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API on external domain


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Hi, I was hoping for some help.

I have processwire installed on an external domain to manage content for me. I was wondering how I go about accessing the API from other domains / local build environment? On my localhost all API calls work well when pointing to local processwire/index.php but when I attempt to point to live processwire/index.php api fails. 

All help is much appreciated!


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Welcome to ProcessWire dhamilton51!

The general way people work with websites is to treat local and live copies of websites completely separately. This usually involves working on it locally first and then going live by uploading the finished/near-finished site to the live server.

Is there a reason you want your local copy to talk to the live version's API? Are Martijn or I actually understanding what you're doing?

I think with some more details we can certainly help you :)

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Hey guys - thanks for your quick responses!

Basically I am just using processwire as a management tool for some help/tutorials on a particular area of my website and am using simple API calls to search and display the page content within my own website/framework.

I have dev and live versions of my website but would like to just have a single instance of processwire sitting on my live server so I don't need to duplicate content between 2 installs etc.

I hope this makes things a little more clear... the 'Pages Web Service' module may well be exactly what I need, I will check it out over the next day or 2, but any other advice or help is very much appreciated.

Thanks again,


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