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Scandinavian characters


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I've just begin using ProcessWire. Because my site is written in Finland, it contains lots of ä's (a with dots) and ö's.

The problem occurs in every field where I use these characters, it cuts the field content right there. E.g. "hyväntekeväisyys" cuts to "hyv". You see, that's a problem.

Is it the default template, UTF-8 or what?

Thank you for your assistance,


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Hi Akseli and welcome to the forums. I'm inclined to say it's utf problem – somewhere along the lines of php <=> mysql communication, since we have another scandinavian active here on the forums and in the few examples he posted, all special scandinavian characters work OK. Is your database set to UTF?

If your DB has UTF-8 set, your templates are UTF-8 (important!), you might want to try this:

In your /site/ directory, there is config.php. Locate line 137 and uncomment this:

$config->dbSetNamesUTF8 = true; 

If it doesn't help, we'll move on to different solutions :)

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Moro Aleksi ja tervetuloa!

PW should be all the way UTF-8 and I have had no issues with special chars at all. Template encoding doesn't matter (only if want to write special chars directly to the template files). So agree with Adam, problem probably lies between php & mysql. Is your db tables UTF-8?

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It definitely sounds like a UTF8 issue. Here's another possible solution:


I'm thinking about just placing that 'AddDefaultCharset UTF-8' to the default htaccess file so that this doesn't come up for anyone else. Though I'm not certain that's the problem here. If this solution doesn't do it, I'm guessing Akseli may be running an older 2.0 version that still had some latin1 tables in it and need to be converted to utf8.

Akseli what version are you running?



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Hi, and thanks to everyone!

Ryan's link to htaccess-edit worked. Everything is working properly now! :)

I'm using the latest stable version, meaning 2.0. By the way, is 2.1 currently safe to use on production site?

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It's very close to stable, and Ryan & Antti are running sites on it for weeks (if not months already). Me however, as a quite heavy user of niche functions, found few nasty bugs (though not critical), although majority of the has been fixed. I'll be using this as a production version once my latest project goes live, that is in 5-7 days.

Use this information as you will :)

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If you are starting a new site I would go ahead and use 2.1. But since we're still wrapping up some details, you would just want to test any changes locally (stage them) before pushing to your production server.

However, that workflow applies regardless of version or CMS, so if you are using best practices with your workflow then use 2.1. :)

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