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templateFile object inside a module function


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I had some problems with templateFile class as template system inside a module.

Tried it that way:

$tpl->filename = $feu->getTpl('profile');

Works fine at PW template files, but doesn't work inside a module/ class.

Get it working with setFilename in the end...


So I think setFilename should be the way to do it (right)? 

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Hello adrian,

You won't found my custom module function at github ;)

It returns the template file with full(!) path and extension.

If exists from the template subdir <module> as user custom template. Else from site module directory -> subdir "views" as module default template.

Path and file returned by getTpl() is double checked and works fine.

If I set the template with filename within a template file it works fine.

Done inside my module it doesn't set the protected class var filename. With setFilename() the class var set correct and it works.

I verified it with var_dump.

So I'll use setFilename() in the future ;)

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Ok, thanks for the explanation - it all makes sense now :)

I don't know what your getTpl() method actually does, but this will also return the template file's full path:

echo $page->template->filename;

Maybe you are already using this as part of getTpl()?

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My bad... code missed at first post because I modified it. Found the solution after write the post and modified it (removed to much code examples *g*)

Here is my getTpl() function.

    protected function getTpl($tpl) {
        $defTpl = $this->config->paths->FrontendUsers . "/views/{$tpl}.tpl.php";
        $custTpl = $this->config->paths->templates . "FrontendUsers/{$tpl}.tpl.php";
        if (file_exists($custTpl)) {
            return $custTpl;
        return $defTpl;

Thank You to help me to clearify this question, adrian and WillyC :)

As I posted I use setFilename() to go around the problem with ->filename =

I wondered because much examples use ->filename = xyz to set template file instead of the setFilename() function, but setFilename() seems to be more "secure" to use (and get the expected result?

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