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About time I unsubscribed from all the Joomla stuff


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One of the problems with using Joomla on an off since, well, since it started, is that I appear to have signed up for a whole heap of sites so I could download extensions and so on.

For some reason, perhaps now would be a good time to try and delete myself from a few or more of those sites......


Oh, a new little collection of PW sites will be appearing shortly ....

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Greetings Joss,

Oh, come now... You know very well it's fun to keep receiving all that Joomla stuff. It's kind of like seeing a fading photo of yourself wearing those bellbottom jeans, or recalling how you drank a little too much at that friend's party in high school.

Seriously, though, Joss. If it were not for Joomla I would have never had a chance to meet you. That would be sad.

Looking forward to your new sites!



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  • 2 weeks later...


I just had to download and install a Joomla extension for someone! It was for adding a simple twitter timeline - you should see the amount of rubbish it added to what should be such a simple thing.

Someone get me a glass of water** quick!

(** trans. Water = Middleton's Irish Whiskey, one cube of ice, no water)

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Mind you, as the evening wares on, it is more like

$drinks->FIND("category=whisky, type=middletons, ice=1");

foreach($drinks as $drink) {

  if($drink->copper == 1) {

     echo "Sorry Ociffer!";


    echo "Taxi";


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