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  1. Hüttenzauber - The magic of the Swiss Alps. Eat, celebrate and sleep in the most beautiful places in the mountains. Today, I am presenting to you a very cool and challenging project we tackled and successfully finished last summer. Obviously, Fruitcake is 100% a ProcessWire agency at this point but still, this project especially proves again and again that ProcessWire’s flexibility and unopinionated structure just works for us every time. Gone are the days where we are breaking and bending other CMSs to work the way we need it to work. “Hüttenzauber” is a well-known brand in the Bernese Alps skiing and hiking destinations. Lately, they expanded into other regions of the Swiss Alps and accumulated a variety of locations they are both managing and running from their central offices at the birthplace of the enterprise, Lenk im Simmental. Coding one of our latest projects to date was a cool but also daring challenge. We set out to replace a few dozen single websites for each of the different locations with one big website. The general goal was to streamline all the information and present a concise yet still quite independent experience to the website’s visitors. In addition to the independent experiences, the website features a plethora of central features like a search map, an illustrative blog, cool events and a web shop whose contents however, are again compiled together from blog articles written for or events happening at the different locations. The website was conceptualized, designed and programmed 100% in-house by us. It features tons of content which is completely available in both German and English (with a small JavaScript language detection function). ProcessWire admin: have exactly one source of truth I think we can be proud of the challenge we set out to achieve: Have every information only ever written down once. This is most beneficial for the client since they can for example change the hotel’s address once and it is then displayed at many different locations automatically. The client factually only needs to work with our database we created in the ProcessWire admin area and the website presents that information in a variety of places automatically. One example of that in action is restaurants. There are two types of restaurants: locations which actually are restaurants but also restaurants inside other locations, e.g. hotels. The client can easily a new restaurant inside a hotel (in PW terms that is just add a “restaurant” as a child of a “hotel”) and just set up all of it’s information like descriptions, menus, booking links and images. This entry will automatically display on the search map as part of the hotel, be added to the “book a table” buttons everywhere across the website and also have it’s information and download links be displayed on the hotel’s detail page. And by the way, the client also can (and does!) add hotels inside hotels, e.g. a small resort with independent booking but which factually is part of a bigger hotel complex. They add, press save and “it just works!” 🤯 To achieve this goal, we made extensive use of the beloved “addHookProperty” method to for example output a list of all the “book-a-table” links for any specific page which makes programming the front end of the website a whole lot easier! 🥳 The culmination of all this is a simple and easy tree structure in the admin area like this (this is just part of it): All the information one might add about a restaurant or hotel is entered in each entry’s fields. Every coordinate, address and image is only ever entered once. All of this for example results in the search map and floating booking buttons completely automatically: Not only there, but also in the menus: Content «Page Builder» In addition to all the meta information, all of the pages should allow to have a completely independent experience for a visitor. That is why any restaurant and hotel gets it’s own landing page which acts as a mini landing page. There, the information is broken down: Booking links show only for the location itself (remember, there still might be multiple 😉), events are automatically filtered by location and sub-restaurants are displayed automatically. Yet still, all of the content feels dynamic because we make heavy use of @ryan’s Repeater Matrix module. For some of the blocks, the information is entered directly but for others, the information is grabbed from the events catalog or the blog entries and automatically filtered as appropriate for the page where the block is displayed on. For example, the events block on a hotel page only displays events for that specific location whereas if the events block is used on the homepage, everything is displayed. Here is a few of the blocks the client can use on any page: Webshop with Print@Home vouchers To finish up this showcase, now for the most interesting part for all developers here, the webshop and all it’s interfaces to external services. From the very beginning, we knew, we needed to use something which will offload the cart and checkout parts of the shop completely because we don’t have the capacity to create a full webshop application for this project and there was nothing around we could build upon (this is only partly true, there is @Gadgetto's SnipWire which was a big inspiration). Obviously, nowadays there are alternatives around the corner like @bernhard’s RockCommerce which might just be the on-page solution for cart and checkout ProcessWire needs. Although the shop might seem small and unimpressive when looking at it from the user’s perspective, a lot has to happen in