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FieldtypeURL error

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That sound not like a problem we are aware of. What version of PW? Because the line isn't where this problem would appear.

It sounds more like your PW install is corrupt, missing files or whatever. Try putting in a new wire folder.

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It actually does sound like files are missing (or unreadable). If it's fixed again by replacing your /wire/ directory, then I would suspect your web host. Some web hosts run scripts nightly that go and look for files containing certain names or patterns which they assume to be problematic from a security standpoint. Unfortunately they far from perfect, and they flag files that have no problems at all. I believe this is because of filenames similar to WordPress filenames that have issues. For instance, Dreamhost apparently flags ProcessWire's /wire/core/Page.php, and they can't even figure out why. Once they flag it, they make the file unreadable, essentially breaking the installation. I've been in contact with one user that is having this problem with Dreamhost. This could be what's happening in your case, though with one of the /wire/modules/Fieldtype/ files (FieldtypeURL?). Check that all of those files have full read permissions. Also, check any Fieldtype modules you have in /site/modules/. 

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