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Video Fieldtype


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Struggling with page reference inside repeater

since the video files are usually bigger then some jpgs, I wanted to reuse uploaded video files on a website.

There is a page reference field select_video inside a repeater. The file field for the videos is video_field.
In a hidden page "video-container" are hidden child pages. Each child pages has a single video. I want to show each video via the page reference (inside a repeater) on a different page.
In the field video_field under Basics -> Type the option Files is active. 

This is my code, where only headline and body_second are rendered.

<? foreach ($page->repeater_headline_movie_text as $item) : ?>
					<h3><?= $item->headline; ?></h3>
					<article class="video_article">
						<?php if ($item->select_video->id) : ?>
							<?php $file = $item->video_field;
								if($file) {
  								echo "<video width='{1280}' height='{710}' poster='{$file->video_field->poster}' controls='controls' preload='yes'>
									<source type='video/mp4' src='{$file->video_field->url}' />
									<track kind='subtitles' src='{subtitles}' srclang='de' />
								} ?>
						<?php endif; ?>
						<div class="textwrapper">
							<?= $item->body_second; ?>
				<? endforeach; ?>


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At a quick glance, it feels like you are missing a level when getting the video. You need to get the video_field from the select_video, but instead you are getting video_field from $item. Does that sound right?


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1 hour ago, adrian said:

At a quick glance, it feels like you are missing a level when getting the video. You need to get the video_field from the select_video, but instead you are getting video_field from $item. Does that sound right?


Hi Adrian,

thanks for your suggestion. Yes, now I see what's missing. The logic must be:
Select the page, check if there is a field video_field inside and render the content.

And I think that this php-logic causes me headache ?


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  • 1 month later...

I am trying to use this module on a site. And I am getting the following error when trying to add a video to a page.

 - Param given by constructor is not valid gd resource

Any clue what this is?


I replace the content of the folder ffmpeg-php inside the module, for a recent version of this library, and this solve that issue.

And edit the line 114 of the file InputfieldVideo.module.php to prevent a PHP error about Implicit conversion from float to int

From this

$duration = gmdate("H:i:s", $media->getDuration());

To this

$duration = gmdate("H:i:s", intval($media->getDuration()));


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