the background. Part of it is that we had to combine two types of products and part of it is the actual technologies we ended up using. The first product type is your standard product which gets shipped to the buyers. These products are easy compared to the second type - a streamlined experience starting in the shop where the user picks a value and a greeting for a print-at-home voucher, pays for it and together with the order confirmation is sent the voucher as a PDF ready to be printed. This lead us on an adventure where we came across asynchronous payment confirmation, custom payment processors for SnipCart and a small translation layer mapping one API to the other. In the end, we built a system of three modules for ProcessWire like this: The heart of the system is our «Snipart Integration» module. Think of it as a baby-SnipWire. It adds webhook handling, a custom payment provider API and JSON product info endpoints for SnipCart to work on the website. Building on the custom payment provider API, we have the «Wallee interface» which acts as a translation layer from the asynchronous API Wallee speaks to the synchronous one SnipCart uses. Further, we have the «Boncard interface» which adds webhook handlers to reach out to the print-at-home provider to generate and fetch the PDFs and finally sending them to the client, using our fourth and last external provider: SendGrid. Since SnipCart already uses SendGrid, this one was easy to decide. Also, there is a very good integration available with WireMailSendGrid. All of the modules have been built with reusability and modularity in mind: all of them have a configuration screen to add API secrets amongst other settings. They can be used as a package or in parts. This is useful if for example, you don’t need Wallee as a payment provider or do not have Boncard’s print-at-home vouchers in your webshop. Also, more custom payment providers are easily added using the main module’s API and webhook handlers. Conclusion There is still much to tell especially about the shop and custom payment providers’ implementations and challenges we faced. If you guys are interested, I can start working on a case study. Let me know! I will leave you with a few links for you to look at and/or get more information: https://huettenzauber.ch/ our main subject https://www.fruitcake.ch/projekte/huettenzauber/ our portfolio entry about the project COMING SOON link to page on ProcessWire Showcase Also, I don't want you to miss out on what's running behind the scenes: ProFields: Combo ProFields: Repeater Matrix Seo Maestro ProcessRedirects Tracy Debugger WireMailSendGrid All of this rocks on ProcessWire v227.
    2 points
  2. Thanks @Mats - that's enough tinkering for now! 😄 1.0.2
    1 point
  3. That's how FullCalendar renders Events and shows their info. It should be configurable though: https://fullcalendar.io/docs/displayEventTime which should be easy to hook: https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockcalendar/docs/hooks/#getitemarray
    1 point
  4. Create 2 dates, one on the first day of the month, one on the last day, and use the selector "event_date>=begin, event_date<end". You are potentially loading thousands of pages here.
    1 point
  5. Thanks very much for quick response...I looked already before, but now noticed that I do not have php dom extension... After install of it and restart of apache it is OK... So solved...
    1 point
  6. @Ivan Gretsky, this feature is now in master branch (0.31.0). Though please test a bit before putting it in action 🙂 Regarding this, I gave it a bit of thought and added something that I hope makes sense to you: if the view prefix value has exclamation mark as a suffix, e.g. "!theme/", it will be considered a strict value. If that's the case, the exclamation mark is automatically stripped from the view prefix, and in case a view file with the prefix can't be found, Wireframe should act like it didn't find a file at all. I'm definitely open to revisiting and/or tweaking this behaviour. My motivation here was mainly to a) find a solution that feels intuitive without introducing too much complexity, and b) preferably avoid adding more configuration flags. I didn't really have a lot of time to test the latest changes yet; hopefully I got them right, but please let me know if I've caused any new issues 🙂
    1 point
  7. Something else I noticed recently, when a page has two unsplash inputfields on the same template they are linked, so perhaps the js needs more granular selectors for the interaction layer so that each inputfield can operate independently. This module otherwise still works very well. I think pulling the data-id value from the element and attaching it to the `splashAndGrab` id on the fieldset in the js and form output will fix it. If I can get something working I will sub a PR. This was simpler than I thought. I want to test a few more things but I believe I got this working in a way that allows for multiple separate instances. Once I test a little more I will sub a PR.
    1 point
  8. I have noticed that on pages where an image field with this feature is activated, I get a warning that the page is being edited in another window that is generally off by a few minutes. I was not seeing this issue at all prior to adding the module. The page saves without issue, but immediately after saving the warning will pop up sometimes. Irrelevant. But here's something that's not - unsplash is charging now for their API. Can you include a place to include licensing on the backend for folks who still want to use them?
    1 point
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