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CropImage field in Repeater not saving


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horst, thank you for the reply! I have updated the module but the problem remains.

It might be relevant that I have just changed servers - the cropimage upload used to work fine in the old server but in this new set up it's disappearing after reaching 100%. Since there are already several pages set up with the template, changing the field to tables or something else is not really an option. 

Any other ideas? I read other threads that suggested looking into the temporary upload directory config variable, so I added the following to the site/config.php file:

$config->uploadTmpDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/uploads/';

Again that didn't change anything. As I mentioned, only the repeater cropimage is not saving, other file uploads and cropimages in non-repeater contexts are okay.

EDITING TO ADD: Also after changing servers, the Database Backup module throws the following errors:

>> Unable to create path for backups: ***/site/assets/backups/database/

>> Error: Call to a member function getAllTables() on a non-object (line 249 of ***/modules/ProcessDatabaseBackups/ProcessDatabaseBackups.module)

I suspect this is the same issue... but I'm way out of my depth regarding what to do. Any help is deeply appreciated, thanks.

EDIT2: File uploads in repeaters are just not working period, be it cropimage or regular image. :-/ ??

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