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  • 2 months later...

This has been super helpful on one project, but I can't seem to get it working on another.

Using PW 2.3, I install the module, add the permissions for a role, trash a page, then go to the trashman page.  Nothing shows up.

The other site I've got it working on is, could that make the different?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi again, sorry for the delay on this.  Just getting back into the sites that are using the module.  

In the meantime, I've got the module installed and running fine on another site using 2.3, so compatibility with that version isn't the issue.

Tried installing and re-installing, but no luck. Deleted a file, but still nothing showing in the Trashman list.

I do see the entry in the ProcessTrashman table, though.  And, yes, I do see the Watchdog module installed.

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Hi, timezone is correct, but the server time is 45 min ahead.  The time on the server that has the site on which Trashman is working is in synch.  

Could this be the issue?  If so, given that I may not be able to change the server time, is there anything else you'd suggest?


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  On 5/30/2013 at 2:35 AM, apeisa said:

And if you play with start date and end date do you see it somehow?

Did you try that? If possible, pm me admin credentials and also data that there is in trashman-table and I take a look.

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Hi, just tried fiddling with the dates in the ProcessTrashman table, but didn't have any luck.  Still nothing showing up.

Think I'll just provide admin level access to the role needing to get access to the trash for now.  

If you have any more ideas, please do let me know.  


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Hi apeisa,

I've messaged you with the code and database so you can (if you have time) set it up locally to test.

I forgot to provide you with the admin login I created for you, though.
The admin is located at /contest-admin/
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
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