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Everything posted by nurkka
I would recommend Markup Regions over storing markup in PHP-variables, because then you can work with actual markup and have good code highlighting and autocomplete. Also, try using custom page classes for the business logic of your templates. This was a huge game changer. And you could also use RockFrontend and LATTE - which I would recommend, because in my opinion it is better to use a "real" template engine and not PHP for writing markup.
I just discovered this post from @interrobang with an update for the PHPStorm Metadata File .phpstorm.meta.php in /wire/core/ . Although this has not directly anything to do with LATTE, I leave the link here because it really helps with autocompletion/code suggestions in PHPStorm, e.g. it now also suggests hooks. Thanks @interrobang!
Hi all! I currently have fun using latte templates within ProcessWire via RockFrontend. After trying for many weeks now, I was finally able to implement some code completion / code suggestions by doing this: {varType ProcessWire\DefaultPage $page} <section class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> {$page->doSomething()} </div> </div> </section> So, by adding the first line, my IDE (PHPStorm) recognizes the $page variable and gives me code completion/suggestions, e.g. listing all available methods of $page (which in this case has the class DefaultPage). But I had no luck with the ProcessWire functions like page(), config(), etc. – they are not recognized at all by the IDE. Does anyone know how to make an IDE aware of those functions in LATTE? It would be great if one could use LATTE exactly as if one was writing PHP.
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Hi all, when using the following selector, ProcessWire finds all pages, not only those with the CheckboxReversed "checkbox_export" checked. $ps = pages()->find('checkbox_export!=1, sort=id, include=hidden, status<' . Page::statusTrash); foreach($ps as $p){ var_dump($p->title); } As a workaround I added the following condition: $ps = pages()->find('checkbox_export!=1, sort=id, include=hidden, status<' . Page::statusTrash); foreach($ps as $p){ if ($p->hasField('checkbox_export')) var_dump($p->title); } I wonder if there is any "native" selector technique, where you can check if a field exists on a page. Something like "has_field", but that does not exists. At least I found nothing in the docs. Does anyone know the trick, if there is any?
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MediaManager 0.1.2: Error when upgrading from PW 3.0.210 to PW 3.0.229
nurkka replied to nurkka's topic in Media Manager
Thanks @kongondo ! I'll send you the login data in a PM. -
Thanks @bernhard ! And if the client already changed and added content, one could possibly use a tool to export pages on the remote server and import them in the local environment, if that is necessary. I'll have a look at ryan's ProcessPagesExportImport module.
My last project has finally been launched, but there were still a few subsequent changes that I made locally in my DDEV. So, I downloaded the DB and newer files from the remote server, made the changes locally and then uploaded the whole thing again. By doing that, I accidentially deleted contact form entries that had arrived in the meantime. That's no problem in this small project, but leads to the conclusion, that one could not use such a workflow in websites with any frontend user generated content - even if it is only a simple contact form that saves its entries. Also timestamps of pages and log data like from ProcessChangeLog would not be preserved. Unless one would have a second database and “somehow” collect all user-generated data in the second database. So the idea would be: one database for core, modules, fields, templates and settings – and another database just for "user stuff" like contact forms, log data, etc. Would be interesting, if there are any approaches for this, or if anyone has ever done this before!
MediaManager 0.1.2: Error when upgrading from PW 3.0.210 to PW 3.0.229
nurkka replied to nurkka's topic in Media Manager
Hi @kongondo , the described error still persists, and we can't update the ProcessWire version. Do you have any hints what I can do to avoid this error or is there a bugfix release of MediaManager? -
I am using ProcessWire as CMS for a shop system. I wanted to prevent ProcessWire-URLs from getting called directly, so I redirected all requests, which were not from the shop system, to the start page of the shop. That includes also POST-requests. Now, I restricted the redirects to GET requests only, and that works also with the newer TracyDebugger versions. Also, I have a condition which checks if the request goes to the frontend or to the backend. I think a request to "./" is to the backend and therefore it worked, but now "/" goes to the frontend, which is redirected in any case.
I tested all TracyDebugger versions back to 4.26.26 and the issue starts with version 4.26.27. It is the following line in /panels/ConsolePanel.php: # /panels/ConsolePanel.php line 406 xmlhttp.open("POST", "/", true); When I change the line to it's previous version, it works for me: xmlhttp.open("POST", "./", true); Could that be some hosting specific issue? Could it be triggered by .htaccess rules? Okay, I deleted my ready.php and it works too, so it's likely a correlation with some crazy redirect stuff I am using. I'll test that ... Edit: Yes, my redirect code in ready.php caused the error. Thanks for your help @adrian – and thanks again for the great TracyDebugger module. I couldn't imagine to ever work without it again!
Thanks @adrian , refreshing the modules did not change anything, but I could narrow the issue down a little bit, because it just occurs on websites of the same "type" I was making. I.e. they are using the same set of modules and a lot of the same template code. I think I will now search in my template code first ...
Here is a quick report regarding one of the newest versions. I tested 4.26.42. In this version, the PHP console doesn't work anymore: The output window only shows "0:". Tested on two different hosting providers with three different PW installations. Downgrading to Tracy Debugger 4.26.26 fixes the problem.
