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sessionhandlerdb not working on server

Vineet Sawant

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Hello all,

I've installed sessionhandlerdb to check active sessions on website. I first tried it on my local machine & it worked flawlessly, but on my server it's just not showing anything. I tried to keep some sessions open for more than 10 minutes still it shows nothing.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong?

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Are the sessions working, but just not appearing in the list?  Are you seeing sessions present in the DB table 'sessions' (when looking at it via PhpMyAdmin or equivalent)? Also make sure you've got debug mode on when testing, just to make sure any errors aren't getting suppressed. 

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Just to confirm, sessions are working (i.e. you are able to stay logged in consistently), but you just don't see anything in the Setup > Sessions page? Is it completely empty, or do you just see yourself there? In testing here, I can't seem to duplicate the issue. Double check the top drop-down box that lets you specify how many minutes you want to see sessions for. Make sure it is set to at least 5 minutes. If doesn't do it, try increasing it to 43200 minutes and see if that makes any difference?

Another thing to double check is caching. If you are using ProCache, you will not see sessions appear here except when PW has to render the page. That's because ProCache bypasses sessions and the overhead associated with them. So not seeing sessions here would be expected and desirable, but only if using ProCache. 

Last thing to look at is your Modules > Session > Session Handler DB module settings. Try enabling (or disabling) "track IP addresses" and/or "track user agent" in the settings, to see if it makes any difference. 

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Hello Ryan,

Thanks a lot for your answer. Setting minutes to 43200 did provide me a list logins till 11hrs ago.

But one thing that's weird is, on my local machine, the sessions page does show all the active sessions including my own. But on server it doesn't.

Also I'm not using ProCache. So still I'm unable to see the active sessions.

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It sounds like the time settings being recorded for sessions and the time settings on your server are disconnected. I'm wondering if it could be something to do with timezone. I'm honestly not sure on this one, but happy to take a closer look at it.

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