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PW variables in new admin page


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I created a new page with parent and template "admin" and created a new module for that page process.

Among other things, i would like to list there all the children of another page with a module. Is there any way of using template variables inside the module, or it has to be done another way?

I looked on the forums, and tried to figure out by looking at other modules, but didn't find any answer.

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For the pages, you would use something like $yourpagelist = wire('pages')->get(your-selector-here)...

I thinkthe rest will more or less follow the same structure as above if you see what I mean?

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Diogo, Pete is right. You can also use $this->pages if you prefer it. But the nice thing about wire('pages') is that it's a constant that works anywhere whether in or out of a class, command line api, etc.

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I do like this solution. I digg a bit more on modules and saw that you also do something like: $pages = wire('pages'),

and then use $pages->get(), and so on, just like in templates.

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