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Galleria Module


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Just looked at it. Great so far, but a few things to consider.

There's gazillion possibilities anyway how to implement a gallery, but I would never implement a gallery this way in PW or other CMS. Thats what PW is strong in, having images field with description field already, sorting, resizing, etc... Outputting them in the template is as easy as it can get with little php. You could combine it with having an images field to upload images, and then only put a [galleria] in the body text where you want it to render. Usually a gallery is something I don't want to hard-code into a textarea using tags with image path etc. So depending on what you want and need, this works and might be ok to use, but I would definately not recommended it.

Also consider these things:

What if you need description per image? How is resizing images/thumbs handled?

Looking at your code. Use following for get paths to your module.. as it might doesn't work with other installations/paths the way you done it.

$this->config->urls->Galleria . "themes/classic/galleria.classic.min.js";
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Very cool 12345J, I'm thrilled to see you building these modules. I'm not familiar with the Galleria service, but just checked it out and it looks very interesting. If I understand correctly, this is kind of like a youtube embed, but for photo galleries? Some nice regex action in there – keep up the great work with these modules.

While it's true that PW has good built in capabilities for building galleries and manipulating photos, I would also expect that a dedicated service like Galleria would probably offer some nice things that we don't. So this type of module may fill a niche that we aren't yet covering with PW.


Looking at your code. Use following for get paths to your module.. as it might doesn't work with other installations/paths the way you done it.

That's a good point. I'm actually not sure how it's working at present because it looks like one would have to be in the /site/ dir in order for that path to work? When PW is rendering pages, it does a chdir() into /site/templates/, so I think the path above would technically be trying to access /site/templates/modules/?... (which doesn't exist). But I might be misunderstanding something about galleria or the module. 12345J how is this working at present?

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No Ryan this is just a normal gallery script like if you were using fancybox or any other. If it would be a service like embed you wouldn't need to enter each image with paths into text, instead just put a embed link. That's why I see little problems using this approach.  Certainly nothing wrong here, but not ideal.

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Ah I got it. Well I still need to try this when I'm back at my workstation. But even if just a fancybox-type thing, this same approach could be used for an embedded gallery. Is anyone offering such a service? New business idea! :)

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Ah I got it. Well I still need to try this when I'm back at my workstation. But even if just a fancybox-type thing, this same approach could be used for an embedded gallery. Is anyone offering such a service? New business idea! :)

Hum.. What about flickR ? Some Gallery let do it (ZenPhoto), taking out some pictures store on Flickr or facebook and show them

in tour website gallery. (haven't try it)


Does that to i think but with an impressive way. (using flash)

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How is going this module ? any update or new idea?

By the way :

How can i make the images showing in the frond end page link to a fancybox ? By adding  a class in the template ?

For now it's give you the full size in the main page..



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How can i make the images showing in the frond end page link to a fancybox ? By adding  a class in the template ?

For FancyBox, I would suggest installing and configuring per the directions here: http://fancybox.net/

FancyBox is a good one, but there are plenty of others too, so it's good to look at the options and see what suits your needs best.

I usually keep my admin and front-end scripts separate so that I can upgrade PW with out considering specific sites, and I can upgrade things on my sites independently from PW's admin. So while it may be technically more efficient to share the same scripts between your site and admin, I think long term it's a smarter thing not to. So my recommendation is to install FancyBox (or another lightbox) on your site in the same manner as if ProcessWire wasn't there.

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