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ProcessWire growth

Peter Knight

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I'm relatively new to PW so this is one for the old timers out there and Ryan.

Is it just my imagination if has there been an explosion of interest in PW over the last few months? Seems to be exponential growth on forums too. If it's true, what's driving the growth?

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TinyMCE as the default RTE ? :)

I'm guessing the new growth is a combination of things...2.5, RenoTheme, ListerPro, ProFields, lull from other CMS progress, friendly community. And in the background, Ryan's constant patience, enthusiasm, productivity and all round genuine positivity and transparency. At least they're my own magnets. Interested to read others interpretation.

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This week we have an event here in Nuremberg/Germany called Nürnberg Web Week. Last night was the "CMS Night" which is organized by the Joomla user group Nürnberg. In the email reminder for that event, they also mentioned ProcessWire as one topic.

Also at other congresses in my area, PW is being promoted as a very flexible CMS/CMF solution.

So we can hope for a bright future for PW.

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