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How to move from local to live server?


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Hello Everyone!

I have been looking for all over the internet for instructions on how to move a Processwire site from local (Xampp) to a live server. This is important because I don't want the website to be viewed while its being worked on. Does anyone know where I can find any information?

Thanks :)

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Hi dees2012 and welcome to PW.

Here is a comprehensive writeup from Ryan:


There are lots of other posts about this:


Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any specific questions.

Thank you for that information. I checked it out and its exactly what I have been searching for.

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I found this very useful when dealing with my dev and live configurations.

Paste and configure in /site/config.php

$base_url  = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
switch ($base_url) {
	case "samplewebsite.dev":
		$config->dbHost    = 'localhostdb';
		$config->dbName    = 'processwire';
		$config->dbUser    = 'root';
		$config->dbPass    = 'PaSsWoRd';
		$config->dbPort    = '3306';
		$config->httpHosts = array('samplewebsite.dev', 'www.samplewebsite.dev');
		$config->debug     = true; 
	case "samplewebsite.com":
		$config->dbHost    = 'livedb';
		$config->dbName    = 'processwire';
		$config->dbUser    = 'username';
		$config->dbPass    = 'pAsSwOrD';
		$config->dbPort    = '3306';
		$config->httpHosts = array('samplewebsite.com', 'www.samplewebsite.com');
		$config->debug     = false; 

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