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Skeleton framework 12 or 16 columns ?


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I am setting up a blog with Ryan's blog profile and am digging the skeleton framework.

Some confusion here. On the skeleton grid example it shows 12 columns,


but if you click underneath on the code example link it shows 16 columns

<!-- Give column value in word form (one, two..., twelve) -->
<div class="sixteen columns">
<h1>Full Width Column</h1>
Looks like skeleton is a 16 columns grid and not 12 as shown in the example.
Also can someone tell me in easy words what they mean with
alpha and omega in skeleton ?
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I dont know skeleton, but taking a quick glimpse at the HTML of the site it looks like its a 16 column grid.

But instead of using percentual measurements for the grid width it uses a fixed pixel width. The media queries set a different width for the grid elements (one, two, etc.)

So since, on a wide screen looking at the site its a left sidebar of 3 columns width and a content part of 12 columns with an offset of 1 column makes it a total of 16. Thats why the example in the content column has a width of 12 columns.

| 3 columns | 1 column offset | -------- 12 columns -------- |
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I use skeleton all the time. The std package is definitely 16 cols. I think Ryan added extra @media screen for a minimum width of 1200px for larger screens to the files supplied with the blog profile?

Once you get the hang of columns, offsets, one-third columns etc, it's a breeze.

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I've also added a 1200px view (something that Skeleton doesn't come with) so that this profile has a nice "wide" view, in addition to a normal desktop, tablet and mobile view.

Thanks kongondo.

I guess this also answers my question about "alpha" and "omega" in skeleton.

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