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Title Attributes


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I just wished the page tree label link would have a tooltip that shows id and path/name when hovering... just figured it has a title attribute that acutally already shows the path. It just seems it takes ages in chrome to display them (2-3 sec). May a tooltip function to progressively enhance to show the html title attr would help for consistency and additional control?

Now thinking , I would like to have it display the id aswell. ;) (i know it's in the url of the edit toolbar link, but for the normal unexperienced user it could be handy)

And why not have have all important ui links have short hints as to what they might do? Those of course should then be translateable (is that even a word? :)) when having multilanguage admin.

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I think that the time it takes the browser to display those title attributes is not within our control... as far as I know, browsers implement this internally. FireFox displays the tooltip/title attribute in 1 second. Chrome waits a couple seconds to display the first one, and then displays any others in half a second. I think I prefer the timing behind the Firefox one. Though not sure I'd want it any faster than that because these tooltips can be annoying if they are showing up when you don't need them... and I'd say 95% of the time (for me at least) I'm not there to look at the tooltip. I'm not opposed to putting in the page ID in there, seems like a good idea. Though for some reason, using page IDs for anything has always made me feel a little dirty... like the CMS should really be protecting me from having to deal with IDs. But I realize there are very good reasons for using them, so it's something I need to get over. :)

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I think it's possible to override tooltips, not sure anymore. I just thought something custom that's delayed ~1 second and use a span or div that can be styled... you're right they can be very annoying.

But then I just step back and think, but hey! they already can be displayed by using custom label fields in the template advanced settings... :) PW is a dream come true. ;)

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Could just have a little (i) for Info icon when you click on a title and stick it at the end of the links, then have a jQuery hover thingy with those details in I guess. Just so it's there if you really want it.

I would say that it should be a module though and not by default.

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