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Simple Dropdown Menu


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In advance, I did search and found nothing that helped, including the thread discussing the "treeMenu" function, which doesn't do what I want (at least not quite).

What I'm after is a really simple, static navigation with the following structure, visible on every page:

<ul id="menu">

  <li>item 1</li>

  <li>item 2


      <li>item 2a</li>

      <li>item 2b</li>



  <li>item 3


      <li>item 3a</li>

      <li>item 3b</li>

      <li>item 3c</li>




In the past, and with every other CMS I've tried out, this has always been a doddle, and I picked ProcessWire today because I though it looked nice, clean and simple; the 30 odd lines of code in the other thread which talk about achieving something similar to this is NOT what I would consider to be simple (no offence intended).

Is there no other way around this? Surely this is really basic stuff?...

I'm not a programmer, but I imagine it could work something like "for each links as link, if link has children show them to n level..."?

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I'm thinking you want something like this?


function listChildrenTree($children) {
        echo "<ul>";
        foreach($children as $page) {
                echo "<li><a href='{$page->url}'>{$page->title}</a> ";
                if($page->numChildren) listChildrenTree($page->children); 
                echo "</li>";
        echo "</ul>";


That would do something similar to the sitemap, but has the first level of pages as root leaves rather than the homepage.

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  • 3 months later...

I need to accomplish the same thing as Julian, but with the Home page tacked onto it (with an image inside the <li>, which you helped me out with before).

I tried figuring this out on my own (I really did!):

function listChildrenTree($children) {

echo "<ul>";
foreach($children as $page) {
echo "<li><a href='{$page->url}'>";
if($page->id == $pages->get("/")->id) echo "<img src='" . $config->urls->templates . "styles/images/home.png' width='24' height='28' alt='' />";
echo "{$page->title}</a> ";

if($page->numChildren) listChildrenTree($page->children);
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

$homepage = $pages->get("/");
$children = $homepage->children("limit=6");


But it seems to be choking whenever I try to use $pages or $config inside of the function. Is it not possible to access the API variables from within a function? If so, what's the best practice here? I must be missing something obvious!

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You have two options inside function:


or then passing needed variables as function params:


function renderSubmenu($page) {
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Got it, thanks. Is this in the documentation? Seems like something that should be a bit more visible.

Got it working along with an "on" class for the active page:

function listChildrenTree($children) {

echo "<ul>";
foreach($children as $page) {
$class = $page->id == wire('page')->rootParent->id ? " class='on'" : '';
echo "<li><a href='{$page->url}' $class>";
if($page->id == wire('pages')->get("/")->id) echo "<img src='" . wire('config')->urls->templates . "styles/images/home.png' width='24' height='28' alt='' />";
echo "{$page->title}</a> ";
if($page->numChildren && $page->id != wire('pages')->get("/")->id) listChildrenTree($page->children);
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";


$children = $pages->get("/")->children();



I tried passing the home page to the function as a parameter and using that instead of wire('pages')->get("/")->id but any time I tried to add a second parameter to the function the script errored. Any idea why this would be?

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function listChildrenTree($children, $current, $w) {

echo "<ul>";

foreach($children as $page) {

	$class = '';
	if($page === $current || $current->parents->slice(1)->has($page) ) {
		$class = "class='on' style='font-weight:bold'";

	$rootid = $w->pages->get("/")->id;

	echo "<li><a href='{$page->url}' $class>";
	if($page->id == $rootid) echo "<img src='" . $w->config->urls->templates . "styles/images/home.png' width='24' height='28' alt='' />";
	echo "{$page->title}</a> ";

	if($page->numChildren && $page->id != $rootid) listChildrenTree($page->children, $current, $w);

	echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

$children = $pages->get("/")->children();

listChildrenTree($children, $page, $wire);
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  • 7 months later...

I have a question concering the code beneath:

  On 11/27/2011 at 7:36 PM, ryan said:

function listChildrenTree($children) {
echo "<ul>";
foreach($children as $page) {
echo "<li><a href='{$page->url}'>{$page->title}</a> ";
if($page->numChildren) listChildrenTree($page->children);
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";


It works fine (it skips the root page which is logical and natural way of putting navigation) but I need to add a class to the children's children (grand-children of the root) items of the navigation so I could hide them with css/jquery (and show on mouse hover). How do I do this? I tried few modifications but I faced the problem of identifying the grand-children out of the script loop flow.

Anyone? Thanks.

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Thanks Soma. Your module looks great. I will check it out tomorrow. Thanks again for the feedback!

Edit: yes it all went perfect. With nested classes the module allows to easly style the grandchildren in css and make them behave in JS. Thanks again.

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