Hi all! I am relatively new to RockMigrations and admittedly don't (yet) understand every aspect. In my last project, I worked successfully with a local DDEV processwire installation and manually deployed that to a staging and a production server. The client now had some changes and extra wishes after the launch, which I implemented in my local version of the website. In the meantime, the client also made changes on the production website. So now, I have two different versions of the websites's content in the database. Of course I have the migrations for fields and templates in my migrations files, so this is not a problem. But I will definitely lose the changes I made locally to existing pages, like adding the newly implemented content elements and their content, because now, after the website's launch, I can't simply overwrite the production database with my local one. Is there a way in RockMigrations, to write Migrations to add content to existing pages? In my case, I used RockPageBuilder, and added new RockPageBuilder blocks to several pages, and filled them with new content. How do you deal with such a situation in your workflow?
@bernhard In my case, installing DDEV within WSL2 didn't work. I then switched to the Windows version of DDEV, so now I have DDEV as a Windows program, using Mutagen ... I didn't try again to install it within WSL2, because it didn't work in the first place, and that did cost a lot of time ... and I can have all the files in my "normal" filesystem. But if using DDEV within WSL2 is the way to go on Windows, I will also try that 🙂
Hi all, I have another question, this time regarding DDEV on a Mac. After having such problems with performance on my Windows 11 laptop I am considering to switch to a Mac. I have the impression that most of you work on a Mac (?), and would hope that the overall and especially DDEV performance is better there. Regarding my recent performance problems, I could imagine that these are related to the Mutagen file system synchronisation between the Windows file system and DDEV. => Has the filesystem on a Mac also to be synchronized between MacOS and DDEV, or are they using the same file system? If the filesystems also have to be synchronized, then using WSL2 and getting PHPStorm to run within WSL2 would probably be the better option. => Does anyone have experience with DDEV on MacOS regarding the file system synchronisation or does anybody use PHPStorm within WSL2 and could share some insights?
Thanks again for the great suggestions! All-Inkl, WebGo and (not so much, but also) Hetzner are now definitely on my list. Regarding All-Inkl, I only heard positive feedback over the years - never any negative comments! I must admit, that I was so curious about Mittwald's new mStudio UI and the proSpace hosting, that I now clicked the smallest proSpace lite hosting for my first ProcessWire project that I have to migrate. Fortunately, I can always switch later, because I have no domains or email accounts in those project(s). The mStudio offers a CLI tool, where one can e.g. add an SSH account remotely from one's own shell - and a lot of other things, like creating databases etc. I think that's really great and feels like a gamechanger in the same league as DDEV and @bernhard 's RockShell and RockMigrations. Since I discovered how much faster one can work by using DDEV, shell scripts and bernhard's modules, that CLI feature really fits great into my new workflow. I hope the Mittwald proSpace hosting also is realiable and not so expensive in the end, when I have to switch to production 🙂
I wonder if it would be possible to use a standalone ProcessWire to import a database dump. As I am using RockShell, one has to initially use phpMyAdmin or adminer etc. to import the database once. After that, RockShell is able to import database dumps. Would be great to have the possibility to omit the manual step and only use RockShell. Does anyone know, if this could be achieved with a standalone processwire, like described by @bernhard?
Thanks for your suggestions! @zoeck I thought if one has a IPv4 (as long as there are any left) everything works fine? As I don't know much about the implications of IPv6 - can it be a disantvantage to not have it?
Today, my shop provider, where I am hosting a dozen PHP websites (mostly ProcessWire and some Wordpress), announced that they will give up PHP hosting. It always was really reliable and we had no downtime at all in nearly 10 years. So, now I am searching for a new webhosting. With all that legal stuff like GDPR, I think it has to be in europe, because my clients are from Germany, Netherlands and Austria. And it must be very fast and reliable, and PHP must be configurable, so that I can raise memory limit, upload filesize, post max variables etc. to a decent maximum. Which hosting providers would you currently recommend?
Thanks @bernhard , for the info, that RockMigrations deployments are using symlinks. I am using RockMigrations but not RockMigrations deployments (yet). So if ProcessWire doesn't use symlinks, I could simply comment out those two symlink directives and would have only one version of my .htaccess to maintain. Do you or does anybody know if ProcessWire itself uses symlinks?
I often have problems with the ProcessWire .htaccess file. As my clients are using different hosting providers and I am working with DDEV locally, I have to deal with htaccess issues very often. The main problem seems to be the directive `Options +FollowSymLinks` and `Options +SymLinksifOwnerMatch`, but sometimes also the other options, which are marked as error 500 critical in the ProcessWire htaccess file. Currently, I have a project with two different htaccess files, because the staging and production server allow and deny different options. - Is `Options +FollowSymLinks` or `Options +SymLinksifOwnerMatch` really needed? Or can they be omitted?
@bernhard Which library or service did you choose in the end?
Ah, yes, I am already using the feature to deactivate RockPageBuilder.min.css. The question why I started this thread was the ability to rename the CSS file which RockPageBuilder automatically generated from all block LESS files. The default is main.css and main.min.css, but I couldn't find any setting, where one could rename this CSS files. It would have been nice, to be able to rename the autogenerated CSS, but while finishing my last project, I came to the conclusion not to use the block LESS files, because personally, I am using SCSS for global styles, and so I wrote my block styles in my SCSS in another place. So in my case, the main.css is not generated by RockPagebuilder anymore. I would find it cool, if I could use the block style files again, but then only with SCSS and that would surely mean a lot of work on your part. So for now, we could leave this topic, as the feature to rename the main.css seems not to be needed right now.
Thanks @bernhard ! I installed RockPageBuilder 5.9.1, but I can't find the setting anywhere and also in the docs. Sorry, perhaps I should call it a day for today and try again tomorrow 🙂