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Trying to expand search form


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Using the Skyscrapers, I wanted to see if i could add architect to the search form as a select field to search, like city is. So I just went along and copied the code from city.... and although it displays in the searchform, it does not show results... what do I miss?

In includes/search-form.php I added this code:

<!-- added architect -->
    <label for='search_architect'>Architect</label>
    <select id='search_architect' name='architect'>
        <option value=''>Any</option><?php
        // generate the architect options, checking the whitelist to see if any are already selected
        foreach($pages->get("/architects/")->children() as $architect) {
            $selected = $architect->name == $input->whitelist->architect ? " selected='selected' " : '';
            echo "<option$selected value='{$architect->name}'>{$architect->title}</option>";

In search.php I added this code (before the code for city select):

$summary = array(
// added architect
    "architect" => "",    
    "city" => "",
    "hours" => "",
    "floors" => "",
    "year" => "",
    "keywords" => "",

// added architect
// if a architect is specified, then we limit the results to having that architect as their parent
if($input->get->architect) {
    $architect = $pages->get("/architects/" . $sanitizer->pageName($input->get->architect));
    if($architect->id) {
        $selector .= "parent=$architect, ";
        $summary["architect"] = $architect->title;
        $input->whitelist('architect', $architect->name);
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WillyC is right...that selector will not work. Architects (see architects pages, e.g.Albert Khan) are not parent pages; they have no children...so, your selector will not return anything...

Edited by kongondo
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But then how come it works for the cities?

The code is the same, except the name in the code is different, e.g.architect versus cities, architect versus city.

In the back-end both city-pages and architect-pages have a parent-page.

Or does it has something to do ith this code.

the first is from architect.php - second is from city.php

$content = renderSkyscraperList(findSkyscrapers("architects=$page"));
$content = renderSkyscraperList(findSkyscrapers("parent=$page"));
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Technically, the code is not the same; one if filtering by a field called "architects" the other by the parent. (i.e., the City)..

Hope the below explains this:

This is the function findSkyscrapers

function findSkyscrapers($selector) {

	$validSorts = getValidSkyscraperSorts();

	// check if there is a valid 'sort' var in the GET variables
	$sort = wire('sanitizer')->name(wire('input')->get->sort);

	// if no valid sort, then use 'title' as a default
	if(!$sort || !isset($validSorts[ltrim($sort, '-')])) $sort = 'title';

	// whitelist the sort value so that it is retained in pagination
	if($sort != 'title') wire('input')->whitelist('sort', $sort); 

	// expand on the provided selector to limit it to 10 sorted skyscrapers
	$selector = "template=skyscraper, limit=10, " . trim($selector, ", ");

	// check if there are any keyword searches in the selector by looking for the presence of 
	// ~= operator. if present, then omit the 'sort' param, since ProcessWire sorts by 
	// relevance when no sort specified.
	if(strpos($selector, "~=") === false) $selector .= ", sort=$sort";

	// now call upon ProcessWire to find the skyscrapers for us
	$skyscrapers = wire('pages')->find($selector); 

	// save skyscrapers for possible display in a map

	// set this runtime variable to the page so we can show the user what selector was used
	// to find the skyscrapers. the renderSkyscraperList function looks for it. 
	wire('page')->set('skyscraper_selector', $selector);

	return $skyscrapers; 

Expanding that...

For architect.php: We look in the field "architects"

//the code

//is actually saying...
$skyscrapers = wire('pages')->find($selector); 

//which can be expanded as...
$skyscrapers = wire('pages')->find("template=skyscraper, architects=$page, limit=10");//find pages whose field "architects" == this architect (e.g. John)

For city.php, we look for children pages of the page we are viewing, e.g. New York...i.e. the parent. It also says this in city.php


This just lists the current page's children, which are assumed to be skyscrapers

The code...

//the original code

//can be expanded as such...
$skyscrapers = wire('pages')->find("template=skyscraper, parent=$page, limit=10");//find pages whose parent is this page (e.g. New York)

Hope it now makes sense...  :)

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Here is a working version...give me two minutes... :-)


OK, here we go...

Edit your search_form.php - add the following code:

<label for='search_architect'>Architect</label>
  <select id='search_architect' name='architect'>
    <option value=''>Any</option><?php 
    // generate the Architect options, checking the whitelist to see if any are already selected
      foreach($pages->get("/architects/")->children() as $architect) {
	       $selected = $architect->name == $input->whitelist->architect ? " selected='selected' " : ''; 
	       echo "<option$selected value='{$architect->name}'>{$architect->title}</option>"; 

Edit your  search.php as you did above...but with the modification in the selector....and in the comments

// added architect
// if a architect is specified, then we limit the results to having that architect (architects field in those pages)
if($input->get->architect) {
    $architect = $pages->get("/architects/" . $sanitizer->pageName($input->get->architect));
    if($architect->id) {
        $selector .= "architects=$architect, ";//CHANGE YOUR SELECTOR AS SHOWN HERE
	$summary["architect"] = $architect->title;
	$input->whitelist('architect', $architect->name);

Edit your CSS to style the new longer search form...

Smile...am not such a bad guy  :-X  :P  ;)

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You guys are quick and amazing. Just one question for search-form.php, should this:

$selected = $architect->name == $input->whitelist->city ? " selected='selected' " : '';

not be whitelist->architect


Changed that. Your code works. Great help here!

Now I need to figure out a way to use the form as a filter - starting from the current page, I believe I already have seen it somewhere in the "Joss tutorial".

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