api section today, I have a feeling I may need to ask how you build one of your sites if that's ok?
  18. Mark

    Crowd Fund new tutorials

    Hi Marty, Thanks very much for your valuable feedback. You guys are right, learning at my own pace will give me a solid understanding. “We learn from failure, not from success!” Looking at your profile, I see you have been an active member for a while now. Can you remember how you worked through the documentation and how long did it take you to grasp the main concepts of processwire? I think I need to step back and review the valuable info found on processwire.com. I hope the penny drops for me! Your work on smd.net.au is a real inspiration.
  19. Mark

    Crowd Fund new tutorials

    Joss, I look forward to the tutorial. Will the blocks of information be laid out HTML 5 semantic style "<article> and <section>"? The kidneys are on ice!
  20. Mark

    Crowd Fund new tutorials

    Hi Joss, Thanks very much for sharing your knowledge, the tutorials you have posted on the wiki have really helped. I see why they call you a Hero Member. I look forward to the new tutorials, do you have a release date in mind?........no pressure I'm off to sell a kidney so you can make one of your high production videos.
  21. Mark

    Crowd Fund new tutorials

    Marty Walker's Thumbnail video really helped. Thanks pwired.
  22. Hi, I am just getting started with Processwire. I'm a keen newbie - I've gone through the great tutorials by Ryan and Joss but feel like I could do with a few more to get up and running. I know good tutorials take a lot of time and effort to create, so I was thinking if it would be possible to fund a pro to make a video? I'm not talking http://drupalize.me Maybe 2-4 hour long video just to get new users working with the interface and api. Funding could go something like this: http://kck.st/WLZpDG
  23. Hi, I had a similar issue with one.com. Support suggested to comment out the following within the .htaccess file: #Options -Indexes #Options +FollowSymLinks Also: #<IfModule mod_php5.c> #php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off #php_flag magic_quotes_sybase off #php_flag register_globals off #</IfModule> That worked for me but I am concerned it may cause issues down the road! Big thanks for all the hard work you guys have put into processwire. I've spent a day running through the tuts and It already feels like a great piece of kit, plus real friendly community.
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