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Best practice with language specific domain names


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I am about to build a new multi-language site, that has a different domain name for each language. Like this:

- german-name.ch (default language)

- french-name.ch

- italian-name.ch

Now I wonder, what is the best way to deal with this situation. Just do it the simple way and point the french and italian domains to german-name.ch? Like this:

french-name.ch --> german-name.ch/fr/

italian-name.ch --> german-name.ch/it/

Is this a good way user experience wise?

Or would you rather suggest, that the language specific domain remain always in the URL? Like so:

french-name.ch/fr/french-page --> language change --> french-name.ch/de/german-page or french-name.ch/it/italian-page

If this is preferable, how can I do this?

Thanks for help

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What is the reason behind having three different domain names? I thought it might have to do with SEO? That's why I opted for this. This one


italian-name.ch --> german-name.ch/it/

Wouldn't make much sense if SEO matters.


But then the "/fr/" segment is somewhat redundant, isn't it?



And how would youre language switcher look like?

Not sure. How about Multisite Module? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1025-multisite/

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