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Facebook likes/lies

Martijn Geerts

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Yes, the original BBC article is here:


The entire world of internet advertising is, I think, very dodgy.

I have had two clients over the last couple of years who I have lost because they moved from traditional advertising to internet advertising. Both have now returned as their internet advertising failed to live up to the hype - these guys were using proper agencies too, not just doing it themselves.

The problem is that response does not necessarily turn into sales. Personally, I think a major issue is the company Facebook page. If an advert drags  you to a facebook page, you are faced with something that is not unique, has predictable tools and basically, looks pretty much like the competition. Also, any calls to action are relying on live posting (which slides down the page) and the written reaction from other posters.

If the advert drags you to a bespoke website that is well designed, it can be stuffed with information, calls to actions, love and honey.

Look at it this way. If you were Amazon.xx would you want people to be taken to Facebook or to Amazon?

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Recently I've added facebook.com again to my HOSTS file, pointing to - just got fed up with all the like / share stuff that's scattered all over the place. Not to mention the page-loading slowing down on some sites (JS/iframe widgets etc.).

The entire world of internet advertising is, I think, very dodgy.

Has it ever been substantially different?

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