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Unpublished page and children behaviour


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what is the behaviour of unpublished pages children?

In the admin I see them as published, but if I query them via the Api, I see an Internal Server Error ("Call to a member function children() on a non-object").

Should I unpublish children and grandchildren recursively?

Thanks... !

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Thanks Dragan,

I don't think I got it, I need to hide programmatically a branch of pages, and with Page::statusUnpublished I see I can hide only the root page.

Is there any way to make it the easy way?... :)


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For example I have

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I need to unpublish all of these, I was wandering if there is something like $pages->delete($page, true), that is $pages->unpublish($page, true)..

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No theres no unpublish($page, true)

You can use the Batcher module to mass edit pages. You'll need a selector like "has_parent=1004" id of parent...


what is the behaviour of unpublished pages children?

The behavior of children of a unpublished parent is the same as when it's published. It doesn't influence it's children.

In the admin I see them as published, but if I query them via the Api, I see an Internal Server Error ("Call to a member function children() on a non-object").

Hard to say without seeing your code. But my guess is you have a script that tries to find the parent page but can't because it's unpublished... and you call $parent->children() somehwere but $parent isn't really a page object. that's what the error says at least.

But you still could get the parent and it's children via API even if unpublished, you just add "include=all" to the selector or just use a get

$parent = $pages->get(1004); // id of the parent
$children = $parent->children(); // works as usual, even if $parent unpublished

But it's still unclear to me what you try/need. Why unpublish them, when you want to query them?

Should I unpublish children and grandchildren recursively?
That's a question I can't really give an answer, as I still don't know the reason why you want to unpublish all those pages?
Do they need to be hidden in navigation? Where hideing the parent would be enough? 
I can imagine that if you really want to make them all unpublished and not reachable to unpublish the parent for the branch and control a 404 in you templates init somewhere like the head.inc.
if($page->parents("status>=". Page::statusUnpublished)->count()){
    throw new Wire404Exception();

Basicly checking if any parents of the current requested page ist unpublished, and then show 404. But not tested really, just a example.

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