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PHP Puzzler - foreach? do loop?


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Hi everyone! Got a puzzle here for you, and if you're able to solve it - I'm all ears!

I'm trying to create a grid using PHP that looks roughly like this:

<div class = "row">
    <div class = "6-columns">
    <div class = "6-columns">
<div class = "row">
    <div class = "6-columns">
    <div class = "6-columns">

The Products here are being collected from a group of pages. I'm able to get them to display, but here's the problem... I need to Loop thru them two-at-a-time so I can add a new "row" before each new group of two 6-column divs.

Here's what I have so far (in overly-simplified form):

echo "<div class = 'row'>";
foreach ($productList as $product) {
    echo "<div class = '6-columns'><div>$product</div></div>";
echo "</div>" 

See my issue? The output from this is something like:

<div class = "row">
    <div class = "6-columns">
    <div class = "6-columns">
    <div class = "6-columns">
    <div class = "6-columns">

I'm sure I need some kind of do while loop or something in there, but I can't seem to get the sequence right of what should go where so I can do ONE row, then TWO products, then ONE row, then TWO products, etc.

So, no, this is not really a PW issue, but I thought someone here might like a crack at helping me solve this!

All the best,

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I'm on mobile, so i will try to help without code.

In your example, inside the foreach, check if the item is even (%=0) and not the last. If true, echo a closing row div and open a new one. For checking this you can use a counter or the api. Look on he cheatsheet for the array methods getItemKey() and last().

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Awesome. I'm a PHP noob, so some of that made sense... enough of it so that I was able to get it to work anyway!

Here's the basic outline of it:

$lastProduct = $productList->last();
$counter = 1;
foreach ($productList as $product) {
    if($counter % 2 != 0) { 
        echo "<div class = 'row'>"; //item is odd, so open the div.row
        //echo the product
        echo "<div class = '6-columns'>";
            echo "<div>$product</div>";
        echo "</div>";        
    if($counter % 2 == 0) || $product == $lastProduct {
        echo "</div>" ; //item is even (or list is complete), so close the div.row
    $counter = $count + 1;

I wasn't sure how to use the getItemKey() method, so if anyone feels like elaborating on that, I'm once again all ears!

Thanks so much, diogo!

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You could use getItemKey() like this:

if($a->getItemKey($i) % 2 != 0)

But thinking better, this does the same and it's simpler:

foreach ($productList as $key => $product){
    if($key % 2 != 0) { 
        // echo
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That worked, too - and yes, it's simpler.

So, the $key is basically just a counter? I had it print the $key for each product next to the title and it just looked like sequential integers going up from 0. Is that the basic idea?

Yes - in this example the key acts like a counter. However, this depends on your array.

In PHP, you can have arrays with numbers and strings as keys in any order - then the counter wouldn't work anymore.

Some examples of arrays and keys:

//Array without keys (indexes are given implicit started by 0)
$array1 = array('hi', 'how', 'are', 'you?');

//Array with defined integer keys
$array2 = array(0 => 'good', 245 => 'thanks');

//Associative array
$array3 = array(
  'firstKey' => 'firstValue',
  'secondKey' => 'secondValue',

//Now the loops 
foreach ($array1 as $k => $v) {
  echo $k; //Prints 0, 1, 2, 3

foreach ($array2 as $k => $v) {
  echo $k; //Prints 0, 245

foreach ($array3 as $k => $v) {
  echo $k; //Prints firstKey, secondKey
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$lastProduct = $productList->last();

$counter = 1;

foreach ($productList as $product) {

    if(!$counter % 2) echo "<div class = 'row'>"; //item is odd, so open the div.row


        echo "<div class = '6-columns'>





    if ( $counter % 2 || $product == $lastProduct )

        echo "</div>" ; //item is even (or list is complete), so close the div.row





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Like Wanze said, in this case it can be used as a counter. Strangely the same doesn't happen with multiple image fields, where the key returns the name of the image. Ryan, if you are reading this, why is it?

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So after everyone's help on this, I wanted to go a little further and make the number of columns within the div.row variable to some degree. I'd like the option to display the products either two-across (which we've already accomplished) or three-across, which hurt my brain as soon as I tried to tackle it using the method above. So instead, here's what I came up with which should work for any number of columns across a 12-column grid setup.

$numColumns = "4-columns"; // For a 3-across layout, given a 12-column grid.
$magicNumber = 12 / $numColumns; //This will be the magic number at which the row closes itself.

$lastProduct = $productList->last();

$counter = 1

foreach ($productList as $product) {

    if ($counter == 1) {
        echo "<div class = 'row'>"; //This is the first one, so open the div.row
    echo "<div class = '$numColumns'>$product</div>";
    if ($counter == $magicNumber || $product == $lastProduct) {
        echo "</div>" //This is the last one in the row, so close the div.row
        $counter = 0 //Reset to 0, knowing the next step will set it back to 1, so that the new row will open.


This allows me to pass in a variable ($numColumns) that says "I want these products to display thismany across."

For my money, this seems like the simplest solution. Anyone think of any improvements?

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You should change this:

if ($counter == $magicNumber || $product == $lastProduct)

to this:

if ($counter % $magicNumber == 0 || $product == $lastProduct)
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Like Wanze said, in this case it can be used as a counter. Strangely the same doesn't happen with multiple image fields, where the key returns the name of the image. Ryan, if you are reading this, why is it?

On a file system, you can't have two of the same filename in the same directory. Filenames as keys ensure that same remains true in memory. 

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