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Confused about Markup Regions - Best practice


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Hi everyone,

I just started using ProcessWire this weekend and try to get an overview over everything. I'm a bit confused about output strategies and markup regions, because I saw a lot of different approaches and couldn't really tell which the current recommended one is.

Somehow I ended up like this:

<body class="">

        <!-- Header -->
        <?php include "_header.php"; ?>
        <!-- Navigation -->
        <?php include "_navigation.php"; ?>
        <!-- Main -->
        <main class="">
            <?= $content ?>
        <!-- Footer -->
        <?php include "_footer.php"; ?>


_header.php - ..and on the other layout _*.php files, just using HTML inline php like this:
<header class="">
	<a href="<?= $home->url; ?>">


1-home.php for the home page template
2-about.php for an about page template - numbered for better overview - using $content .="" for markup regions
namespace ProcessWire;
$content .= "<h1 class=''>{$page->title}</h1>";
$content .= "<div class=''>{$page->introduction}</div>";

1. Can you please tell me if this is a good way (in late 2024) to structure templates?

2. A problem that I have with the $content .="" approach is that code highlighting and automatic code formatting doesn't really work in VS Code for me then (could be a setup problem).

Thanks in advance for tips and best practices

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Hello and welcome to processwire! 

The short answer is there is no recommended way. Processwire leaves that completely open to the user.

Some like markup regions, I don't. Some use template engines like latte or twig, others don't. 

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